Have you read more Greek plays than you’d care to admit? Students of Ancient History degrees develop the abilities to formulate theories and conduct research regarding this specific timeframe. Compare M.A., M.Phil. About the courseBoth in Classical languages and literature, and in ancient history, the DPhil programme is a research degree intended to make it possible for the successful candidate to aspire to a career in research and teaching at university level anywhere in the world where the Classical subjects are studied. With advanced degrees in other fields, you could go into law or politics. Ancient history is the compilation of past events from the beginning of recorded human history to the Early Middle Ages. Examples include: Students with an interest in ancient history can pursue the topic at the bachelor's or master's level. Web. Among the features that distinguish this program are the following: 1) Students take a full offering of history courses in addition to their language work. Entry requirements for the job include a bachelor’s degree in a subject relatively close to the type of collections you will be working with (such a degree in visual arts for art galleries), classroom teaching experience or a teaching qualification, and in some rare cases a master’s degree in museum studies. How to choose the right Ancient History degree. Earn Transferable Credit & Get your Degree. The Ancient History major invites you into the worlds of ancient Greece and Rome, using their myths, images, inscriptions, artifacts written history and literature as evidence. | All Courses If you are a part-time student, you will take Sources and Methods in Ancient History in your first year, along with 40 credits of optional modules. Degrees in ancient history are available at the bachelor's and master's levels, generally in the area of Greek and Roman history. Students of Ancient History degrees develop the abilities to formulate theories and conduct research regarding this specific timeframe. Please tell us about the city you studied in or a city etc. Historical training and the analysis of ancient processes give the ability to analyse modern events. Entrance into a master's program requires the … Get course descriptions,... An admission advisor from each school can provide more info about: Get Started with Western Governors University, Get Started with Washington University in St Louis, Get Started with The University of Texas at Austin. Entry requirements to work in gallery curation include a bachelor’s degree in a related subject and, in most cases, a postgraduate qualification such as a PhD in your area of specialty or a master’s degree in museum studies. You will learn Latin as well as build a detailed knowledge of Greek and Roman history and culture as part of your coursework and end of year dissertation. On our Ancient History BA degree you can explore a huge range of diverse periods, countries and cultures. A UK 2:1 honours degree, a minimum US 3.25 GPA or international equivalent, in a subject related to this programme, normally Classics, Classical Civilization, Ancient History or Classical Archaeology. You would be expected to concentrate your efforts on event organization, PR and logistics. Some departments give students more leeway to specialize, while others follow a more fixed curriculum, and some schools place a stronger emphasis on languages, anthropology, history or archeology. To apply to a master's program in the area of ancient history, you need to have already earned a bachelor's degree. UK salaries for this role range from£17,000 to £40,000 (~US$25,000-59,000), depending on experience. Museum education officers ensure that collections are accessible and engaging, by organizing talks, workshops and festivals, often working closely with schools. An interest in classics, of course, is essential. Most programs have no requirement as to the type of undergraduate degree but some may require undergraduate history coursework. Within history degrees, students often are provided with a “big picture” overview of world history, European history, American history, and then focus on one other area of the world. The two-year master's degree program may also require students to complete a capstone project or thesis prior to graduation. "Ancient History Degrees by Degree Program Level." Working as a museum or gallery exhibition officer, your job would be very similar to that of a curator, but slightly different. ... Our modular degree learning experience gives you the ability to study online anytime and earn credit as you complete your course assignments. You'll learn how to work with a wide range of evidence, including historical texts, inscriptions, papyri, coins, art and architecture. In your second year, you will take your dissertation module and a further 40 credits of optional modules. This academic program is designed at the postgraduate level (Master’s or Doctoral). They include writing, critical thinking, and organizational skills. It's free! (2016, Aug 29 of publication). Ancient History degrees. US salaries range from US$24,100 to US$67,100, while UK curators can expect to earn between £18,000 and £39,000 (~US$26,300-57,000). Entrance into a master's program requires the successful completion of a bachelor's degree. Answer the following questions to find the best school options for your degree. At the graduate level, doctoral programs in … Consider volunteering, work shadowing or a work placement with an organization or in a sector you are attracted to. Learn which are the best schools offering graduate degree programs in ancient history. 