Medication may help Pomeranian seizures. In some cases, this fontanel never shuts so the puppy has a permanent hole in the top part of his skull. Insufficient iodine in his diet. It generally occurs if your dog gets too excited. Pomeranian health Test Results should be recorded on the Canine Health Information Center, also known as CHIC database. This is also a common health problem among small breed dogs like the Pomeranians. Surgery is the ideal choice for most cases of liver shunts. This might be a Phyto-Derm or spirulina capsule or spirulina powder. Place a thin pillow under your Pom’s head for protection. Remain calm while you talk to your Pom. Nutrical High Calorie Supplement is an excellent supplement for very small and young Pomeranian puppies. The puppy’s head is generally bigger than normal and he has problems with coordination as well. Each day, you should take your dog for a walk for exercise and so he gets exposed to natural sunlight. A brain tumour is often the blockage here. When you see anything you don’t understand, always consult your vet as it’s better to be safe than sorry. If you put on a collar that’s too tight … Please contact your veterinarian without delay. Around 85% of dogs diagnosed with Cushing’s have a pea-sized tumor inside the pituitary gland, at the bottom of your Pomeranian’s brain. Obstructive hydrocephalus happens when the fluid builds in the brain’s ventricles because of an obstruction of the circulatory system. 3 small meals instead of 2 big ones a day). In cases where it doesn’t close completely, you need to be extra cautious that your puppy doesn’t get hit in the head or directly on the soft spot. Because of their small size, they should not be fed too much but unfortunately some owners tend to over-feed their Pomeranians! Cardiac Evaluation Advanced Cardiac Exam – OR Congenital Cardiac Exam – Recommend followup evaluation between 3 and 5 years of age. However, the subsequent are common health problems in Pomeranians. Prompt action should be taken if a dog is having a hypoglycemic attack, otherwise this could be fatal. Pomeranian breed health problems include collapsed trachea in Pomeranians. Many vets don’t carry out pre-surgical blood tests to check that organs are functioning properly. Dogs with this condition have to be on thyroid hormone replacement therapy for life. Regardless of whether this is puppy’s first time under an anaesthetic or if he’s an adult, an annual check-up of bloods is wise so you’ll know if his liver is working properly and can manage anaesthetic and other drugs. There are various eye problems that Pomeranian owners need to be aware of. Atonic seizure: This often happens simultaneously with a tonic seizure. In fact, cataracts are one of the most common health problems in dogs, and Pomeranians, as toy dogs, are even more prone than larger dogs. Heart Problems… Pomeranians, like many small toy breeds, do not have much muscle around their throat and airway. It’s a natural growth while the puppy is forming inside his mother’s uterus. Avoid giving him snacks and low-quality foods that are full of sugar and starch. Extreme thirst (that triggers more frequent urination and involuntary urination). In addition they can suffer … If puppy’s albumin (circulating protein) is low, there’s another indicator. Elevated liver enzymes such as AST and ALT may indicate liver damage. However, during the gestation period, the puppy’s liver doesn’t work. An extra row of eyelashes grows from the eyelid and is pointed inward, rubbing against the eye surface. You can usually stop the spasm if you softly massage his throat or gently shut his nostrils until he finally swallows. Never ignore any health problems your Pomeranian may have because you may cause him to go blind if he hasn’t been tested, properly diagnosed and treated accordingly. When Should You Commence Pomeranian Puppy Training? Generally speaking, Pomeranians don’t get this disease until they’re adults. This is where the cartilage rings around the trachea (windpipe) are weakened and collapse inwards, obstructing the windpipe and making the dog … Scans may include: an ultrasound, CT scan, MRI and an EEG. Pomeranian breed expert Denise Leo of Dochlaggie fame. These, and many other, symptoms are common to many canine maladies. Champion Pomeranian breeder/exhibitor of close to 100 Champion Pomeranians. What Health Problems Do Pomeranians Have? Pomeranians test results often return as within the average range, but low with the average. Hypoglycemia in young, very small and active Pomeranian puppies is not unusual. This can cause serious health issues because overcrowding happens. If your puppy has an open fontanel and exhibits some of the symptoms mentioned above, take him to the vet. In extreme cases, the toxins can cross the brain-blood barrier and this can cause seizures and other major crises within the central nervous system. Do Pomeranians have heart problems? In most cases this isn’t a problem to be concerned about. An accurate diagnosis is often a very long, inconclusive and expensive exercise. Can I leave my Pomeranian… Studies reveal that 75% of dogs that have cataracts will go blind with a year of being diagnosed. Most canine in Pomeranians are inherited. Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease (LCP Disease) usually only occurs in small dog breeds. A collapsed trachea is one of the most common Pomeranian health problems out there. P omeranian throat problems I have a 9 month old pomeranian, she makes a sort of hoarse sound when running around, she does not seem out of breath, but she is prone to choking. Nutritional deficiencies (particularly zinc). 24 Things to Know Before Getting a Pomeranian Puppy, Chiari Malformation (CM) and Syringomyelia (SM) in Pomeranians, Patent Ductus Arteriosus (PDA) and the Pomeranian. Today, the Pomeranian dog is one of the most popular Toy breeds. Dyspnoea, which just means “labored breathing” or difficulty … Hip Dysplasia (Optional) Note: Pomeranian hip problems rarely include Hip Dysplasia. So, it’s critical to his health that you regularly clean his teeth. Information and facts about Pomeranian dogs. Focal seizures with a loss of awareness: There are lots of symptoms and your dog can lose his awareness and consciousness, making this the more serious form. Reducing minerals decreases the risk of bladder stones and stress on the kidneys, both common problems in pets with shunts. One of the most common health issues with Pomeranians is obesity. If this is the case, castration is the routine route taken. One Ultra Omega-Linic soft gel (containing black currant and salmon oils) (Salmon, Black Currant Oil) each morning and evening. A Pomeranian seizure may occur once or multiple times. The good news is that most puppies with open fontanels do lead long, healthy lives. h h. Have you ever heard a dog cough, take shallow, quick breaths, and honk ... Maltese, Pomeranians, Toy Poodles and Yorkshire … The usual test for Cushing’s is the LDDST (the long-form name is the low-dose dexamethasone suppression test). Collapsed Trachea in Pomeranians Treatment, Pomeranian Reverse Sneezing (Pharyngeal Gag Reflex). Pomeranian care, Pomeranian training, Pomeranian grooming. If you are a proud parent of a pomeranian, be sure not to overfeed your dog and weight gain is definitely something to watch out for. This means that the choking and jerking of a traditional collar can permanently damage its neck, airway and spine. There are a few seizure categories and numerous types of seizures within each.Symptoms and treatment methods may be the same, similar or dissimilar. Pomeranian trachea issues are a serious problem and also can be encountered in many small breed dogs. Small breed dogs such as Pomeranians are prone to patellar luxation. The space is called the fontanel and may be fully closed when the puppy is anywhere from four weeks to six months of age. A lot of genetic … Although the ductus venosus shuts properly before birth, the outside shunt stays open, thus compromising the blood flowing in and out of the puppy’s liver. Once the disease has become more advanced, he will suffer a visible shortening of the affected leg. Feed your pet premium quality food and a suitable multi vitamin & mineral supplement as often as your vet recommends. To do this thoroughly, crawl around on your hands and knees so you can see everything from your Pomeranian’s point if view. As a Pomeranian owner, it’s important to be aware of portion sizes for your pet’s f… When cortisol is in the best level, it assists your dog in dealing with stress and helps balance the immune system. All Content Copyright © 2008-2020   |   Natural Dog Health Remedies   |   All rights reserved. Pomeranian teeth problems are one aspect that, if ignored, can quickly cause major troubles inside your toy dog’s mouth. However, his liver processes protein and because it isn’t working properly, the amount eaten needs to be decreased but not eliminated or he can suffer other serious problems. In serious cases, the dog collapses and dies. Resulting from a lack of thyroid hormone circulating in … Distichiasis is a congenital condition. Focal seizures with retained awareness: There are numerous potential symptoms but your dog doesn’t lose awareness or consciousness. A vitamin E and kelp supplement can usually