Since dogs can’t … You may also have witnessed your dog hiding bones, toys, and other stuff in the backyard, under a pile of dirty clothes, or under the couch’s cushion. If your canine friend doesn’t show any signs of fear, pain or anxiety, there is no cause for concern about the hiding behavior, uncles, of course, she spends many hours or even days there. what is wrong? Have a specialty? Should we try to coax him or just leave it. They’re Afraid. It sounds like my dog will react the same way to being sick as me. Canines may also hide if they are feeling unwell. In such cases, the lucky dogs buried their left-overs in the ground to keep it safe from other dogs. Just make sure to watch out for any tell-tale signs outlined above and if necessary, take your dog to the vet. Poor health may also explain why you see your dog hiding under the bed or in the closet, more so it if simply won’t come out or eat. inject her as in the past. Fireworks also tend to frighten dogs and could be an explanation for dog hiding behavior. Your dog could be spending more time in dark, enclosed spaces such as the closet due to events like moving houses, the introduction or loss of a member in the household, or even from the introduction of another pet. He is fast asleep in his small contained space. DogsCatspets is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising & linking to he was fine this am with my two other lab mixes ages one and two.. all of a sudden he will not come out of the closet,has hidden under the bed for hours. Some breeds e.g. Here are the most common reasons for dogs that hide in closets. behind the couch, in dark corners, etc. Pale, blue, or dark red gums: according to Dr. Gene, veterinarian, an expert at, normal gums should be pink and moisture laden. If your dog suddenly loses interest in playing, going for walks, and other things that … When unusually many children come visiting and tease the dog, it may respond by hiding in the closet, under furniture and in other suitable places that are devoid of light for as long as the children are around. It may be a closet, a crate, or even under your bed. It had sustained an eye injury and only came out to look for food. In cases of severe pain or illness, dogs would resort to hiding in the bushes. holes in the backyard, beneath piles of clothes, and under the couch cushions. Although some dog breeds are timider than others and therefore more likely to hide when scared, there may be a historical perspective to certain cases of fear in dogs. This kind of behavior typically means one of two things: illness or injury (with depression falling under the “illness” category). My dog (a mix of bishon and shitzhu) is 10 years old and today she has been acting strange. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Create a safe and happy space. Other reasons include depression or that your dog is shy; it could also be that your dog finds the closet comfortable. spaying. If you find that your dog is hiding in the closet as a result of these occasional noises then there is probably nothing to worry about. There are a lot of reasons why your dog might start suddenly hiding in the closet. It is not intended to serve as medical advice or to take the place of advice from, or treatment by, your veterinarian. Learn how your comment data is processed. Search the Blog Trending Topics. 2. This site’s content is for informational and educational purposes only. She's never done this before. In addition to hiding in the closet, you may have also noticed your dog becoming less active, reducing his appetite, or having toilet-related problems. And many dog owners such as this one or this one believe that a piece of clothing calms their anxious dog. Loss of Interest. However, my dog has always been a picky eater. Other Reasons Why Your Dog Is Staring at the Wall Cognitive Dysfunction Syndrome and seizures are the more common medical reasons why … They hide them in safe places e.g. My 7 yr old male has suddenly stopped jumping on bed or chair. If your dog keeps hiding under the bed, it may as well be just because she feels comfortable there. Dog hiding behaviors go beyond hiding themselves. A few of my by beloved pomeranians (11 year old, and 12 year old) were showing some odd behaviors (howling, staring at the wall, hiding at night on the floor instead of where he used to sleep on my bed ( actually my pillow 🙂 his whole life, delayed reaction when I talk to him even tho he seems to be looking right at me) So sad, and it scares me. This behavior stems back to the early days of canines. When a dog thus decides to hide under the bed or couch for hours at a time, it becomes a point of concern. Dogs hide, too — and dog hiding is actually pretty common. As for toys and other household items, rotating them may help. Your best bet is time. Behavioral Issues. This is likely to be the case if you know there’s no health issues with your dog and his personality remains cheerful and happy. My dog suddenly changed his behavior, should we be worried? You may also notice the dog hiding its tail as it runs under the bed or couch, into the closet, into stuffed animals etc. Why does my dog sleep in the closet? Other than comfort, your dog may hide under the bed and in other places for safety reason, e.g. Changes in Elimination Habits. She started scratching at the door really hard to go outside (which she has never done before) and I took her outside and she acted like she needed to poop but as we were walking she kept stopping and laying down in the grass as if she were going to stay there all day. 1. Anxiety. She will come around once she learns to trust you and the people around your house. Others like to cuddle up with them while watching TV. Any measure aimed at making the hiding place inaccessible can also help to stop dog hiding behaviors. Why is my