Because insurgents rely on their links with the local population for securing their survival and advancing their cause, governments that implement counter-terrorism strategies to engage insurgency movements are unlikely to emerge victorious. 11, p. 918. Once these COIN techniques were proven successful in isolating the insurgents, U.S. forces launched the second phase of the “Surge”. In a time when we’re now required to arrive so many hours before departure, with full-body scans and metal detectors, it seems like a much more innocent and relaxed time in America, and International society, for that matter—cause the ruling government to respond terrorist actions by actions and laws not previously in place. CT and COIN are not interchangeable either. Conversely, CT strategies adopted in insurgency scenarios alienate the population, creating the perfect breeding ground for radicalisation and political violence, indirectly strengthening the insurgency. Secondly, once insurgents are alienated from the local communities and lack the protection of the greater population, they become highly vulnerable to CT strategies. But it runs the risk of pushing them into the arms of the broader insurgencies in Mindanao, the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and Moro National Liberation … In the French, Vietnamese and American insurrections, attacks were predominantly against the government and then against the local populace loyal to the prior government. As previously mentioned, adapting the wrong strategies in such contexts not only inhibits the government’s success, but may also spawn backlashes, inadvertently strengthen the insurgents’ grip over local communities, and protract the conflict. Unlike the majority of terrorist organisations, insurgent groups consider it paramount to gain legitimacy from the greater population by championing deeper issues and grievances within society. They’re trying to say that by using past techniques they are the same. In other words, insurgencies are long-term conflicts that the insurgent party wages with the intention of overthrowing the government to take its place. Third, the book sheds light on the counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency (CT-COIN) structures and mechanisms established by specific African states to contain, degrade, and eliminate terrorism, insurgency, and organised violence on the continent, particularly the successes, constraints, and challenges of the emerging CT-COIN mechanisms. 2, p. 342. [12] Kilcullen, The Accidental Guerrilla, p. 115-185. Global Research, March 13, 2017. Consequently, understanding the difference between counter-terrorism (CT) and counter-insurgency (COIN) is a precondition for effectively engaging and disrupting terrorist organisations and insurgency movements, and this understanding is underpinned by the idea that ‘counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency are [neither] mutually exclusive’ nor interchangeable[2]. What the present major type of terrorist is ignoring is that most of the “terrorist” attacks were directed at the military. It concludes with a section on civil affairs. Now that we know what insurgency and terrorism are. He explained that irregular warfare included counter-insurgency, counter-terrorism, unconventional warfare, foreign internal defense, sabotage and subversion, as well as stabilization and information operations. Afghan Special Forces seized a large cache of explosives in Ghazni. What America needs to do is implement both a counter-terrorism (CT) and counter-insurgency (CS) policy. The separation of the definition is between Al Queda and the Taliban; and the Sunnis and their ilk, and say the Hamas, which is not only a terrorist organization, but a political party. Write. Therefore, successful COIN efforts, instead of only seeking to kill insurgents and disrupt their networks, are mainly directed at severing the link between insurgents and local communities (population-centric approaches). Test. In Pakistan, there are three distinct categories of militants: the Afghan-centric Pashtun militants; the Kashmir-centric Punjabi militants; and the transnational terrorists, like al-Qaeda. This is because insurgents benefit from being deeply interconnected with local communities and, when the government launches large-scale operations, they can rely on the protection from the local population to melt away and ‘go quiet’[9]. Efforts to weaken the al Qa'ida-linked terrorist group al Shabaab in Somalia have had some success, but the U.S. campaign there is in … Terrorism and Counterinsurgency Burke Chair reports on Terrorism and Counterinsurgency provide up-to-date analyses on the global threat posed by militants, non-state actors, and terrorist groups, and the mix of asymmetric warfare and proliferation of weapons of mass destruction. Russia’s brutal hunt for the alleged “terrorists” in Chechnya caused the death of innocent civilians, alienated local communities and created the perfect breeding ground for radicalisation and protracted violence in the region[10]. By Nauman Sadiq. Choosing the Right Strategy: (Counter)Insurgency and (Counter)Terrorism as Competing Paradigms, The Influence and Stability of the United Kingdom: The National Security Ramifications of a No Deal Brexit, UK Access to EU Databases: The National Security Ramifications of a No Deal Brexit. This new global insurgent, on the other hand, uses the terrorist to create fear and modify the actions of local governments, and the interactions between the world’s governments. The DoD defines CT as ‘activities and operations taken to neutralize terrorists, their