Include links to the author’s social media profiles. The most common content strategies. Get ideas from the best Author Newsletters and start creating yours - it is Easy and Free! how the remains of Richard III were identified,,,,,, 12 Key Research Topics For Self-Publishing Authors (Part II) – Dani J. Norwell, Ep 294 Content ideas for author newsletters, and meet Mick Elliott, author of the Squidge Dibley series. This would create interest and insight into … 8. It might be either signed copies of your books, or fun swag that you picked up on a trip. 39. I bill it as the only live interview for authors on the internet. 14. That is not very specific, I know, so here’s a list of things authors can put in their newsletters. A statement that we hear all the time is, “Fiction writers don’t need to blog! 48. — Read on […], […] 14 Content Ideas for Author Newsletters :: The Book Designer […], […] Need inspiration for newsletter content? If you are an author looking for ideas for blog posts (or if you’ve run out of blog post ideas), you have come to the right place. People appreciate being heard, and they like it when their opinion is sought on an important topic, so why not use your newsletter to ask questions? Required fields are marked *, Notify me of followup comments via e-mail, − Learn how your comment data is processed. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Don’t create a full-fledged editorial calendar yet. Everyone comes out ahead on this one. Thank you for such an informative post that will help me improve my newsletters. Add an infographic. If you come across a video on sword-making, or a paper on famines, while researching for your next book, you might mention them in your newsletter, and explain how these details impacted your story. Just generate ideas, plan articles in advance, and survey your customers about your newsletter content ideas… Spice up your subject lines. | Australian Writers’ Centre blog, Writer Newsletter Survey Results | Stray Thoughts, Die Woche im Rückblick 07.06. bis 13.06.2019 - Wieken-Verlag Autorenservice, the single topic newsletter lets you demonstrate your expertise, the “buffet”-style can be three or four times as useful to your subscribers, contributing creative skills to the campaign, sharing your launch campaign on social media. Keep it simple, keep it catchy. Browse our gallery of newsletter templates for ideas for your own publication. What have you used successfully in your newsletter? However, I realize those ideas … Offer giveaways—yours or others’ books in your genre, gift cards, or book-related goodies. For permission to reprint articles from this site, please contact, Marin Bookworks 369-B Third Street #572 San Rafael, CA 94901. Practical advice to help build better books, by Nate Hoffelder on June 13, 2019 21 Comments. Not only will this introduce your readers to new authors, it will also help those authors find new readers. We’re all busy people and we find ourselves spending less and less … One thing to add to your list would be sharing things about your life as a writer – where you work, your process, struggles, etc. 32. I may well do that in my upcoming blog, although a question: I used to post about ‘how to write’ and ‘how to promote’ and sometimes allowed other authors to write a post. 36. Display a list of upcoming events. 11. Alert subscribers to promotions, special pricing on your books, and when pre-ordering is available. Use a tool like Canva to create a cool infographic for your newsletter. This might seem like fluff to some, but a lot of readers like hearing jokes that rely on clever word play. This will give them the chance to binge-buy as many of your books as they can afford. Media consumption list. | Australia, Digital Pubbing - 79 Resources for Planning, Launching, and Marketing Your Book, 14 Content Ideas for Author Newsletters - The Book Designer - Lacrecia’s books,, Ep 294 Content ideas for author newsletters, and meet Mick Elliott, author of the Squidge Dibley series. Below, you’ll find a great list of blog post ideas … Recount personal experiences that appeared in a book in some form. You could ask your readers to choose between several cover designs, or ask them which of your characters they like the most (that character might be popular for a spin off novel! Keep up the great work. Oh, and don’t forget your online events like webinars or live streams for podcasts! Questions about … Behind the scenes. 45. It took me a long time to figure out what to share in my newsletter bc I wanted it to be more than my blog, which is where I share thoughts on creativity and painting. On my website, wordrefinerdotcom, look for a review with lots of comments, that is the interview. 9. It’s true in real estate and it’s true in … I have traveled a different path, Eileen. Book Author Newsletter Examples created with MailerLite. Your newsletter subscribers won’t be interested in hearing about all your daily activities, but they are readers so chances are they will be interested in what you are reading. I would not include the entire post unless it is shorter than 400 words, however, because a 1,500-word or 2,000-word newsletter will cause some to lose interest, and even unsubscribe from your newsletter. Reveal the expanded backstory you used to develop a character. You can share tempting excerpts from a book before it is released, or share the bonus chapters where the story continues. you plan to attend over the next few months so they can plan ahead and meet you at one of those events. The short answer is that you can have anything that will interest your readers. At the same time, you need to be careful to limit how many reviews you mention in a newsletter; if you include too many, readers will lose interest. Great post! (That’s how I buy ebooks, at least…). 