dog licking the hair off his toes? Other than illness and injury, dogs can hide due to pain after a surgery e.g. Hiding in a closet during a storm is something that is reasonable… if he feels like he needs to be secure… a room with no windows can feel good. According to Dr. David Dilmore, DVM, of Banfield Pet Hospital , dog hiding often … This prescription drug reportedly works by blocking a chemical called norepinephrine in the brain. Cat. Your dog can also hide from the vet over the fear that he/she might do something painful to her e.g. For dogs, a safe space will usually be dark and relatively small. This is the dog’s way of communicating to you that it hurts when you touch her. A new medication called Sileo has been developed to help stop panicking and the subsequent dog hiding behaviors. However, just like any other dog, the breed comes with its own set of health concerns that any Rottie pet parent should be aware of. Your dog could be hiding behind the couch or under the bed because it thinks you like it when she does that. How many dog owners have asked this question at one point or another? Negative reinforcement techniques can also help to stop dog hiding behaviors. It also often occurred that the prize was so large to gobble down in one sitting. Dog Snoring: Why Dogs Snore, Remedies and Treatments, Good article.. Once there, you could follow up by hugging and cuddling her up to show her that you are happy with her. You should always discuss treatment of medical conditions with your veterinarian before using any alternative therapies, natural supplements, or vitamins. can scare dogs and make them hide in areas around your house or yard where it feels safe. You are better safe than sorry. I have 4 cats. He still chases hi Should we have him examined. My sister used to have to PUT her dog in a closet if a storm rolled thru. My dog is reclusive; what could be wrong? On the flip side of aggression, your dog might also retreat to their … Copyright © 2021 My Pet Child | About Us | Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy, 3 Reasons Why Your Dog is Suddenly Trying to Pee on You, 3 Reasons Why Your Dog Suddenly Refuses to Come Inside, 3 Reasons Why Your Dog Likes to Hide or Bury His Treats, 4 Reasons Why Your Dog Likes to Hide Under the Bed. Understanding why your pet keeps hidingis important as it will help you decide whether or not a vet’s attention is required as well as take respective measures to stop the behavior. Fear plays a major role in your dog hiding in the closet. Why Do Dogs Hide Bones, other Foods, and Toys? There are other, more concerning reasons why your dog could be hiding under the bed, including anxiety or illness. terriers, also enjoy spending time in burrows and the poorly lit area in the closet or under the bed may simulate such environments. A thundershirt helps to calm your dog by continuously applying gentle pressure on your dog’s body. In the wild, food was a scarce commodity and the dog that was lucky in his hunting endear often encountered competition for his food from other dogs in the pack. Why is my dog suddenly hiding when i leave the house? This normally happens after the anesthetic wears off. However, we need to know that illness and disease is only one reason why a dog may go into hiding. Some dogs love to hide in closets and there is a good reason for it. Perhaps, it is just your imagination. Anxiety may also be the answer to the question, “why is my dog hiding under the bed?” A classic example involves dogs and children. your dog may hide things as a game when bored e.g. Dogs that suddenly hide or want to be left alone behave that way because something is bothering them. meeting them at the door) and/or shows other signs of illness and injury. Some dogs like to find a contained space in the event of loud noises. By hiding, the dog feels safe knowing that nothing will drop on them and nobody will accidentally trample on them. Excessive licking and grooming on specific areas. She is also scratching and digging at the floor. The dog now all of a sudden is hiding in the closet and shaking whenever she is around my manager. Whatever the reason, extensive dog hiding behavior should not be ignored. I will crate my dogs if they fret over storms… This instinctive hoarding behavior still manifests in pet dogs when they feel they have excesses of food or toys. Probably more than a few. Another possibility is an aural seizures which can cause many different reactions such as hiding, pacing, panting, fly catching, becoming more clingy to the owner or just the opposite, among several other behaviors. Dogs can also succumb to depression. After some coaxing he will do it. Reader Favorites. Encourage (but don’t force) your dog to … Below are some of the most common tri… He will start feeling miserable and grumpy with a fever or congestion and loose his appetite. Dogs may prefer to be in a safe, enclosed space if they are having health issues. The 2 black ones are brother & sister. They don’t like the sound of … Illness. You become more perplexed. A few of the more common causes of shaking, shivering, trembling, or tremors in dogs include: Distemper. This page discusses some of the common reasons and ways to stop this behavior. We strongly suggest calling the vet if you notice anything indifferent about your dog’s behavior. We don’t know if dogs feel depression the same way we do but we do know that dogs can feel down in periods of change. nowI am in a panic…Help. If your dog starts hiding on a regular basis with no apparent provocation, particularly if it is combined with lethargy, loss of appetite, indications of pain and discomfort, retching or vomiting, a visit to your veterinarian may be a good idea. For the past couple days, my dog has been panting a lot and hiding in small places, especially the little shelf in the computer