… Ruby is a new main character introduced in The Land Before Time TV series.She is a female Oviraptor, and is called a Fast Runner in the Land Before Time universe. PanickyPetrie14. Previous | Next. Ruby: (On hard water sweets) That sounds like something I've never heard of before! The Land Before Time television seriesThe Land Before Time XIV: Journey of the Brave. 459. Ruby: I don't think she minds. Of course, then it wouldn't be bigger to you. Now I know why everyone's so excited! Movies Land Before Time. Fily Keita. Ruby. For instance, she might say as a greeting: "Hello, my fri… But your smeller does smell more smells then mine. Alive When living, Oviraptor was one of the most bird-like of the non-avian dinosaurs. As the dinos slowly vanish, Chomper, Ruby, and the gang must find out a way to track the killer down, but will the gang manage to do so, or will they fall in the hands of death as well? Movies Land Before Time. She has been listed in seventh place of the main characters after Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike, and Chomper. Incarnations View all 2 versions of Ruby on BTVA. Chomper suggested that the two of them travel to the Great Valley, and meet up with his friends Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie and Spike. This could indicate that she was originally intended to have lighter color there. Female ______________________________________________________________________, Pink with magenta crest and markings and light underbelly, Chomper and Ruby as seen in the trailer for. Her siblings are also pink and blue. ... voice of Ruby. Ruby has ears but they are unseen, unlike most of the other characters. Amber from Dink the Little Dinosaur plus Ruby. Alignment The Land before time XIV is a fanfiction that's supposed to fill the gap between the latest movie and the TV series, mainly focusing on Ruby and Chomper, as well as other characters. Makes her somewhat unique, IMO. Character Ruby has so far appeared in every episode of the TV series, with the exception of the season one finale. She first appeared in the television series, debuting in the inaugural episode "The Cave of Many Voices". The Mother is pink and the Father is blue. Production Characters; News; Site Rules; Contact Us; About; Image Details | | 0. by chomperhugger November 15, 2020 in Member Artwork. Eye color Ruby has a mother, a father, and two siblings. Ruby is one of the main characters in The Land Before Time franchise. Color One well-known trait about Ruby is that whatever she says, she'll say backwards. But when the punishers overdo the punishment, then is allowed retalliation? Chomper suggested that the two of them travel to the Great Valley, and meet up with his friends Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie and Spike. Ruby: We just need to practice until practice isn't practice anymore. 11 posts 1; 2; Next; Ruby Ruby. She is a velociraptor like Screech and Thud. Official artwork Jim Cummings Actor | Christopher Robin Born James Jonah Cummings on November 3, 1952, he grew up in Youngstown, Ohio. Ruby is a main character in The Land Before Time franchise. _______________________________________________. More by the same author. A strange habit of hers is to sometimes immediately repeat herself in a "backwards" and slightly redundant way. Familial information Good Favorite food The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure, The Land Before Time VII: The Stone of Cold Fire, The Land Before Time XII: The Great Day of the Flyers, List of characters in The Land Before Time, List of The locations in The Land Before Time, The Land Before Time XIII: The Wisdom of Friends, Item: "The Land Before Time Earthshakin' Playset", from Playmates, https://lbt.fandom.com/wiki/Ruby?oldid=4176. As seen in flashbacks in the series, Ruby lived with her family in the Mysterious Beyond until Red Claw and his Fast Biters, Screech and Thud, posed a threat to them. Leave a Comment Cancel reply. Magic isn't real and even if it was you wouldn't learn it by eating a special treestar!" Ruby: (On hard water sweets) That sounds like something I've never heard of before! More by the same author. In a flashback in "The Star Day Celebration", just before Ruby and Chomper make their way to the Great Valley, Ruby is saying goodbye to her family, and her father reminds her to study how the residents of the Great Valley cooperate with each other. Ruby: Don't count your hatchlings before they hatch, Chomper! Characters; News; Site Rules; Contact Us; About; Image Details | | 0. by chomperhugger October 9, 2019 in Member Artwork. She is an Oviraptor, which is called a … Ruby was originaly going to be named "Ovie", a pun on her species name, Oviraptor.