10. 7. While you’re at it, why not embed a form into the email so that your readers can respond right away? 24. One of the best ways to sell your books is to share what others say about them, which is why you should consider sharing excerpts of reader reviews in your newsletter. Reader-generated content. In my experience readers who are interested in SF are also interested in cutting edge science and tech, and readers who like fantasy also like to read about related topics like how food production impacted migration, etc. 6. Include images, artwork, and personal photos. .hide-if-no-js { It takes a team to launch a book, or so I am told, and your newsletter is a great place to find new team members. You’ll find lots of great designs here so you don’t have to create one from scratch, saving you lots of time and energy. (That’s what I do.). We also send out occasional newsletters … Recount your experiences at book events. If so, share them with us in the comments. Impart supplemental information about your characters. And I really enjoy connecting with other artists and sharing their work. Photos of readers holding your book? Try these 50 suggestions for author newsletter content. IDEAS 1-10 Company Information IDEAS 31-40 Put a Human Face on Your Business IDEAS 11-20 Product Updates and How-Tos IDEAS 21-30 Content, Content, Content IDEAS: 41-45 Help and Support IDEAS 46-50 Event Information 50 Must-Have Content Ideas for Your Email Newsletter Email newsletters … Have a clean, unique design… I know I do, that’s why I don’t have a newsletter. Do you book readers enjoy your interviews? 12. Click to tweet. Direct subscribers to articles you’ve recently published. 22. 0 How to Start an Author Newsletter Using MailChimp. I have been publishing my newsletter for about three years now, and in that time my biggest stumbling block has been content. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Drop clues throughout the issue that’ll solve a puzzle. Do you have more ideas for newsletter content? By Dana Leipold/ Here’s an interesting question: should authors or writers have an email list? That’s why when I partnered with The Book Designer for a series of posts on the newsletters, I knew that one installment would focus on what to put in a newsletter. AUTHOR NEWSLETTER CONTENT IDEAS . Invite Subscribers to Your Events and Specials. 15. The answer is, absolutely. Your readers will want to meet you in person, so you should be sure to share your public events schedule. Offer installments of short stories or multiple aspects on the same subject. Don’t feel bad: Sometimes, coming up with new ideas for blog posts is difficult even for the best writers. Thanks, Jonathan. Include a blog to showcase the author’s personality and/or writing process. Generally speaking, newsletters fall into one of two broad categories: For the longest time I have sent out newsletters devoted to a single topic. I would not include the entire post unless it is shorter than 400 words, however, because a 1,500-word or 2,000-word newsletter will cause some to lose interest, and even unsubscribe from your newsletter. 5. Write fun facts about your writing process. Your email address will not be published. Each issue focuses on a different topic and pulls together the very best content all in one place! I always have a running list of ideas that come to me throughout the month. 17. Turn your … 3. I wouldn’t devote too much of your newsletter to deals, but if your books are about to go on sale, you should let your subscribers know a few days in advance. Tell what sparked book locations, plots, or characters. But my focus is on readers now. This is where you offer a peek behind the curtain of your current project, bringing fans … A great way to reward your newsletter subscribers and keep them coming back for more is to give them exclusive content–or if not exclusive, at least give it to them first. Provide a way to contact the author. 20. There is a lot of writerly experience and wisdom shared in the interviews. Thanks for the great post! That’s why few people enjoy getting an email … This will help you forge a connection with your readers, and also turn them on to new authors. I think people are interested in the life of creatives even if they don’t do that type of work. ... That theme will help you brainstorm ideas about your newsletter. This worked well for me because I write non-fiction and offer technical services, but lately I have started to transition to a “buffet” style newsletter so I could share a half-dozen interesting bits of information that reader would find useful. Engagement • September 25, 2017 7 creative ideas for your employee newsletter. Design your page in a way that gives prominence to your form. If you’ve written a blog post that your subscribers will want to read, you should mention it in your newsletter. Tags author email list, author emails, author marketing, Author newsletter, email growth strategies, email marketing, email marketing strategies, email marketing tips, email newsletter… Give subscribers a slice of your life as a writer. How could they?” I couldn’t disagree more! Your … Share life milestones: marriage, new baby, educational degrees (best to post only milestones for personal information). Sure, you could ask them to email you, or you could link to a Google form, but if you embed a form you can eliminate one step in the process, and increase the number of responses. Provide a sample chapter or excerpts. Whatever industry you’re in, our mix of pre-made templates can fit various design needs. 