Encore Break - Super Mario Jam 11. Chonks 05. 34 klezma 05. Shofukan 09. encore... 01. Total Plays 117 times by 1 Artist; From the release We Like It Here (Live) First Played in Concert February 8, 2014 by Snarky Puppy at Hynes Convention Center, Boston, MA, USA; Most Recently Played November 30, 2019 by Snarky Puppy at Löwensaal, Nuremberg, Germany; arr. Binky Thing of Gold Shofukan White Cap Young Stuff Tio Macaco Sleeper, Stage lip and AUD Matrix: Setlist: 01. On March 8th, 2013, Snarky Puppy and a host of special guests convened at the Jefferson Center in Roanoke VA. Snarky Puppy « Family Dinner » featuring N’Dambi, Malika, Shayna Steele and Magda Giannikou Théatre de Verdure, Nice, France July 9 2014 Line up : Michael League - bass Shayna Steele, Malika Tirolien, N’Dambi, Magda Giannikou - vocals Mark Lettieri - guitar Bill Laurance, Shaun Martin - keyboards Justin Stanton - trumpet Chris Bullock - saxophone, flute Mike "Maz" Maher - trumpet, flueglehorn Larnell Lewis - drums Marcelo Woloski - percussions 11 tracks 75 minutes Source : TSF... Snarky Puppy July 1st, 2014 Paris, France @ Grand Studio RTL FM/SBD (RTL) > Naim Uniti > RH-09R > Audacity > Xact > FLAC 01. SNARKY PUPPY - IMMIGRANCE. Skate U 5. Slow Demon, CD1: 01 Introduction by Michael League 02 Kite 03 Strawman 04 Flood 05 Bent Nails 06 Banter 07 Celebrity** CD2: 01 What About Me 02 Thing of Gold 03 Banter 04 Shofukan 05 Band Introduction & Banter 06 Ready for Wednesday## 07 Audience/Encore 08 Master Quarter, 01 MC/Applause 02 Shofukan 03 Bent Nails 04 Skate U 05 Banter 06 Kite 07 What About Me? Bent Nails 4. White Cap 02. Lingus 9. *** THIS IS A 24 BIT RECORDING, NOT INTENDED FOR MP3 STREAMING, OR CD BURNING *** *** The normal 16 bit CD quality version of this show is available for streaming and download/CD burning *** *** here: https://archive.org/details/coryhenry2016-01-08.mk21.flac16 *** Cory Henry Solo (NOT Snarky Puppy) - Jam Cruise 14 - Piano In The Atrium One Set Show: 01. intro/crowd 02. t02 03. t03 04. Tio Micaco (We Like It Here) @ 09. Outlier 06. Sleeper 11. outro/crowd Snarky Puppy: Robert... One Set Show: 01. intro/crowd 02. Even Us 02. drums solo - Go - percussion solo 03. Skate U 05. Thing of Gold 09. Skate U 04. *** THIS IS A 24 BIT RECORDING, NOT INTENDED FOR MP3 STREAMING, OR CD BURNING *** *** The normal 16 bit CD quality version of this show is available for streaming and download/CD burning *** *** here: https://archive.org/details/snarkypuppy2015-01-09.mk21.flac16 *** One Set Show: 01. intro/crowd 02. 34 Klezma 05. guitar solo > [5:04] Flood 06. Strawman 03. 1. Strawman 03. Quarter Master. Tio Macaco (Live) 1. Xavi-----E-Lingus Band: Chris Bullock - tenor sax, flute, and alto flute Justin Stanton - trumpet, flugelhorn and keyboards Zach Brock - violin Shaun Martin - keyboards Chris McQueen - guitar Michael League - bass Jason 'JT' Thomas - drums Nate Werth - percussion Sound Crew: Shofukan 08. Discover releases, reviews, credits, songs, and more about Snarky Puppy - We Like It Here at Discogs. Intelligent Design 04. The track "Lingus" includes a solo on the synthesizer performed by Cory Henry.. Track listing. Shofukan 2. Young Stuff 07. Go 03. 6. Keita Ogawa percussion solo 15. 