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With a degree or graduate certificate in ancient history, you can find positions in historical museums or libraries. It offers students the opportunity to focus on a specific period or topic, explore adjacent disciplines, and acquire technical skills in such areas as archaeology, epigraphy, numismatics, papyrology, and textual criticism. Assessments are usually essay-based, often taking the form of year-long piece of coursework and an extended and independent piece of writing usually of 10,000 words. in Ancient History from leading Universities and Graduate Schools. However, in order to follow this profession you may need an MA in Journalism. You may be handling old manuscripts, films, records, maps, or photographs, working alongside researchers, academics and the general public. Specializing in ancient history and archeology, you will have a chance to learn about applied archeological methods and approaches, as well as Greek and Roman history, artefacts and burial practices. Want expert, personalized advice that can save you a lot of time and money? Connect with Students of Ancient History degrees develop the abilities to formulate theories and … Pre-entry work experience is also essential, and internships are a common entry route. Explore the fabulous histories of the Roman and Greek empires, covering topics ranging from Pompeii, to Pagan religions to Late Antiquity or the Roman Republic…. Bachelor's degree programs in this field typically include about 120 hours worth of study, 30 hours of which must be dedicated to core ancient history classes. ), Study.com / Ancient History Degrees by Degree Program Level. You'll receive the same credential as students who attend class on campus. Gain a broad knowledge of the period stretching from 776BC to 641AD in this wide-ranging and inclusive Ancient History degree. Aside from these specialized career options, a degree in classics and ancient history will also provide you with a strong combination of analytical and communication skills valued across a wide range of sectors – from media and PR to market research and legal careers. You will have a chance to learn about early Greek philosophy, Greek art and architecture, the Hellenic age and Greek literature and poetry. With a minor or an undergraduate study in education, along with teaching certification, you can become a teacher. Sign up to our monthly newsletter to receive regular content highlights direct to your inbox. Study ancient history at an advanced level and develop your interest in the ancient world, whilst receiving excellent preparation for further graduate research. Earning a bachelor's degree could lead to an entry-level career in a museum or a legal setting; it can also prepare students for graduate study. Both degrees prepare students for future careers in museums or academia, or in research-intensive occupations. We will also consider an honours degree in another subject if your personal statement demonstrates how you are equipped to undertake the programme. Competition for a place on a postgraduate training course can be fierce – you will often need some previous work experience in an archives environment. You will learn about their culture, archaeology and history. You will learn with passionate historians and professors from top universities all around the world. Study.com College Advisor that can help you compare costs and options. Journalism, and especially becoming a foreign correspondent, is an excellent application of the skills you would acquire during your university years. Ancient history courses lean strongly on lecture and classroom experience, as well as individual study. UK salaries for the role range from £19,000 to £40,000 for senior staff. All rights reserved. Study.com, 29 Aug 2016 published. © copyright 2003-2021 Study.com. Ancient History degrees. Many students who earn a generic liberal arts or history undergraduate degree elect to hone their knowledge of ancient cultures in graduate school. Got a natural aptitude for languages, even those which are no longer in living usage? All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. To learn more about our cookies and how to manage them, please visit our cookie policy The listings below may include sponsored content but are popular choices among our users. In the US, a librarian could be expected to earn between US$28,470 and US$70,140; UK salaries range between £14,600 and £34,200 (~US$21,300-50,000). Ancient History degrees study past societies and examine the dynamic interactions between cultures in the classic period, until the fall of the Roman Empire. Further, GRE scores are required for some programs. All are useful regardless of your aspirations, but these attributes are essential in many occupations. Entry requirements for the role include a bachelor’s degree in a related subject, such as history of art or archeology, previous experience as a heritage officer, and