desk. Hi, Recently my dog will start running around the house in an anxious manner and then go run and hide in the closet. Playing soft music during a thunderstorm can also help to calm your dog and stop it from hiding. Copyright © 2015-2021 Dogs Cats Pets, LLC, 7 Things about Your Dog’s Anxiety That Will Help You Help Them, Here’s Why Fireworks Scare Your Dog (and the New Drug That Might Help). Understanding why your pet keeps hiding is important as it will help you decide whether or not a vet’s attention is required as well as take respective measures to stop the behavior. You should suspect illness or injury if your normally friendly dog suddenly stops playing around and socializing with people (e.g. Thunderstorms are also notorious for triggering fear in dogs and often cause them to hide. The sound starts getting louder as if someone is in there. A case in point: back in September 2014, Hope for Paws went to rescue a dog that had been hiding in a bush by the roadside along with her puppies. The dog was ultimately adopted together with all her puppies. Others like to cuddle up with them while watching TV. Why is My Cat Suddenly Hiding All the Time? This explains why many dogs hide under the bed when they are stressed, scared or confused. Besides fireworks, dogs often have storm phobias. You can also help your dog overcome its fear through behavioral therapies. “A … Apply to … While you can’t stop the sounds outside, you can train your dog be calmer when they hear loud noises. Hiding. The hiding behavior is not a cause for concern if it occurs occasionally but if your dog is hiding under the bed or in the closet constantly, then you will need to take measures aimed at calming your furry friend and eliminating the triggers. Once you wake and look in your closet, you notice that your dog is sitting in your closet, underneath your clothes. Dogs may hide when sick, so if you see that your dog is hiding in unusual places, you should take a look and see if you can notice additional symptoms that may point to a disease. Reasons for Hiding There are many reasons for a dog to hide under the bed, including illness, fear, comfort, the search for a safe sleeping area, the need to avoiding punishment or simply being upset due … If dogs are dealing with body aches, for example, they may want to find a … Other than storing the excesses of kibble, toys etc. Certain breeds are more susceptible to anxiety than others including Chihuahuas, poodles. So, if your dog suddenly starts trembling or shivering, it's important to take note of other symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, or limping. He might have just decided to make the closet his “den”. Before they were domesticated, dogs living in the wild knew that appearing injured made them and their pack vulnerable. For example, a dog that has been abused in the past may become timid and tend to hide from the pet owner when they grab an object the dog associates with the bad experience. Some pet owners like to play around with their dogs. the other night i woke up to my 6 year old retriever sleeping in my walk in closet on the wood floor and the light was on. Usually, a sudden change in behavior is a red flag for most dog owners. She recently started hiding and cowering when my SO … Sometimes he refuses to eat just because he doesn’t like the new dog … Is it a person or just my imagination? While this behavior is common among dogs, it’s important to diagnose the cause quickly as there could be something that’s stressing your dog out. “If there’s something scary going on, dogs love to find a hiding spot,” says Jake. They could have experienced trauma, be going through pain, or have depression. To stop your dog from hiding bones, carrots, etc., avoid being so generous with treats. In some cases, there might be nothing wrong with your dog. For thunderstorms and fireworks-related fear and dog hiding, a thundershirt can be helpful. #3 Storm Phobias. *. While you may not think your dog has anything to feel threatened by in your home, their natural instinct is strong. He ate breakfast and his dinner…. In conclusion, dog hiding behaviors may or may not be a sign that your dog is sick or depressed. Common Questions. They also occasionally hide treats such as carrots, bones etc. It’s late-night and you want to rest after a long day at work, then suddenly you hear some noise coming from the closet. It comes as a no surprise therefore that July 5th is usually a very busy day at animal shelters throughout the United States as the American Humane Society reports. Even with domestication, dogs still shows this instinctive behavior of hiding when sick. The sister, Sushi, has been hiding in my bedroom for months now. Your email address will not be published. As it hides, your dog could be getting dehydrated since it is not drinking enough water. For example, if your dog keeps hiding behind the sofa, you may move it back so that it touches the wall if your room setup permits it. According to says San Diego-based veterinarian Jessica Vogelsang, dogs are routine animals and you should thus not be surprised when your do responds normally to a doorbell but run into hiding upon hearing thunderstorms. From hiding, poodles conclusion, dog hiding behavior rescued one 48 hours ago.. male lab mix 8.. As for closets with doors, you can train your dog and stop it from hiding necessary take!, a sudden change in behavior is a red flag for most dog owners such as watches and are. ’ s way of communicating to you that it hurts when you pick her or! Be dark and relatively small out of the more common Causes of shaking, Shivering, Trembling, or under... And there are children playing around and socializing with people ( e.g was so large gobble., you can also help to calm your dog can also help stop. 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