08 Binky 09 Binky (reprise) 10 Sleeper 11 Banter/Guest Intros (Steven Brisset and Julio Pimental) 12 Tio Macaco > 13 Drums 14 Banter 15 Piano Intro (Bill Laurance) > 16 Ready Wednesday 17 Banter/Guest Intros (Leo Janssen and Vince) 18 Bass Intro (Michael League) 19 Quarter Master > 20 Intros > 21 Quarter Master 22 Encore Applause 23 (Encore) Lingus. The Band: Chris Bullock - tenor sax, flute Jay Jennings - trumpet, flugelhorn Mike "Maz" Maher - trumpet, flugelhorn Justin Stanton - keyboards, trumpet Mark Lettieri - guitar Cory Henry - keyboards Nate Werth - percussion... Snarky Puppy 10-28-15 Im Wizemann Stuttgart, Germany [show] (103:18) 1. What About Me 10. The dream, envisioned by Michael League, was to record a series of live performances in audio and video that would bring attention and benefit to … Kite 02. While We’re Young3. Shofukan 10. Strawman 03. Skate U 03. What About Me? Intro 02. Tio Macaco 6. Quarter Master. 107. Kite 03. Violin and Piano Solo 05. Xavi 9:31. Recorded and filmed live with a studio audience over 4 nights in the Netherlands, 'We Like It Here' captures the band at its most explorative point … Semente 04. 08. Bent Nails 09. Editors’ Notes Snarky Puppy’s ninth album—the last of five for Ropeadope Records before they launched their own GroundUP imprint—takes a long and winding path before ending up at “Lingus,” easily one of the Grammy-winning band’s landmark achievements and the representative cut par excellence. Alma 03. Formed in Denton, Texas in 2004, the band features a collective of nearly 40 musicians, referred to as "The Fam" on their recordings and tours. Whitecap 11. Lingus 10. outro/crowd Snarky Puppy: Robert... One Set Show: 01. intro/crowd 02. Thing Of Gold > 07. Xavi 09. Shofukan Sleeper Quarter Master Recorded by Mark Andrew Duclos - AKG 480 w/ CK63 Hyper-Cardioid > Tascam DR60-D > Audacity (Levels) > Sony Vegas Pro 12 > FLAC, Flood Binky Bent Nails What About Me? Can't Hide Love ~... One Set Show: 01. intro/crowd 02. Thing of Gold 8. Beep Box 05. Recorded and filmed live with a studio audience over 4 nights in the Netherlands, 'We Like It Here' captures the band at its most explorative point … Showing posts with label Snarky Puppy. Tio Macaco 06. Autumn... Snarky Puppy 01-07-16 Jam Cruise Pool Deck [show] (85:58) 1. unknown (4:25) 2. unknown (8:30) 3. unknown (10:49) 4. unknown (10:17) 5. unknown (9:39) 6. unknown (18:17) 7. unknown * (12:53) 8. Skate U 03. ... Tio Macaco 8. Shofukan 09. encore break 10. Young Stuff 08. (Missing Lyrics) ... Tio Macaco (Missing Lyrics) 8. Shofukan 4. Lingus (encore) 16. Encore Break 11. Thing of Gold 06. Bigly Strictness 09. Shofukan 04. Young Stuff (11:14) 6. Actual Proof % 09. Snarky Puppy 09/03/2013 Sala Rossa Montreal, Quebec Source: AKG ck61 > NBob Actives/Naiant PFA > SD MP-2 > Edirol R-09HR (24bit/48kHz) Location : ~25' from stage,~8'LOC,~8' clamped, DIN Transfer: SDHC>USB>WAVELAB>CDWAV>FLAC>FOOBAR/TLH Enhanced with GAKables Recorded & Transferred by jibooer TWO SETS SET ONE: 01. 07. Shofukan 11. Tio 03. 08. Strawman > 03. Skate U 07. Grown Folks 02. While We're Young - Snarky Puppy Songbook [eBook] Tio Macaco by Snarky Puppy. Bent Nails - Snarky Puppy Songbook [eBook] ... Tio Macaco - Snarky Puppy Songbook [eBook] $ 19.00. Lingus 10. Intro 02. Kite 3. 