in some cases even a postgraduate qualification in heritage or museum management. In the US, an archivist could expect to earn between US$30,100 and US$67,500, while Australian salaries range between AU$43,000 and AU$125,600 (~US$31,000-90,500). Whether or not you decide to compound your interest with a postgraduate degree, your undergraduate studies should equip you with a host of transferable skills valued by employers. Study seminal texts in relation to their periods and various other contexts, and discover the amazing legacy of the Greco-Roman period on modern literature and pop culture. /sites/default/files/guides/lead-bg-images/old-books.jpg, Use at least 6 characters and one numeral. Enter zip: Find a Ancient History Postgraduate Degree , using the UK's most comprehensive search engine for postgrads. From love in Augustan Rome to the place of classics in popular culture, you will explore very niche topics while also building a host of transferable skills, including writing, analysis and research. https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/.../master/history/ancient-history About the courseThis two-year MPhil is the course taken by the majority of master's students in Ancient History. Earning a master's degree may lead to work as a museum archivist or a community college history teacher, among other careers. We'll calculate your UCAS points & connect you to a personalised list of courses for you to compare. 10 Jan 2021 accessed. All rights reserved. Topics covered could include Homeric society, Greek and Roman drama, gender and sexuality in Greek tragedy and the Hellenistic world. You may be required to learn Ancient Greek, depending on your university and course, in order to directly explore the literature, politics, philosophy and history of Ancient Greece. This degree focuses on the history of ancient Greece, Rome, the Middle East and Egypt from the third millennium BC to late antiquity. Brown University in Providence, RI Video Review. Hello all; I'm 14 years old and an aspiring intellectual. Information about Ancient History Degrees Ancient history studies society, culture, politics and the intellectual world of old civilisations such as Egypt, Greece or Rome. Students focusing on the classical world can indeed get a strong education in classics and ancient history (and often without the ancient language classes required of a classics degree). Studying classics and ancient history at university will prepare you to work in a number of sectors, including media and broadcasting, teaching and academia, museum and gallery work, and marketing. As a librarian, you would be expected to manage budgets and stocks, organize resources, advise readers and deal with enquiries. Some coursework involved in a graduate program in ancient history might include: A graduate of a master's degree program in ancient history will likely pursue a position in academia (which may require that an individual work toward a doctorate) or in research. Graduate certificate programs are available for post-bachelor students who wish to study ancient history. Ancient History (minor) Study a minor in Ancient History at the University of Newcastle If you choose to study a minor in Ancient History, your degree will focus on a range of courses dealing with ancient societies, primarily Greek and Roman. Find the best Masters Degrees in Ancient History in 2018. Have you always been drawn to the Greco-Roman period? This module is applicable to Specialist, Expert, Bachelor's, Master's & Ph.D. (Doctor) Degree Programs. See what makes these schools special.... Find out about online ancient history courses and in which programs they're most commonly offered. The Ancient History MA is an intercollegiate degree programme of the University of London. Study the ideas, politics and cultures of the Classical world by looking at political systems, religion, law, mythology, slavery, refugees, science and late antiquity. Similar courses for Classics & Ancient History include: Classical Greek Studies; Latin Studies; History by Period; Classical Studies Working in museum or gallery curation, you would be managing collections of paintings or artefacts and get involved in the acquisition and display of objects. To get the best results for Undergraduate Ancient History degree courses, simply enter your predicted grades here. a Study.com College Advisor at the end of the process. Course overview. You will develop your writing, reading and analysis skills and learn the research methods needed to become a classics scholar. Studying ancient history online is a flexible and fun way to uncover the major events and personalities of the past. Ancient History BA. For entry into any of these careers, you should consider gaining relevant work experience during and/or immediately after your studies. Such a program can go by different names at different schools, including a bachelor's degree in ancient studies, a bachelor's degree in ancient civilizations, or a bachelor's degree in history with a specific focus on ancient cultures. Studying classics and ancient history at university,you will gain the following skills: An opportunity to learn Greek, Latin and explore Greco-Roman literature, history and culture, undergraduate studies in classics and ancient history are often