[1]. Family Coloring Pages; Deleted Scenes; Production Cels; Movie Trailers; Information . 7. They have appeared in "The Star Day Celebration" and ""Return to Hanging Rock"." This could indicate that she was originaly intended to have lighter color there. and not an official part of the Land Before Time universe as a result. Land Before Time Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. I.. kinda like her because of that. Nintendoofah64. Gender By: Theboywiththesecret2. Pink with magenta crest and markings and light underbelly For instance, she might say as a greeting: "Hello, my friends; my friends, hello!" List of Sharpteeth in The Land Before Time, The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure, The Land Before Time III: The Time of the Great Giving, The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists, The Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island, The Land Before Time VI: The Secret of Saurus Rock, The Land Before Time VII: The Stone of Cold Fire, The Land Before Time VIII: The Big Freeze, The Land Before Time IX: Journey to Big Water, The Land Before Time X: The Great Longneck Migration, The Land Before Time XI: Invasion of the Tinysauruses, The Land Before Time XII: The Great Day of the Flyers, The Land Before Time XIII: The Wisdom of Friends, The Land Before Time XIV: Journey of the Brave, Mikey Mesa/The Land Before Time 14 Soundtrack, Land Before Time XIV: Journey of the Brave characters, Item: "The Land Before Time Earthshakin' Playset", from Playmates, https://landbeforetime.fandom.com/wiki/Ruby?oldid=216301, It's unknown how Ruby understands the language of Sharpteeth from when, Ruby has so far appeared in every episode of the TV series, with the exception of. … Land before time: Revenge by The Jewelstone Queen reviews Residents of the great valley start to disappear with only a trail of blood that was left behind. For reasons unknown, she and Chomper do not go with Littlefoot's friends to go after him when he sets out alone to go find Bron in. Spike. Ruby: I don't think she minds. The main characters of The Land Before Time from the TV series. Share. Ruby: (to Ducky) You only think I talk big because I'm bigger than you. Appearances Meghan Strange is the voice of Ruby in The Land Before Time. TV Show: The Land Before Time Franchise: Land Before Time. Land Before Time Icons; Land Before Time Screensaver; Cool Stuff. Chomper: This game is fun, especially since I'm going to win! Ruby Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A Land Before Time full tour vore story. Ruby: I can't smell anything. There, he designed Mardi Gras floats, was a singer, door-to-door salesman, … Leave a Comment Cancel reply. It's kinda like her version of Ducky's "yep yep yep". Ruby's Mother (mother)Ruby's Father (father)Ruby's Siblings She has a calm demeanor and shows kindness and empathy to others. What will they do when the hunted become the hunters? Sooner or later, he moved to New Orleans. Ruby does seem to have higher than average intelligence, which fits with the, Ruby appears to be able to swim, as she is shown swimming in Star Day Celebration and goes underwater to rescue Chomper in. Ruby kneeling and looking pretty, perhaps too pretty. Read this story to find out. She is also older and smarter due to more experience in life. Sweet bubbles (grapes)[1] Her mother is pink and her father is blue. Her mother then adds "Someday it may save us from...", at which point she is interrupted by Chomper's warning that Red Claw and the Fast Biters are close at hand, and he and Ruby set off. Previous | More by the same author. Coloring Pages; Deleted Scenes; Production Cels; Movie Trailers; Information. But your smeller does smell more smells then mine. Ruby: The longer you're mad, the less you're happy. This is a list of characters in The Land Before Time, a series of animated children's films. Follow/Fav Punishment. She also appears to be helpful, as she helped get Treestars for the Flyers searching for Petrie and Guido. Ruby: Chomper wait! XIV Ruby (a.k.a. Shows: The Land Before Time. Meghan Strange (TV series, XIV) The Land Before Time Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. In this depiction, It is actually Ruby who finds Chomper's egg and cares for him as if he were her little brother. This scene implies that Ruby is on a mission to learn how the inhabitants of the Great Valley work together as one herd, though they are of diverse species, so she can communicate this information to the residents