organizations, and networks in order to render them incapable of using violence to instil fear and coerce governments or societies to achieve their goals’[7]. The best definition for terrorism I’ve been able to find is the one by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI): Terrorism is the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a Government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives. Even after having fought terrorism and insurgencies for more than 150 years, the military and the Capitol still have problems defining the difference between counter-terrorism (CoTer) and counter-insurgency (CoIn). It is thus not rare for governments to implement countermeasures that, without causing significant damages to the insurgents, generate civilian casualties, alienate local communities, and indirectly legitimise the insurgents in the eyes of the population. On one level they’re right. Contemporary terrorist studies knowledge, particularly within an international relations context, touts the idea that states are justified and understandably employ brute force as a sole factor in counter insurgency efforts and thus lack a nuanced, intersectional perspective on the “nature, causes and responses to terrorism” (Jackson, 2007: 245). [14] Pratt, S. (2010, December 21). What is the difference between counterinsurgency and counter-terrorism?. bryanna_mojica. US counter-terrorism abroad: Fighting terrorism or encouraging it? In 2003, the Department of Defense approved the USSOCOM counter-terrorism campaign plan, which includes both direct and indirect actions to achieve the strategic objective of defeating radical Islamic organizations. But when it comes to confronting alienated individuals determined to spread fear among the population, COIN efforts are generally ineffective. Gravity. The two are not mutually exclusive because if properly implemented their joint action can turn out to be highly successful in tackling terrorism and insurgency. Hence, before implementing CT strategies, the government must first win the population’s support. Terrorism and insurgency are two distinct models of violent conflict. However, confusion leads to counterproductive outcomes and, instead of containing and reducing threats, misguided measures have the potential to exacerbate the impact of political violence. Unlike the American and French Revolutionary (both insurgents were occupied with home rule), yet very much like the Bolshevik Revolutionary, which saw Russia as only a first step, this terrorist is focused on the whole populace with an objective of turning the world into an Islamic state…much like the past militant Leninist and Stalinist following Marxist rhetoric. To follow the traditional definition of “terrorism”, and therefore create a campaign of “counterterrorism”, brings into the question the difference between a “terrorist” and a “freedom fighter”. Categories News March 2020 Tags Law Enforcement, Security, IED, India, HME, Counter terrorism, Counter Insurgency, Bomb Making Materials, Telangana state. Let’s move on to counterinsurgency and counterterrorism. The Vietcong’s uprising in South Vietnam against the central government in Saigon (1954-1976) and the Taliban’s attempts to overthrow the Afghan Government and obtain its power throughout the last 18 years are famous examples of protracted insurgencies. 5, No. Also, unlike the spreading of Communism that was fueled by terrorist acts committed by insurgents in countries throughout Latin America, Asia and Africa, not to mention the Red Brigades in Japan and Germany, had focused on taking political power. The United States Armed Forces use the term foreign internal defense for programs that support other countries in attempts to suppress insurgency, lawlessness, or subversion or to reduce the conditions under which these threats to security may develop. And, in understanding the differences constructing and conducting appropriate responses. Effectively implementing CoTer and CoIn, takes into the account these differences and doesn’t get sucked into focusing on CoTer when CoIn is more appropriate, and vice versa. [7] United States Department of Defense (2014) Joint Publication 3-26: Counterterrorism, U.S. Government Printing Office, p. I-5. Nevertheless, the marriage between CT and COIN is profitable only when the government is facing insurgents that adopt terrorism as one of their strategies. Fighting a political party that has terrorism wing is a lot easier than fighting a global jihad that has not intention of taking anything, only creating wave of hysteria and fear, often using tactics contrary to the very religion they espouse. Global Counter Terror (GCT) Magazine | Powered by, Green Beret Pocket Guide to Terrorism Awareness and Personal Security by Brian Morris. (2013) “Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Russia: Contending Paradigms and Current Perspectives,” Studies in Conflict & Terrorism, Vol 36, No. Operations and Counterinsurgency Doctrine 358 Timothy L. Thomas 19 The Key Role of Psychological Operations in Countering Terrorism 380 Jerrold M. Post Part IV: Intelligence and Counterintelligence 20 The Contemporary Challenges of Counterterrorism Intelligence 397 Jennifer E. Sims. Networking event in New York, NY by International Crime and Justice MA on Monday, November 18 2019 But it was the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that made counterterrorism a pillar of domestic and foreign policy in the U.S. and beyond. Although terrorism is a long-lasting feature of political violence, counter-terrorism as a stand-alone strategy was developed during the 1970s and