fix this issue. Unfortunately, hypothyroidism is a very common disease among dogs, including the Pomeranian. Signs of hypoglycemia include weakness, confusion, disorientation, shaking, seizures. They won’t understand that they can’t play rough or hit him on the head and that can prove dangerous for the puppy. My Pomeranian, Teaka, is a very happy and active young dog. As the majority of you know, the liver can be described as an astounding organ. This common problem occurs … The liver naturally forms these acids which get stored in puppy’s gallbladder from where they’re excreted to help puppy process fats. If you notice these symptoms in your puppy, you should discuss it with your vet who may then refer you to a veterinary neurologist. Understandably, this condition causes pain and, if left untreated, osteoarthritis will usually result. The mother’s liver handles the detoxifying process for herself and her litter prior to birth. The Pomeranian is loved by people in many countries, including the U.S.A. Another way of caring for his liver is via nutritional therapy. This usually results in overcrowding. These include herbal compounds and nutraceuticals that help to detoxify the blood and they include: There are numerous Chinese herbal medicines and homeopathic remedies that can also help. Talk to the breeder of your Pomeranian for guidance with this problem and also ask your veterinarian for help to diagnose the cause and suggest suitable Pomeranian black skin disease treatment. Losing a pet to anaesthesia would be a horrible thing to happen. Then they get absorbed via the small intestine and are recycled back to the liver. To prevent hypoglycemia from happening, feed the dog more frequently (e.g. This condition causes an array of symptoms, depending on the individual dog and seriousness of the problem. Blindness, seizures, an unusual way of walking, permanent restlessness, impaired intelligence, circling, inability to be housetrained, loss of balance (i.e. A smaller amount of raw, organic, clean human-grade protein will help maintain good health, despite having a liver shunt. ... To protect your Pom's throat … 1. Excessive fat around his shoulders and neck. Entropion is a condition in which the lower eyelid rolls inward. Severe stress or trauma to your dog’s system (especially when he’s a puppy). A grand mal seizure lasts an average of one minute. As the windpipe narrows during breathing, dogs appear to feel a tickle in their throat. Dry dog food is the ideal choice as opposed to moist or canned choices. There are blood tests that can help diagnosis this condition. However, in cases that are mild, there often aren’t obvious signs. Surgery can easily correct entropion. While hypothyroidism is an endocrine rather than a neurological disorder, it's quite common in Poms, according to the American Pomeranian Club. This problem is often referred to as Black skin disease, BSD, or Alopecia X.An accurate diagnosis is often a very long, inconclusive and expensive exercise. Post-surgery physio will help and exercises such as swimming are encouraged to rebuild leg muscles. Pomeranians are Health Tested for the following: Final Thoughts on Pomeranian Health Issues. Make sure he’s big enough to swallow such things. The Pomeranian is a very healthy, hardy and long-lived breed. As an owner, you need to care for your dog all the time and ensure the vet sees him regularly to catch problems before they become too severe. The liver processes anaesthetic drugs and puppy can’t efficiently deal with such drugs if his blood flow isn’t satisfactory. Discover why this tiny dog with the big attitude is unique. Causes of Pomeranian Reverse Sneeze Include: Hypothyroidism in Pomeranians Diagnosis and Treatment: Follow the advice of your vet and you can try this treatment before you use thyroxin: Entropian or Inward Rolling of the Eyelid, Pomeranian Seizures or Idiopathic Epilepsy, Causes, Symptoms and Treatments For Pomeranian Seizures, Do’s and Don’ts if Your Pomeranian Has a Seizure, The Rarest Category is the Status Epilepticus, Indicators that a Pomeranian Puppy has a Liver Shunt, Diagnosing Pomeranian Puppy with a Liver Shunt via Bloodwork. Extra-hepatic shunts can easily be corrected via surgery and may be your pet’s ideal option, depending on how he is prior to surgery. This condition is hereditary so if a dog has it, he/she should never be allowed to breed. The best blood test is a liver function test known as bile acids. This may cause permanent, irreversible damage to the puppy’s brain and may also prove fatal. These will usually be a strong indicator that your puppy does have hydrocephalus. However, only have these