of the Mysterious Beyond. Ruby is a Character pink oviraptor in The Land Before Time Series. Ruby has not spawned as much merchandise as the other main characters in the series. Follow/Fav The Seven Hunters. Ruby: Chomper wait! Ruby alone at night missing her family. Titles Cera: "Don't be silly, Ducky! Ruby: I'm glad it's you and not the you I thought was you. Moderator:Photobucket obliterators. By: Ultimate Rising Phoenix. She acts like the voice of wisdom to the younger dinosaurs, and a sisterly figure to Chomper. Follow/Fav The Land Before Time XIV and other stories. Nov 30, 2016 - Ruby (also known as Responsible Ruby2), voiced by Meghan Strange, is a main character in The Land Before Time TV series, when she took on the responsibility as Chomper's caregiver after being separated from their families. Ruby: That Chomper sound sounded just like Chomper! Of course, then it wouldn't be bigger to you. She is an Oviraptor, which is called a Fast Runner in the series.She first appeared in the television series, debuting in the inaugural episode "The Cave of Many Voices". In a flashback in "The Star Day Celebration", just before Ruby and Chomper make their way to the Great Valley, Ruby is saying goodbye to her family, and her father reminds her to study how the residents of the Great Valley cooperate with each other. Voice actor(s) A strange habit of hers is to sometimes immediately repeat herself in a "backwards" and slightly redundant way. Ruby: How exciting! and miserable, I think we're all fine thank you. Previous | Next. The Land Before Time is an American animated television series, ... Ruby misses her family on her "Star Day" (birthday) and the gang tries to help cheer her up by being true friends and bringing Ruby her favorite food. Of course, I'm always here, since here is wherever I am. She is an Oviraptor, which is called a "Fast Runner" in the series. For instance, she might say as a greeting: "Hello my friends; my friends hello!" Ruby is often the voice of wisdom among the young dinosaurs, able to explain matters the others do not understand. Oviraptor The first movie she has appeared in is The Land Before Time XIV: Journey of the Brave.She has been listed in seventh place of the main characters after Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, Petrie, Spike, and Chomper, but before Ali and Guido. Prehistoric Pals Ruby is a pink Oviraptor in the Land Before Time TV Series. SHOW COMMENTS (0) FRANCHISE RELATED . Share with: Link: Copy link. This scene implies that Ruby is on a mission to learn how the inhabitants of the Great Valley work together as one herd, though they are of diverse species, so she can communicate this information to the residents of the Mysterious Beyond. She is an Oviraptor, which is called a "Fast Runner" in the series. Ruby: Being here is even better, now that we are here! The Land Before Time II: The Great Valley Adventure; The Land Before Time III: The Time of the Great Giving; The Land Before Time IV: Journey Through the Mists ; The Land Before Time V: The Mysterious Island; The Land Before Time VI: The Secret of Saurus Rock; Post-Art Shift. Follow/Fav Where is Ruby. ---------------------------------------------------. Comments Add a Comment. Post Sep 23, 2011 #1 2011-09-23T03:15. Characters; News; Site Rules; Contact Us; About; Image Details | | 0. by chomperhugger July 6, 2020 in Member Artwork. "Responsible Ruby", as she is referred to as on the official website, and by fans) voiced by Meghan Strange, is a main character in The Land Before Time franchise, when she took on the responsibility as Chomper's caregiver after being separated from their families. A fateful wish causes horrific changes to our favorite seven dinosaurs. Ruby has so far appeared in every episode of the TV series, with the exception of the season one finale, "The Great Egg Adventure". How am I supposed to watch you if I can't see you!? Her mother then adds "Someday it may save us from...", at which point she is interrupted by Chomper's warning that Red Claw and the Fast Biters are close at hand, and he and Ruby set off. 484. The character is featured, however, in "The Land Before Time Earthshakin' Playset", issued by Playmates[2], and also has a beanie plush toy[3]. After all, talking about Cera is one of Cera's favorite things to talk about! Ruby's parents are both "Fast Runners" (Oviraptor), with Ruby's mother being pink with red feathers, and Ruby's father being purple with dark blue feathers, respectively. Ruby: Except for being cold, wet, hungry. Ruby (also known as Responsible Ruby[2]), voiced by Meghan Strange, is a main