multidisciplinary. If imagining life long ago fascinates you, then an undergraduate degree in ancient history could be a good choice. In principle, ancient history encompasses the world from the advent of writing to the medieval era. Retrieved from https://study.com/ancient_history_degrees.html. Ancient History courses from top universities and industry leaders. Entry requirements for careers in archiving include an interest in history, good communication and research skills and attention to detail and accuracy. QS Quacquarelli Symonds Limited 1994 - 2021. Course content tends to vary depending on the university. Studying Ancient History: Degrees at a Glance. Requirements for undergraduate courses will vary depending on the university and program, though previous study in history, classics or any essay-based subject or modern/classical language, may be useful. Ancient History degrees study past societies and examine the dynamic interactions between cultures in the classic period, until the fall of the Roman Empire. You may also have a chance to do some archive work and handle old manuscripts. Study ancient history at an advanced level and develop your interest in the ancient world, whilst receiving excellent preparation for further graduate research. Studying history at UCL gives you opportunities to explore the subject which are unrivalled anywhere else in the UK or Europe. Ancient History Degrees by Degree Program Level. In other words, the ancient history discipline is a wide one. (Ancient History Degrees by Degree Program Level. Historians who study this span of roughly 5,000 years are concerned with the societies, cultures, politics, and intellectual worlds of old civilizations, especially Greece and Rome. FutureLearn has various ancient history courses to encourage your curiosity in some of the earliest cities in the world. Specialist, Bachelor's, Master's, Doctor - Ancient History. Studying Greek or Latin can form an important component of a degree in Classics & Ancient History, but it's also possible to study a range of subjects within the area without taking a language at all. Typically, you will be required to take an introductory course in ancient history in your first year, and be required to choose from a selection of optional courses as you progress. Another related option is to work as a museum education officer, a role focused ondelivering education programs to augment the visitor experience, acting as a link between the museum and the community. Entry requirements include a bachelor’s degree in a related subject, and in many cases a master’s degree in museum studies, as well as the right personality and motivations for the job. This is a terminal degree and those wishing to pursue a PhD in Ancient History will need to apply to the PhD program upon completion. If so, you should definitely think about studying classics and ancient history at university, to learn more about the topic while also developing transferrable skills of use in many graduate careers. Ancient History degrees. Find Schools. Earning a bachelor's degree in history will provide a lot of career choices.In addition to gaining in-depth knowledge about the past, you will acquire the soft skills that many employers value. Curriculum, relevancy of sample programs, and outcomes will vary by school. Discover the highest ranked universities for classics, Fascinating Classical Myths Which Are Still Relevant Today, Surprising Historical Facts About the Top 10 Best Student Cities, Find out what else you could do with a classics degree, Ability to assess competing interpretations, Knowledge of basic statistical techniques, Understanding of historical & cultural contexts, Nuanced appreciation of concepts such as “democracy”, Find your perfect School and Program with our matching tool, Connect with other students on our forums. In addition to courses that focus on the political, social, cultural, religious and philosophical backgrounds of ancient Greece and Rome, a master's degree program in ancient history also focuses on research methodologies and historical methods of learning. Ancient History degrees study past societies and examine the dynamic interactions between cultures in the classic period, until the fall of the Roman Empire. Some common courses include: Due to the specific nature of an ancient history program, master's degrees in the field are much more common than bachelor's degrees. you want to study in by taking our quick survey. I am interested in majoring in Ancient History and/or Organic Chemistry(thats another story). We use cookies to ensure the best user experience and to serve tailored advertising. Degrees in ancient history are available at the bachelor's and master's levels, generally in the area of Greek and Roman history. Online anytime and earn credit as you complete your course assignments research this! On lecture and classroom experience, as well as individual study fields you! Honours degree in ancient history could be a good choice demonstrates How are. During your university years covered could include Homeric society, Greek and Roman history history. 'S program requires the successful completion of a curator, but slightly different who wish to study in education along... 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