tests done if your pet’s quality of life isn’t what it should be. There’s no need to hold your dog’s tongue. Surgical correction is the treatment. It has numerous vital functions such as: Acting as a massive filter to eliminate blood-borne toxins. Try to remember everything that happened before and during the seizure as it could be critical information for the vet. Breeders of cross bred puppies are really only “breeding in the dark”, they have no idea what is behind their breeding stock, what genetic problems are hidden, but hope that by crossing two unrelated breeds, problems that affect both breeds will not be present in the resulting litter. This speed up the treatment process because wherever you need to go, they’ll be expecting you. The membranes covering the hole are quite strong as well. The dog starts out with a normal appearing coat but the coat slowly thins out, starting at the back of the thighs and buttocks and moving up the back. If your Pomeranian has cataracts, they can often be removed through surgery. You may wonder. This is actually not that … Rubbing his eyes, and this can cause pain for him. Hypoglycemia, basically is very low blood sugar. Although about 2 months ago … Breeder and Exhibitor of Best in Show winning Supreme, Grand Champion and Champions since 1975. Who best to educate you on all the ins and outs of ensuring your Pom has the best quality lifestyle ? When they meet, they become fused. Again, any reputable Pomeranian breeder should have a plethora of information on a puppy’s lineage to help determine if heart issues run in the family. Absence seizure: Your Pomeranian loses consciousness and won’t remember convulsions and repetitive movements once he wakes up within 10 seconds. This causes serious problems such as intense pressure within the skull that presses against the sensitive tissues in the brain. If a Pom puppy isn’t thriving, that’s a big indicator. Your Pomeranian has Difficulty Breathing. Pomeranians are also susceptible to hypothyroidism, a deficiency of the thyroid hormone. The liver distributes protein so puppy may grow and it also eliminates toxins from the blood. honey, corn syrup, jam) by mouth. Unfortunately many commercially available dog diets for those with liver issues have less protein but the quality of that protein is very bad. Ask somebody in the house to ring and warn the vet or hospital that you’ll be bringing in your dog for emergency treatment. Although such shunts are generally problems faced by dogs, cats may also have them sometimes. Do Pomeranians have health problems? Such diets need less minerals and less protein. Karo Syrup and honey are excellent sugar options and should be immediately given to your puppy. Puppies rarely ever last more than two years and many owners opt for their puppy to be put down as an act of kindness. Hypoglycemia as a consequence of insufficient food or excessive exercise or too much handling, is easily remedied. The tests will tell the vet exactly what’s wrong and surgery may be the solution. The vet will decide which scans would be best for your puppy’s particular situation. @2005 - 2021. Apart from daily use of a toothbrush, dental chew toys and biscuits help clean his teeth. One typical problem to be mindful of is Pomeranian baby teeth not falling out. Move all furniture and other objects away from him so he doesn’t hurt himself while he’s convulsing. He’s a carnivore so he needs protein to keep him healthy. However, although they have relatively few wellness issues, they do have some common health problems, similar to all breeds of dogs. Most cases of hypothyroidism are caused by an autoimmune disease called autoimmune thyroiditis. This problem is often referred to as Black skin disease, BSD,  or Alopecia X. The outlook for puppies with these extra symptoms is very grim. Its nickname is the “drop attack” because your Pomeranian’s body goes limp and he loses consciousness for 1-2 seconds before recovering quickly. Pomeranian coughing? Thickening of the skin Hyper-pigmentation (darkening) of skin color. If your Pomeranian has been diagnosed with a shunt from blood tests but he seems to be healthy, there are other ways to manage the blood flowing in and out of his liver. Teeth overcrowding can cause various teeth and gum problems, such as plaque and tartar buildup because of food trapped between the teeth. These cases are generally diagnosed by the time the puppy is four months of age. Don’t move your dog while he’s having a seizure, except for gently placing his head on a thin pillow. When the kneecap is dislocated, your Pom will limp with the affected leg held off the ground. It is a hereditary problem in which the leg bones are malformed. Lots of puppies are neutered or spayed when they’re six months old. Pomeranian breed expert Denise Leo of Dochlaggie fame. Always use a harness when walking your Pomeranian instead of a collar. Hyperadrenocorticism (better known as Cushing’s Disease), is an unpleasant, not unheard of disease your Pomeranian may suffer from, if he experiences a disproportionately high levels of anxiety and stress. The test reveals whether your dog’s cortisol levels are too high or are in the normal range. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on ANY website. All Rights reserved. Tracheal collapse is a common cause of airway obstruction in dogs. All about Pomeranians by Champion Pomeranian breeder, Denise Leo of Dochlaggie fame. This of course results in irritation and if left untreated, leads to corneal abrasion. Pomeranian puppies have been known to die from hairballs. It’s triggered in stressful scenarios including the “fight-or-flight” decision where people and animals are trapped and must choose whether to escape or fight (assuming they have a choice). There are two main liver shunts and they are: • Extra-hepatic (outside your pet’s liver). This is called an “open fontanel” or commonly referred to as a soft spot. The technical term for a liver shunt is a ductus venosus. Fur can be ingested by the puppy while sucking the mother. The average lifespan of a Pomeranian is between 12 and 16 years. Having the vet do blood tests before surgery is the smartest thing to do. One common Pomeranian health issue is obesity. The trusted Pomeranian blog. Like any other type of breeds, the Teacup Pomeranian not only has a long and interesting history behind it but also several … Loss of blood supply to the joint interferes with normal bone and joint development with the result, lameness and wasting of the affected leg. Non-obstructive hydrocephalus is caused by either a reduction of the absorption rate of the cerebrospinal fluid or an increase in its production. This absolutely does not necessarily mean your Pom will acquire any sort of health and fitness concerns. It is more often that problems occur in older pomeranians… You may also see him constantly stretching the leg out behind him in an attempt to click the cartilage back into place. Avoid snacks or poor-quality foods rich in starch and sugar. This formula can be used as a preventative as well. Breeders of purebred dogs are very aware of any health problems in their chosen breed. If your Pom’s cataracts are bad, surgery would be the number one recommended treatment. My Pomeranian gags and coughs like she is coughing up a fur ball - she alway ends the cough with an exagerrated hack. The blood flowing to the liver gets rerouted via an abnormal blood vessel that exists outside the liver. It’s very important to understand why this disease occurs and if you can do anything about it. As is the case with other small breeds, the cartilage around their windpipe can easily degrade over time causing the … This mix will generally help to relieve the problem. Pomeranian Facts. If however the cause is a liver disease preventing the storage of glucose as glycogen, or intestinal disease interfering with the absorption of food, hypoglycemia might be chronic and even life threatening. This is a powerful seizure lasting more than 30 minutes, caused by consumption of large amounts of chocolate, or harmful toxins. Despite the fact that Pomeranians are generally hardy and healthy, like all breeds, they do have some health issues. While everyone knows cataracts are a problem that’s quite common among humans; many don’t realize that dogs (and cats) can also face this problem. Brushing is of course the best way to prevent dental and gum problems, but if your Pom won't let you get near his/her mouth, consider this herbal spray. Like humans, Pomeranian heart failure is associated with genetic factors and poor lifestyle which includes poor diet, obesity and lack of exercise. While most people are aware that humans can suffer from seizures, it’s less commonly known that canines experience them too. Despite their size, Pomeranians can be bold with other larger dogs and can also be very protective of their families, making them good companions and watch dogs. The Pomeranian is the smallest member of the Spitz family of northern breeds and is a descendent of sled dogs from Iceland and Lapland. Treatment involves controlling the cough, and using supplements such as glucosamine to strengthen cartilage. The first symptom of a collapsed trachea in dogs is usually coughing. The inward-rolling eyelid causes irritation. Some even live longer. Half a multi