Correlations, regressions and descriptive analysis were carried out. Thirty-one percent of participants have full-time jobs, 30% have part-time jobs and 39% do not have jobs. They allow us to easily look up information, to maintain social … Yes No 3. 11 Support on the negative impact of social media usage was illustrated in a study … Completion of this shouldn’t take more than 20 minutes. These issues can greatly affect a student’s performance in class. ���U��@EVT���������%�?���K��L��H�4�ơa+��1 �F ~d�A''D_N���{��t�"�� Issues of bullying, underage drinking, drugs, and the like might not seem apparent in the school hallways but it’s very much possible. stream Try this amazing Quiz: Social Media Impact On Students! The concept and message is clear. A student survey is a process that is conducted to take out the reasons or get ideas on certain doubtful aspects from students. <> 4 0 obj Many of the bloggers and writers posts wrong information on social sites which leads the education system to failure. This process is conducted to improve the situation in the most suitable manner that the students want it to be in. questionnaire and 14 participants for interview. The study was conducted on 220 students … Completion of this questionnaire may help in developing future community resilience and engagement strategies. endobj KEYWORDS: media literacy, media education, teachers, questionnaire Within the media landscape, technological innovations are introduced at an accelerated pace, and the supply of digital applications and sources increases exponentially (Segers and Bauwens 2010). Social Media as Educational Tool - Students Questionnaire 1. -�\�u�������N<9l��԰��nT��~U�բ�����@�X ����G����czr��0��h,�+����Ϧ#VaG�p��[W,�,\���8 +3]Ű�S���0�]� %�mMG����F~��0>�&P&�J�(R� Vd�ˑ��h,�?����v 3i���o �ղs'`�������/�n�P�&(b���"� ,�o# �z���ԧK�x5���W�i�5�}���/ ��t�1�xZ�d�3�ҹPu����2�����_� �iy����H��_���y�f���{P>"� ����I�>�$�g �U. The Effect of Social Media on Study Habits of Students: - A Case Study at Oda Bultum University, Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia By Belesti Wodaje Bayleyegn & Debela Bonsa Buta. V�*��s�v,�vmMS" u��Z]e It creates an understanding of social media and offers more … New media offer a range of opportunities and benefits. If you have any questions or queries I will be happy to … Survey questionnaires used to collect the data which includes closed ended questions and total 230 respondents participated in the study. If you are looking for a survey on social media use between genders, this form will greatly help you as it is composed of smart survey questions related to the topic. 1.2 Impact of Social Media on Business Social media is the new buzz area in marketing that includes … for everyone at the present time. Pediatric & Adolescent Gynecology, 30(4), 466 … <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 841.92] /Contents 4 0 R/StructParents 0>> Computers in Human a primarily Hispanic adolescent population. Social Media To learn more about social media interfaces, you will need to create surveys targeting the various communities and users on the social media platforms. Students are collecting some potentially personal information so consider letting your students … The purpose of this questionnaire is to: • find out what forms of new media people use, • how they use it, • what their behaviour is as a user and/or receiver, • how people perceive the traditional media, • how people feel about other forms of (commercial) expression. Thatchayani - 3-Oct-19 @ 4:35 PM. In summary, social media is a great way to communicate and to share photos and updates with friends. Any bullying process is based on an act(s) and a response. I am a student conducting a research on YouTube ultilization among under graduate students… Data was collected with questionnaires… There was a .586 Pearson correlation between usage of social media … ãàÚYà›èÃUÀ‹WOý؏^@¯Â³ý}ýÂÁÛp3ž‰¯Å×ãñ~ü~—j§ÖQ©M4¦]´ŸÓ»s˜ù)óžd›do9TîM!Â7Jà†fxîùð]‚VÃ]¶Áw/ôÃôPëûÀµŸ 7‰¾»Q@g6a/ã6øΪÏNjñ2¼oǏáÃø=üŠ¥¬”ÚO}›zŒúõ'z3}ý =@ÿœ.3£•¤¾’nxßÒ¿IçH÷È&Ȗ˞’¿=ùÁÈïË격.Ï*ßR~qtþèգ׌>:úÔès£GFO‰’Jﺀ¿xø†Q A team of experts designs this survey questionnaire on social media after carefully calibrating the attributes and personalities of people. Allow students to ask for clarification, and redirect them if they are spending too long on the first two sections (these are the most fun). A Survey of Impact of Social Media on College Students, International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 8, Issue 10, October-2017. Which of the following social media … For example, social media … If you answered no to Q2, then would you be interested in using Social Media as an educational tool? Whether it is a student questionnaire example or a marketing research questionnaire that you will create, here are some steps that can help you make a questionnaire in an easier and more efficient manner: Identify the purpose on why the questionnaire is needed to be created. Benefits of Student Questionnaires. Yes No 4. Hopefully these questions will help open up a dialog with your teen so that they can enjoy the benefits of social media … endobj Thirty-five percent of the participants were undergraduates and 65% were graduate students, studying at Uttar Pradesh Technical University. PDF | The purpose of this research study is to examine the influence of Social Media and Academic Performance Of students in University of Lagos. endobj x���z:�"�}%9�0�$N�;'�(���"�6�F�x�_�U�vSj�y9L,Q����U�uk������l?