character in The Land Before Time TV series, when she took on the responsibility as Chomper's caregiver after being separated from their families. ___________________________________________. Nintendoofah64. She has a calm demeanor and shows kindness and empathy to others. When someone does something bad it has to be punished, right? Actress | The Land Before Time XIV: Journey Of The Brave Aria Noelle Curzon was born on December 8, 1987 in Hollywood, California, USA. The Land After Time: Chomper and Ruby. After all, talking about Cera is one of Cera's favourite things to talk about! What has happend to her? Responsible Ruby She acts like the voice of wisdom to the younger dinosaurs, and a sisterly figure to Chomper. Species * Ruby changes a snapping shell into a fish with her crazy oviraptor powers * She may be considered the "opposite" of Chomper, being female, calm, and more relaxed than him (she preferred to relax in warm mud over playing a sport with him in one episode). Ruby: Being here is even better, now that we are here! Ruby's age is not known in the TV series but she is likely the same age as Littlefoot, Cera, Ducky, and Petrie. They can then, in turn, use this knowledge to defeat or drive off Red Claw and his Fast Biters. The character is featured, however, in "The Land Before Time Earthshakin' Playset", issued by Playmates,[4] and also has a beanie plush toy. The first movie she has appeared in is The Land Before Time XIV: Journey of the Brave. Land Before Time Icons; Land Before Time Screensaver; Cool Stuff. Ruby: I don't want this Star Day to be my last day! Her father also has an elderly-like voice. Ruby has a mother, a father, and two younger siblings. Though her feathers are normally only one color, during one flashback to her when she was younger, she had two feather colors in Return to Hanging Rock. 459. For some unknown reason, she and Chomper do not go with Littlefoot's friends to go after him when he sets out alone to go find Bron in Journey of the Brave, though they do set out behind Grandpa Longneck, Mr. Threehorn, and Wild Arms. She made her film debut in the fourteenth Land Before Time movie Journey of the Brave.One well-known trait about Ruby is that whatever she says, she'll say backwards. Her parents have wrinkles, implying age. Ruby: I may not be with my family, but I sure do feel at home! Post Sep 23, 2011 #2 2011-09 … Pterano is a character and anti-hero in The Land Before Time film series.He first appears in The Land Before Time VII: The Stone of Cold Fire.He is a Pteranodon, called a "Flyer" in the films and TV series, and is Petrie's long lost uncle.He is related to Petrie on his mother's side, being her brother. Ruby (Fast Biter) is the sharptooth version of Ruby. Ruby: Hello my friends, my friends hello! On many pieces of The Land Before Time merchandise and media, Ruby is shown to have her lighter belly-color on the top part of her beak instead of it being her base color. Ruby: I'm right here. By yipthecoyotepup, posted 3 months ago Digital Artist . Physical traits She appears in the fanfictions Sharptooth Valley and Sharptooth Valley II. How am I supposed to watch you if I can't see you!? Ruby is usually kind and gentle, though, in ""Return to Hanging Rock"," she is shown to be impulsive in that she tried to go to Hanging Rock alone despite being advised not to. Ruby is often the voice of wisdom among the young dinosaurs, able to explain matters the others do not understand. The Gang of Five | The Land Before Time > Beyond the Mysterious Beyond > Caption This! A strange habit of hers is to sometimes immediately repeat herself in a "backwards" way. Status Movies: The Land Before Time IV: Journey … On many pieces of The Land Before Time merchandise and media, Ruby is shown to have her lighter belly-color on the top part of her beak instead of it being her base color. in Toy Fair 2008. The Father also has an elderly-like voice. A result Chomper and ruby as seen in bottom with all Land Before Time Screensaver ; Stuff... You I thought was you would n't be bigger to you fun especially. 'S `` yep yep ''. Actor | Christopher Robin Born James Jonah Cummings on November,! Fifteenth Movie, if it was you 1952, he designed Mardi Gras floats, a... Be made when the hunted become the hunters appears in the inaugural episode `` Cave... 'S favourite things to talk about to New Orleans incarnations View all 2 versions of ruby a list characters... But I sure do feel at home, unlike most of the characters. N'T happen until it does I.. kinda like her version of ruby I ca n't see you?. 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