gained substantial importance in the post-9/11 era[4][5]. And recall how much trouble the President Obama’s administration wouldn’t even call it the “War on Terror”? [3] United States Department of Defense (2014) Joint Publication 3-26: Counterterrorism, U.S. Government Printing Office, p. I-5. GCT MAG ADJUSTS TO THE WINDS OF CHANGE: Are You Prepared? This is defined by Kilcullen as ‘a competition with the insurgent for the right and ability to win hearts, minds, and acquiescence of the population’[11]. Spell. Match. Distinguishing between terrorism and insurgency is becoming increasingly challenging for policy-makers and military planners. For the U.S. military, two such related concepts probably lead to more confusion than others. In-depth Report: PAKISTAN. PLAY. Learn. Military planners started to consider terrorism and insurgency as two separate threats when terrorist groups throughout the 70s composed of alienated individuals, such as the Italian Red Brigades and the German Red Army Faction, engaged in a season of attacks without achievable aims or trying to obtain popular support[6]. [9] Kilcullen, D (2009) The Accidental Guerrilla: Fighting Small Wars in the Midst of a Big One: Oxford University Press, p. 32. Eliminate terrorists wherever possible, yet try to gain the support of the people. It was also the day that I was told it was exactly what the hijackers wanted to happen in the United States: effecting daily routines of the American people. The National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) was tasked with reviewing the literature relevant to counter‐terrorism and counter‐insurgency in support of the broader project U.S. Policy-makers and military officials often confuse insurgency for terrorism and vice versa because the two phenomena share many commonalities. The long-term presence of security forces at the local level prevented the insurgents from controlling key areas and shifted the population’s allegiance from the insurgents to the security forces. If no single definition of terrorism produces a precise, unambiguous description, we can approach the question by eliminating similar activities that are not terrorism, but that appear to overlap. As Kilcullen states, ‘terrorism is a component in almost all insurgencies, and insurgent objectives lie behind almost all non state terrorism’[13]. In these circumstances governments should implement CT strategies that emphasise military and law enforcement techniques. serious counterinsurgency. [Book Review & Interview], Venezuela and the Future of South America, Searching for Judas: The peril of being in the Gun Business today, Sig Sauer MPX Submachine Gun at Media Day 2014, SSG3000 Suppressed Sig Sauer Media Day 2014, Benelli’s M4 Matches Well With the PDX1 Defender, SCHOOL SHOOTINGS: You Can’t Sterilize the World, ISRAELI SPECIAL FORCES TRAINING: COUNTER-TERROR CARBINE—The Israeli Method [DVD Review/GCT Radio Interview]. Remember how it was when President Bush stated that the United States of America and its allies were now in a war on terror? Counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency, although similar in certain respects, identify divergent assumptions and modalities for dealing with terrorism and insurgency. It concludes that, while al Shabaab was weakened between 2011 and 2016, it could resurge if urgent steps are not taken to address key challenges. Consequently, understanding the difference between counter-terrorism (CT) and counter-insurgency (COIN) is a precondition for effectively engaging and disrupting terrorist organisations and insurgency movements, and this understanding is underpinned by the idea that ‘counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency are [neither] mutually exclusive’ nor interchangeable. THE POP CULTURE PACIFIST: Making the World a More Dangerous Place, Rosetta Stone — Language Series [Review & Interview], GUNS ACROSS THE BORDER — Mike Detty [GCT Radio], STUDENT OF THE GUN: VOL.1 CONCEALED CARRY BASICS with Paul Markel, THE ULTIMATE SNIPER by MAJ John L. Plaster USAR (ret.) The remaining six chapters cover the operational aspects of the overall campaign; intelligence, the security forces, military operations, personnel and logistic matters, psychological factors and public informa-tion. 4, No. A clear example is given by Russia’s framing of the nationalist rebellion in Chechnya during the 1990s as a terrorist uprising. Therefore, they must not be confronted with one-size-fits-all approaches[1]. Counter-terrorism and Counter-insurgency. Or, more importantly why the US government along with many others are having such a problem defining the difference between counterterrorism and counterinsurgency. Insurgency, counter-insurgency and terrorism in Pakistan. The analysis is based on an extensive review of qualitative and quantitative data available on al Shabaab, two trips to East Africa, two trips to U.S. Africa Command, and extensive conversations with regional experts. Again, it has to be emphasized that not all violence as part of some agenda is terroristic. Terms in this set (12) Terrorism: premeditated, politically motivated violence perpetrated against noncombatant target by subnational groups or secret agents, usually intended to influence an audience. Theme: Terrorism. Counter Terrorism Terrorism Research. Terrorist organisations cannot be disrupted through COIN techniques and insurgencies are extremely resilient to CT strategies. Part of the problem, is that the terrorists depict themselves as revolutionaries, when in fact they are only terrorists. [6] Kilcullen, D. (2010) Counterinsurgency: Oxford University Press, p. 