��_^^������v����~�^����i3�qz_���z�z���m��ޮ�����b��������g/߲A�Uz0�{�� r�� T�2��OV������|p���{�l�g9Sj0�}r&G�L����`2����,�1:.3`��8|�����nP�g��Qf���\��z0x������7������~0���_>�Z�,�t�) collection was a questionnaire titled Social Media and Academic Achievement Questionnaire (SMAAQ) developed by the researchers. Today social media has reached such a level of importance that businesses have started to create social media strategies to promote their products and services. Pass out the social media scavenger hunt handout (see above) and allow students to work through the questions. Is Social Media a tool that should be utilised by teachers? Also explore over 63 … Only a minority (23%) read or watch current affairs or news programmes on a daily basis. The study concluded that there are five main challenges of social networking media and its association to learning such as copyright issues, study originality, feeling of information constraint, and teachers sometimes are not ready and could not understand how to use and take advantage of the social networking media … A questionnaire that contained questions concerning demographic data, daytime sleepiness, total sleep time, and social media usage was used as an instrument in this study. A social media strategy questionnaire outlines how a business can market on social media platforms. Here is a social media usage questionnaire that is related to gender differences and usage of social media among students. Are you a Cyberbully.pdf: File Size: 61 kb: File Type: pdf: Download File. Keep Going. Thank you for taking your time to fill in this questionnaire. $§ME‹áù/C›'{ѝè[ð} Yes No 2. Depending on where your organization is along the social media adoption curve, these questions can help you develop your social media marketing plans going forward by determining where you need to improve. Do you use Social Media to communicate with your teachers? <>/OutputIntents[<>] /Metadata 1028 0 R>> Based on … QUESTIONNAIRE SURVEYS IN MEDIA RESEARCH Elirea Bornman chapter ten LEARNING OUTCOMES At the end of this chapter, you should be able to: discern whether a questionnaire survey is appropriate to investigate a particular media-related research problem or issue, or not; make an informed choice of sampling design appropriate for investigating a particular media … Parry’s (2016) Cyberbullying Questionnaire is a self-assessment tool which students can take to determine if they commit actions that may be interpreted as cyberbullying. The findings revealed that social networking usage can be decomposed into four factors: academic; socialization; … Þa C§ã~Š~†~þ ߏÐÇ@ÙOÅwú…w²b?®~iÀ‹ðr¼oÂÛÄïMø^|~ ÷áWñ)üCüsüküü>|¿ÂÿÀ_SŠ£ÒTÕJM¦¦Q3©Ô*jµƒº—z€z’z:I½TþõkêCªL;mt;ÝC/†ÙJßH?J¿@ÿ‚þ%ýúúkèhäeüLibÖ073ïK"ÐO+%ë$‡àûšT%]'="þHú±L*‹ÈÚeÓeOÊúe£ )GАÒ>ÀqßÅQj! Students who spent much time on social media platforms for chatting had a high probability of experiencing a decline in their academic performance.11, 12, 13 In addition, students who were deeply involved in the activities of networking sites during study lacked attention and were distracted. %PDF-1.4 perception towards social media advertising. For example, some … %���� The data was analyzed using simple percentage. In other to measure social media platforms a questionnaires were developed based on past literatures. Social media use and its exploratory study of problematic and non-problematic association with sexual risk and parental monitoring among usage patterns in a sample of men. Social Media Addiction Scale - Student Form: The Reliability and Validity Study Cengiz Şahin Faculty of Education, Ahi Evran University, Kirsehir, Turkey ABSTRACT The purpose of this study is to develop a valid and reliable measurement tool to determine the social media addictions of secondary school, high school and university students. Because of social media students lose their ability to engage themselves for face to face communication. With these questions, you can evaluate and compare social media … Pilot testing was done to check the reliability of the questionnaire and the Cronbach alpha value was found to 0.72. The positive and negative effects of social networking sites on students’ studying and habits were examined in this research. … Completing the attached questionnaire on social media and uses for promoting community resilience. ��O�T���Q���*�3HOP���x��P���92����Е�&�K��oN(���83?K�`E��n���+�2%c�E In other to measure social media platforms a questionnaire was developed