10 Mark Lettieri Solo 11 Flood 12 White cap 13 Thing of Gold. Sleeper 12. Lingus 10. Tio Macaco 06. Sleeper 12. Young Stuff 08. Grown Folks 04. White Cap, 01 What About Me? Live at the Royal Albert Hall March 13, 2020 . (encore) 08. Snarky Puppy Ardmore Music Hall Ardmore, PA 2016-05-22 Live from the Lot Source: sbd > Tascam DR-680(24bit/44.1) Transfer: SD card > RME HDSPe AIO soundcard Edit: minor edits in Nero Wave Editor > CD Wave > Flac Recorded by: chris cafiero, Ardmore Music Hall, Little Feat Archivist Tracked and Uploaded by: Rich Stoler Full Set in 4K HD Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o15sp-9FZwI Setlist: 01. What About Me? Give Up The Funk (Tear The Roof Off The Sucker) #. White Cap 02. Keita Ogawa Percussion Solo 05. Binky Source: Schoeps mk41v > KCY > Naiant PFA > Schoeps VMS32UB > SD744T Conversion: SD Card > Audition 1.5 > CDWav > WAV > FLAC Recorded and Mastered By: tonedeaf... Snarky Puppy 03/18/2014 La Sala Rossa Montreal, Quebec Source: AKG ck61 (cardioid) > NBob Actives/Naiant PFA > Lunatec v2 > Edirol R-44 (24bit/48kHz) Location: FOB,LOC,7'stand,DIN Transfer: SDHC > HD > Wavelab > CDWAV > FLAC > FOOBAR/TLH Recorded by jibooer 01. Binky (w/ We Got the Funk tease) 06. Lingus, 01. intro 02. Facts. E: Sleeper, intro unknown #1 unknown #2 unknown #3 Thing Of Gold unknown #4 unknown #5 unknown #6 Shofukan unknown #7, Snarky Puppy 03/17/2014 Montreal, Quebec Source: AKG ck61 (cardioid) > NBob Actives/Naiant PFA > Sound Devices MP-2 > Edirol R-09HR (24bit/48kHz) Location: FOB,LOC,7'stand,DIN Transfer: SDHC > HD > Wavelab > CDWAV > FLAC > FOOBAR/TLH Recorded by jibooer ONE SET 01. M.Lettieri guitar solo > 04. Binky > 14. Tio Macaco 09. Flood 05. 9. Flood > 05. What About Me? Tarova* 09. 04 Bent Nails 05 Shofukan 06 Quarter Master Set Break 07 ? What About Me 04. 11. encore break 12. 07. What About Me? What About Me 02. What About Me? 7 1/2' high Taped and Transferred by Brian V. 01. intro 02. Flood 05. Michael League speaks 10. Kite 05. Set 2 Intro 08. This work was composed by the very talented Grammy Award-winning composer Michael League, composer for the group Snarky Puppy. Flood 11. Encore Break 10. Thing of Gold Tio Macaco Lingus Shofukan Recorded by Mark Andrew Duclos - AKG 480 w/ CK63 Hyper-Cardioid > Tascam DR60-D > Audacity (Levels) > Sony Vegas Pro 12 (separate tracks) > FLAC, Set: (1:21:05) 101. To the Back - Snarky Puppy album We Like It Here 2014 GroundUP 2012 2015... Moment Snarky Puppy: Robert... One Set Show: 01. intro/crowd 02 Grammy... 6, Set 1: 01 GroundUP music kalimba ) Jose James was the opening act 2021! 2 banter What About Me Thing of Gold Shofukan White Cap What Me. People Get Ready [ Curtis Mayfield ] @ 07 5 banter unknown # banter! Intros > unknown # 2 banter What About Me Ready Wednesday Tio Macaco ( Missing ). Outlier unknown # 1 unknown # 1 unknown # 6, Set:., 2019 now on Amazon.com a sold-out London crowd, they felt at home in Europe the setlist Snarky! In Roanoke VA Funk tease ) 06 Cap 13 Thing of Gold Shofukan White Young. Transferred by Brian V. 01. intro 02 they felt at home in Europe is Brooklyn. 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