186. [13] Kilcullen, Counterinsurgency, p. 184. Distinguishing between terrorism and insurgency presents significant challenges that policy-makers and military officials need to face. The School of Counter-Insurgency and Counter-Terrorism (SCICT) welcomes applications from undergraduate, postgraduate students and M.Phil or Ph.D scholars having research interest in the sphere of Counter-Insurgency and Counter-Terrorism, by sending mail on and you will be informed by school on availability of internship. Differences between Terrorism and Insurgency. Insurgency, Counter-insurgency and Terrorism in Pakistan. COIN strategies are mainly directed at reinforcing the government’s legitimacy and addressing the root causes of the population’s grievances while granting secondary emphasis to capturing and killing insurgents. In Pakistan, there are three distinct categories of militants: the Afghan-centric Pashtun militants; the Kashmir-centric Punjabi militants; and the transnational terrorists, like al-Qaeda. ‘Much as some may think otherwise, counter-insurgency and its cousin counter-terrorism are old businesses with a lot of history.’ ‘His big point is that the US mainly needs counter-insurgency forces and expertise, but instead has ordinary infantry etc.’ Terrorism must be used against civilians or other non-combatants. Or, more importantly why the US government along with many others are having such a problem defining the difference between counterterrorism and counterinsurgency. STUDY. Although CT and COIN are not interchangeable, in certain contexts their joint action significantly improves the government’s ability to confront insurgents that implement terrorism as a tactic. It was the first time we were required to check carry-on bags as the result of the increase in hijackings by Arab terrorists. Retrieved from E-International Relations:, p. 4. [5] See Rinehart, J. Region: Asia, Middle East & North Africa. As Insurgency and terrorism remain major threats to national security and … Created by. Unter Aufstandsbekämpfung oder auch englisch Counterinsurgency (COIN) versteht man verschiedene Taktiken und Strategien zur Bekämpfung von bewaffneten Aufständen. Special Operations Forces (SOFs) efficiently combined counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency tactics, engaging insurgents and neutralising their networks without inflicting large numbers of civilian casualties[12]. The main difference between CT and COIN is that, while the former focuses on neutralising terrorists and disrupting their networks, the latter is an approach aimed at first marginalising, rather than destroying, the insurgent movement[14]. Consequently, adopting the wrong strategy often strengthens the hostile movement. Often, these threats are so interwoven that policy-makers, unable to separate the two, confront them by implementing similar strategies. The Philippines: Counter-insurgency vs. Counter-terrorism in Mindanao Crisis Group Asia Report N°152, 14 May 2008 Page ii RECOMMENDATIONS To the Philippines Government: 1. As one who remembers traveling on plane during the 1960s and 1970s, I can vividly remember a flight from Hawaii to Singapore in 1974. 36, No. & Merari, A. (2010) “Counterterrorism and Counterinsurgency,” Perspectives on Terrorism, Vol. The difference between counter-terrorism and counter-insurgency is simple: counter-terrorism focuses more narrowly on combating the tactics and strategy of terrorism and those who employ it, while counter-insurgency is a broader category of responses to political violence carried out by minority groups, both terroristic and otherwise. Counterinsurgency is a counterterrorist strategy. This study examines the counterterrorism and counterinsurgency campaign against al Shabaab in Somalia. Want to KNOW A SECRET? The school's motto is to "fight the guerrilla like a guerrilla". Counter-insurgency requires the use of military, political, economic, psychological and organisational action. The US has a disastrous record of involvement in ‘counter-insurgency’ efforts in Central America. According to the US Army/US Marine Counterinsurgency Field Manual: Insurgency is an organized movement aimed at the overthrow of a constituted government through the use of subversion and armed conflict. In order to achieve such unity, the counter-insurgency must be commanded and managed by a single commissioner or military commander. The opinions expressed by the individuals in the published material do not represent the University of Glasgow, Dublin City University, Charles University, the IMSISS consortium, or its associates and partners. The “Mindanao Model” – using classic counter-insurgency techniques to achieve counter-terror goals – has been directed against the Abu Sayyaf Group (ASG) and has helped force its fighters out of their traditional stronghold on Basilan. Terrorist organisations cannot be disrupted through counter-insurgency techniques and insurgencies are extremely resilient to counter-terrorism strategies. The United States Department of Defence (DoD) in 2014 defined terrorism as ‘the unlawful use of violence or threat of violence, often motivated by religious, political, or other ideological beliefs, to instil fear and coerce governments or societies in pursuit of goals that are usually political’[3]. Trying to say that by using past techniques they are the same two.. And military officials often confuse insurgency for terrorism and vice versa because the two, them... Was occupied with creating fear locally before implementing CT strategies that emphasise military and law enforcement.. 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