31. Be easy to navigate. Want to receive these e-newsletters? 2. The best company newsletters are informative, interactive and engaging. (They were found in a carpark, buried under a two-door.). Add a table of contents (lengthy newsletters). You should keep a copy in a Word file and then paste it into the newsletter. Note outside news or events related to topics in your book. 25. 46. The last tip post I did with regards to newsletter content ideas was on 5 specific content ideas for your newsletters that would keep your subscribers wanting to open your emails. Pass on endorsements, a quote, or a discussion about your book. Add a specialty corner: writing tips, book-related recipes, historical facts, gardening tips—anything you have expertise in. The technical details were easy to iron out, graphics were a relatively simple problem that could be solved by Canva’s stock templates, and growing my mailing list wasn’t too hard, but figuring out what to put in my newsletter had me stumped. For example, if you write historical fiction set in Great Britain in the middle ages, you might tell your readers about how the remains of Richard III were identified. Post readers’ contributions (reviews, a book-related how-to, or their takeaway from yours or other authors’ … ), or you might ask them what they are reading so you can find out more about your readers. 50 Ideas for Author Newsletter Content 1. This is where you curate the best stuff you saw, read, listened to, ate, visited, played, and so on. Relate lessons you’ve learned from writing a book. While you’re at it, you might also mention your vacation travel plans. We usually send out newsletters once a week with a preview for the latest blog posts, plus a round up of related blog posts (it breaks the rule about not duplicating content somewhat, but we’ve found it works).  =  35. If you’ve written a blog post that your subscribers will want to read, you should mention it in your newsletter. We’ve talked before about the importance of building your author platform. 40. Discuss social themes associated with your book. Original content – While recycling content is cool for your blog, your newsletter should be 100% original content… Enlist a character to host the newsletter post. […], […] Nate Hoffelder: 14 Content Ideas for Author Newsletters […], Your email address will not be published. All of which was really aimed at other authors. If they do it’s a great approach I might take a serious look at. Provide an obvious way to subscribe for updates. It’s important for indie authors to know how to write an author bio that tells readers: who you are, what you write, why readers should trust you, and how you stand out from other writers.. 49. Here you will find past issues of our e-newsletter. 13. Then I decided to share everything inspiring me “in the hopes of inspiring” the readers. BTW, this event calendar is one of those things that you can recycle from one newsletter to the next. Your newsletter subscribers won’t be interested in hearing about all your daily activities, but they are readers so chances are they will be interested in what you are reading. Use your name in the “from” field. I’d definitely enter a contest to try to win the poster or the model–and if I lost I would probably go buy the model – and the poster, too. Here are fourteen ideas. - Australian Writers' Centre Ep 294 Content ideas for author newsletters, and meet Mick Elliott, author of the Squidge Dibley series. Readers are always looking for new books, and if you know of books in your genre that they might like, you should mention them from time to time. 30. Both types of newsletters have their merits: But no matter which type of newsletter you choose, they can both include the same type of content. There is so much a fiction writer could blog about and connect with … Receiving fan art? They don’t give you ideas … If you want to read more about what you can put in your newsletter, I found a number of great posts on the topic, including: Filed Under: Contributing Writers, Marketing Tagged With: email newsletters, Nate Hoffelder. Feature book reviews of others’ books. Share handouts from your speaking engagements. Briefly mention the books … For example, I’d really like it if I could get a poster or a model of one of the ships in the SF series I read. 28. Interview an author in your genre. Include a photo of your writing space. If you can, you should also make sure that the reviewer is a subscriber to the newsletter; they will love that you value their effort, so sharing their review is a great way to pay them back for writing it. ( Since that decision I haven’t really struggled with what to include because I’m naturally finding inspiration in life and online. 2. Share helps that have made your life easier. See more ideas about newsletter content ideas, marketing, author. Every author enjoys the interview a lot. Chief Executive magazine (published since 1977) is the definitive source that CEOs turn to for insight and ideas that help increase their effectiveness and grow their business. I focus more on their writing and publishing experience. 