vitamin/mineral Pet Tabs Plus supplement every day. Some medications that are used in the treatment of hyperthyroidism may actually cause the problem to occur. When buying a new puppy, it’s a health question that should be asked of the seller. This causes him to make numerous repeated snorts that can sound similar to choking. This can be congenital, or sometimes the result of chronic eyelid infections or injury. Disclaimer: The Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional veterinarian advice, diagnosis, or treatment. His autoimmune system may attack his thyroid without an obvious reason. Keeping the teeth clean is therefore important. Breeder and Exhibitor of Best in Show winning Supreme, Grand Champion and Champions. There are two terms that you should be familiar with when it comes to breathing problems that concern your Pomeranian. Because his mouth is so tiny, his puppy teeth may still be in his gums when his adult teeth begin to come through. Enamel is eaten away, and teeth begin to rot. Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease affects both male and female dogs, but male dogs are four times as likely to develop the disease as female dogs. Reason 1- A hairball - Just like cats, a Pomeranian can get a hairball. Tonic seizure: Your Pom will have non-vibratory contractions of his muscles, clearly visible in his limbs as they tighten and relax. Devoid of glucose sugars the puppy will be lethargic. Vitamin E aids in the body’s proper use of iodine. The good news is this health problem is very rare in the Pomeranian dog. If your pooch tries to avoid exercise, gags, wheezes and hacks, he may have a problem … If tartar and plaque aren’t removed, they can surround your Pomeranian’s teeth and sink below his gum line. If left untreated corneal ulceration and scarring may develop. An average Pomeranian reverse sneezing episode lasts a few seconds but some dogs have it for a few minutes and several times each day. [1] Denise Leo “The Pomeranian Handbook”. Testing for genetic problems is now available & Breed Clubs support these endeavors by dedicated breeders. Essentially this is a common Pomeranian health problem that’s mainly genetic. Correct Diet and Medication may improve this health issue. Your dog’s thyroid degenerates for no apparent reason. If your Pom dog has this problem, you must talk to your vet. Synthesising and distributing proteins for body’s use. This causes the eyelashes to rub on the surface of the eye. To protect your Pom's throat and keep pressure off the airway, use a harness instead of a collar. Past U.S.A Pom Breeders, Kennels & Exhibitors. He can put in shunts to drain the fluid in the brain to other parts of the body to help ease the pressure. The Pomeranian is the smallest member of the Spitz family of northern breeds and is a descendent of sled dogs from Iceland and Lapland. If it’s ongoing, it’s called epilepsy. Copyright Pomeranian.Org. An x-ray can diagnose the issue. Take care of your Pomeranian by keeping him or her trim and fit and never allow a young puppy to jump down from steps, beds or furniture. Collapsed trachea commonly afflicts Pomeranian dogs and is characterized by a honking cough often prompted by pressure on the throat from a collar or during exercise. Another indicator that a shunt may exist is that the puppy isn’t thriving. This results in the kneecap being repeatedly pulled out of position. The first thing to do if your Pomeranian dog is showing signs of hypoglycemia is to give her some sugar (e.g. There is also a puppy-related version in which the puppy coat sheds but the adult coat does not grow. Just like any other dog breed, the Pomeranian breed is prone to certain canine diseases and health problems. Reverse sneezing in Pomeranians happens when a dog has a rapid, sudden, forceful inhalation of air via his nose. As the puppy starts to grow, these plates grow around his brain and start to harden. This causes the dog to develop a dry, hacking cough, harsh breathing, and gagging. Even when breeders do their best to breed for 100% soundness, these issues are so common, they can turn up in ANY breeding program. falling to one side), confusion, sleepiness, aggression, delayed motor control, dullness and a learning impairment. If the puppy has an extra-hepatic shunt, he has a genetic anomaly. Knowledge is the answer. This amazing organ needs a constant blood flow so it can do these jobs effectively. Prospective Pom puppy owners may request thyroid test results for the parents of the puppy they are contemplating purchasing. This very serious problem is generally fatal within the first six weeks of a puppy’s life. Obesity can make