based on past literatures. However, care and judgment is needed to know what to share with whom and when to share it. 420 university students from 6 universities in Jammu and Kashmir were surveyed via a random sampling technique and factor analysis carried out on their responses. Conducting a student questionnaire will allow us to study the social environment of a school. Journal of Behavior, 56, 257-266. The independent variables includes: time appropriateness, time duration, Nature of Usage, Health Addiction, Friend- People connection and security/privacy problems while the dependent variable was student academic … Your answer to the questions will help and provide awareness for the students … In this study, students completed a questionnaire which assessed personal use of social media, communication skills with friends and family, and effects on self-concept. 1 0 obj There is an emergent pattern of students using social media and the internet as an academic research tool and platform for communication among their … As a result, the intent of this study … Social media has both, positive and negative effects. The variables considered were time appropriateness, time duration, Nature of Usage, Health Addiction, FriendPeople connection, security/privacy problems and student academic pe- r- formance. A awesome work. Social media is important to communicate with people, share/ask information, and follow/evaluate/interpret the events, etc. Oda Bultum University Abstract-Nowadays due to the advancement of technology students waste much of their study time in using social media rather than dealing with academic issues. The words are simple and understandable, hence, which makes it a splendid piece of questionnaire that I have ever seen. This paper is an attempt to clarify the construct of social networking by developing a reliable and valid questionnaire measuring social networking usage. For instance, you can get sample questions on social … 3 0 obj According to the recent study in 2020, there are 3.5 billion active social media users worldwide which are about 45 percent of the total population. The result of the study reveals that majority of the students use social media, spending a lot of time which displaces their study time. And a student survey questionnaire is the tool using which the student survey can be done. This research adopted descriptive research design. To effectively achieve this, you can use the various survey samples and temples on our website to create compelling surveys. STRATEGIES OF TEACHERS IN TEACHING SOCIAL STUDIES IN RELATION TO THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE QUESTIONNAIRE Name (optional): _____ Year and Section: _____ Gender: ( ) Female ( ) Male Average Grade in Social Studies: ____ To the respondents: Please consider each item carefully. The results of the study show that most of the time advertisements do catch the attention of users and people tend to … Once shared, that image or info can never be retrieved – it’s no longer private. A modified version of the Cleveland Adolescent Sleepiness Questionnaire (CASQ) 27 to assess daytime sleepiness in tertiary students was … Social media questionnaire Question Title * 1. how many social media sites do you have ... * 7. is checking social media the last thing you do before going to bed? We have structured a different student survey questionnaire … quiz which has been attempted 1318 times by avid quiz takers. To maximize your organization's social media effectiveness, here’s a set of fifty questions. administered a student perception questionnaire on how social media affects college students. One of the best questionnaire on social media addiction. Respondents report very low levels of civic and political engagement through social media. 2 0 obj How to Write a Questionnaire Example. The results of the survey questionnaire … <> questionnaire measuring social networking usage. was collected using a self-designed questionnaire. Results indicated that all of the sampled college students were using at least one form of social networking website. 998 students … Findings- The study results provided considerable support for the hypothesized relationships between positive beliefs and attitudes towards social media … On … in other to measure social media a tool that should be utilised by teachers of questionnaires! Have structured a different student survey can be done it to be in related to differences! Jobs, 30 % have part-time jobs and 39 % do not have.... That should be utilised by teachers 230 respondents participated in the most suitable manner that the want... In developing future community resilience greatly affect a student ’ s performance in class to the... … Here is a social media usage questionnaire that I have ever seen Educational tool - students 1! Media strategy questionnaire outlines how a business can market on social media advertising that all of the best on... 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