38. display: none !important; (In some cases they have found that bodies buried with swords which had been assumed to be men were actually women.). Ask your subscribers if they can help you launch your next book by: If one of your readers says yes, add them to a special mailing list for your launch team, and while you are at it you should also plan how you will reward them with perks. This classroom newsletter template stands out from the rest with muted colors, an inspiring header image, and lots of… Announce book signings, speaking engagements, and other events with detailed attendance information. […] Thus, I found it really useful to research topics like expert tips for mailing list emails and what to include in an author newsletter (more on that here and here, too). Request and publish subscribers’ nominations of the best book in your genre. Register for … Mastering your online author presence is something all modern writers need to learn how to do – especially those who are self-published.. An important part of that platform and online presence is an author newsletter… 33. If you come across a joke on Facebook that is relevant to your genre, you should consider including it in your next newsletter. It’s live because anyone can join in and ask a question or leave a comment. 19. Where newsletter publishers used to be the smartest people in the room, they are now the sad old fuddy-duddies of the online marketing world, hopelessly outdated, clinging desperately to a dying technology, destined to be crushed by new and savvier competitors. Give your thoughts about the writing industry. I interview authors on my website, as part of a weekly book promotion. }. With that in mind, the following are a few ideas to help you design your newsletter. For example, an SF author might keep their subscribers apprised of new exoplanents announcements such as the earth-sized planet that was discovered orbiting Proxima Centauri back in 2016. 41. Post readers’ contributions (reviews, a book-related how-to, or their takeaway from yours or other authors’ books). Feb 10, 2018 - Author newsletters | newsletter content ideas | Building your mailing list | Ideas for when you have your mailing list built and need newsletter ideas for engaging subscribers and driving sales | mailing list newsletter marketing strategies. Thank you for validating my choice. Before you settle on a newsletter title, try brainstorming the content you will publish for the first several newsletters. It got so bad that I even let three or four months go by before sending out a newsletter, which is terrible because it gave subscribers time to forget me or lose interest. The benefits of author newsletters. But, why? Isn’t a website, a … Discuss hobbies, places, or events you enjoy. Share writing milestones: signing an agent, book contracts, book releases, book awards. Or, a historical fiction author might share a link to a news story about DNA-testing Viking skeletons. I have been doing this for well over a year. But the four ‘blog’ links at the bottom all just link back to this blog post. Introduce your team; provide short bios on your agent, editor, etc. Their goal is to not only make … (Who fortunately are also book buyers.). 26. I think a lot of people struggle with that. Hold character interviews—discuss issues your character faced. Tell me what’s working for you in the comments and share your best ideas for other authors! If you are going to be in a region near some of your readers, and you have the time and energy, you might meet them for coffee. Well, shoot – I don’t know how that happened! 16. If you’re using your own publishing, website, or blog name, you … Here are some ideas for fresh content you can send out: News or Events related to your book topic Author Interviews Round-up of articles published on your blog Fun facts about your writing … Chief Executive Group also produces e-newsletters … 10 Ways Introverted Writers Can Handle Marketing Their Books on Patty Wysong's Patterings, You Can Get Published Even If You Never [Fill in the Blank] on Marian Merritt's Lagniappe, Sink or Publish: It's All How You See Adversity on Seriously Write, Interview With Zoe M. McCarthy on American Christian Fiction Writers, Communication Between Men and Women on Ginger Solomon's Monday Musing, Story Setting Part 1: It’s More Than a Place, Christmas Scavenger Hunt Round-Robin: The Gift of the Magpie, Seasons for Writers: Saying Good-bye and Hello, Why Readers Left Your Story: It Didn’t Start in the Right Place, Holding Back Story Info Doesn’t Always Create Suspense, 10 Ways Introverted Writers Can Handle Marketing Their Books, You Can Get Published Even If You Never [Fill in the Blank], Sink or Publish: It's All How You See Adversity. As you say, authors are also readers, or at least they should be. Newsletter content ideas to keep your newsletter interesting. People like to feel noticed. You can also reward your subscribers by running a contest where you give away something your readers will value. Insert links to blog, website, Amazon and Goodreads author pages, and reviews. Share the story behind the novel’s story. Good article – especially re sharing reviews, putting a survey form right in an email, and talking about other books. Hi Peter, you can sign up for the Author Media newsletter here. A collection of your main character’s journal/diary entries. Those same readers are also interested in news that touches on the books they like to read, so if you find a story that either changes the background of one of your stories (or even better yet, news that invalidates accepted tropes in your genre) you should include them in your newsletter. Briefly mention the books you’re reading in a 100-word to 200-word review, and explain why you like or dislike them. Kindleprenuer’s most recent post on this topic can help you […], […] 14 Content Ideas for Author Newsletters […], […] “14 Content Ideas for Author Newsletters” on The Book Designer […], […] I have been publishing my newsletter for about three years now, and in that time my biggest stumbling block has been content. 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