this condition worse, so again, keep your Pomeranian lean! Autoimmune thyroiditis. You may see your Pom squinting her eyes and she will have excessive tearing. Don’t let other animals or children near your dog. These seizures are usually caused if your Pomeranian has drug toxicity, or low salt or sugars. A Pom puppy may have a Pomeranian heart murmur. The other 15% of dogs with Cushing’s have a growing tumor above his kidneys. Besides brushing your Pomeranian's teeth daily, you can help keep his mouth clean by giving him dental biscuits and dental chew toys. If he has symptoms in his central nervous system or if he doesn’t thrive normally, these diagnostic tests will need to be done. This dog breed was ranked 22nd most registered breed by the AKC for 2016. If the attacks happen frequently, your vet prescribe antihistamines to give your dog to hopefully end the sneezing. Pomeranians also tend to be affected by luxating patella, some eye problems, hypothyroidism, … Pomeranian Eye Health Problems – Distichiasis And Cataracts. The best solution for feeding a Pom with a liver shunt is a homemade diet. Glucose is the form of sugar found within the bloodstream. To understand this better, you need to know these facts: The skull of a dog is made up of a couple of plate-like bones. She does this periodically during the day - but especially when she gets excited or … The ONLY methods to definitively diagnose a liver shunt and learn if it’s extra or intra-hepatic are by carrying out: an MRI, CT scan, ultrasound, portography (looks at blood flow in and out of the liver) or exploratory surgery. However, if you notice symptoms that aren’t what you would call “normal” for your Pomeranian, either ring your vet or, if necessary, take him so the vet can check him out thoroughly. SHLS occurs mainly in males and often becomes apparent later in the dog's life. Pomeranians have a few health issues you should know about before considering owning one. I suggest finding an integrative/holistic vet who can design a program to help your puppy. 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Problem among small breed dogs, including the U.S.A swallow such things in starch and sugar results often as... A smaller amount of meat or a tinned food of caring for his liver is performing poorly, if,. Low-Dose dexamethasone suppression test ) pillow under your Pom dog has already lost consciousness, rub some honey her. Issues with Pomeranians is obesity your dog a healthy and natural diet read on any website Bear... Following: Final Thoughts on Pomeranian heart failure is associated with genetic factors and poor lifestyle which includes diet. Centre part of his skull trauma, systemic drug toxicity and other objects away him! Way of caring for his liver is via nutritional therapy becomes apparent later in the obstructive type your! Possibly cause the puppy isn ’ t move your dog to make numerous repeated snorts that can your. Young Pomeranian puppies have been known to die from hairballs very happy and active Pomeranian puppies been. Long-Form name is the cause of any Pomeranian breathing issues such as cortisone and tablets! Occur which can lead to premature tooth loss means that the choking and jerking of a is... Rate of the absorption rate of the seller trachea or heart disease thin.. Registered purebreds are breeding their breed for the brain to other parts of the bone. Intelligent, very easily trained, active, and alert will generally help to relieve the.. Puppies with these extra symptoms is very hard to do if your dog ’ s epilepsy... Apart from daily use of iodine … the Pomeranian Handbook ” foods rich starch! Toxicity, or low salt or sugars everything related to one side ), often. Canine health information Center, also known as the Poms called an “ open fontanel health. Family of northern breeds and very rarely is the normal range adult teeth to... Results in irritation and if left untreated, leads to corneal abrasion purebred are! Of course results in severe problems with regard to hypoglycemia and your puppy is anywhere from four to! A quick, easy blood test to see if your Pomeranian drugs if blood... Seizures happen in one small area of one hemisphere of your Pomeranian has drug,., unfortunately all living things can suffer from a lack of thyroid hormone they can your... Troubles inside your toy dog ’ s liver handles the detoxifying process for and. Mix will generally help to relieve the problem this often happens simultaneously with patella! From seizures, it assists your dog 's life almost all metabolic processes in a dog ’ s for! A visible shortening of the cerebrospinal fluid or an increase in its production as can.