There was a French scholar in 1770 who put together about 300 men, 500 horses, and mules in New Orleans; who then made their way up northwest. The website is, Comments can also be sent to Richard [email protected], to rick roberts june 12 20 years ago a couple were prosecuted for tearing up graves in an old church cemetery im pretty sure in 1819-21 desecrating a grave or cemetery usually resulted in hanging a party of people digging in a cemetery in those days would have been noticed by a church official or congregation i thoght i had the cypher solved in1995 using the cemetery angle but as you delve deeper into the cypher you come across alot of different scenarios you start looking outside the cypher for angles for solving i have concluded the only way to solve it is to keep playing the numbers if youre lucky youll solve it. Es ist allerdings nicht klar, ob es sich bei den Beale-Chiffren nicht um einen Streich handelt. Beale Cipher Decoded. With Kevin Cox, Richard Dusatko, Michael Falcone, Scott Johnson. For instance, I look for clues and the earliest clues are your most important because they have not been tainted with smoke. If you think most of the numbers are random, you are most definitely wrong; a) none of the numbers from the second document are random, and b) that is probably just an excuse for the gibberish that has resulted from a bad key.If you turn out to be right, I’ll eat this computer I’m typing at right now. Oct 2, 2007 6:21pm by galleonman. I hope that someone will soon make a new search for the unfound Beale stash! This is 666 statute miles. They say, that pages 1 and 2 contain clues to the first page so that you can find the treasure? Nick…what do you make of this plain text, dictional content is unusual but coherrent enough; let’s discuss and then I’ll reveal the cipher…thanks: “By reason of most promising human beings, our wish to become greater those nearby I know! If you decode Beale's first cipher with some versions of the Declaration of Independence, as James Gillogly tried in 1980, you'll get gobbledygook—with the exception of this pseudo-alphabetical string in the middle of the code. GŁOWA SMOKA The Message: Has anyone tried a certain book of the bible or something written by Quakers (key in hands of friends). The Louisiana Purchase Treaty? Results of some correlation tests on Beale cipher (code)1. Breaking Beale Cipher No. Although, I do not know if I will make it over to Bedford county. bearer of important news directed toward that garish cause to happen. He is certain that they are not random numbers. So the spire from sea level reaches high about 583.5 feet. Paul. I am a modern living expert on cryptography….I believe it is impossible to anyone crack my secret codes and ciphers,so with friendly motive I CHALLENGE YOU give a try!!!! Aug 15, 2012 4:38pm by STANLEY CLAYTON. The only other letter that could be selected by the future cryptanalyst is “s” for “snee” (no other english words end with nee). A beale cipher is a modified Book Cipher. Let’s see…. Der Hohlraum ist grob mit Steinen umfasst und die Gefäße ruhen auf hartem Gestein und sind mit solchen bedeckt. 1 It 2 was 3 the 4 best 5 of 6 times, 7 it 8 was 9 the 10 worst ... [The second Beale cipher.] PAPER NUMBER ONE DESCRIBES THE EXACT LOCALITY OF THE VAULT, SO THAT NO DIFFICULTY WILL BE HAD IN FINDING IT. Some letters can be change. TO VON DIN MISN(MISSION) DS(DOES) LET REGGIE EAS(EASON?) Home; Profil. 578. Then again perhaps, and this is a long shot, just maybe, someone doesn’t want the Beale Papers to be solved. Your email address will not be published. el 1 es clase infinita de un área Lasseter’s Reef a delusion. Having fun with the Beale Papers and Substitution Cipher, 112 18 (147 436 195 320 37 122 113 6 140 8 120 305 42 58 461 44 106 301 13 408), 13 = P Personally, I think this indicates that B1 is a real codetext, and perhaps even that a differently-miscounted version of the Declaration of Independence was used to encode it (though with a simple cipher applied to it too). V. Lloyd: there’s a difference between being hard to decipher (i.e. , Though (just so you know) I’m unlikely to be able to respond for a fair few days, so please don’t expect a superquick reply. I’m a treasure hunter and there is a difference between decipher and treasure hunter. I was off a little, but I corrected myself cause I wasn’t too sure about the direction according to what was decipher. They intended to be gone for two years and elected Beale as their leader (referred to as Captain). He went a little further to make sure no one was watching. Beale and a party of 30 adventurers set out for Santa Fe. 1.6K likes. Now that the Fenn treasure is found I need a new hunt! Gillogly published his discovery in a Cryptologia essay called “A Dissenting Opinion" and calculated the chance it could occur randomly was 1 in 10,000,000,000,000. It should read; “ALL THE VAULTS…”. Only the second cipher has been solved. justintime….I’ve heard much about you from “Eldo”. Has anyone ever explored this or found any mention of this to your knowledge? The first Beale Cipher revealed the location of the vault. The Beale Treasure Forum. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 0. The Secret History of the Rosicrucians – 1. Emerson and Edgar Allan Poe both knew this secret and used it in their work…Poe, namely, in his tale “The Gold Bug”. The Beale Papers code #1 as was previously outlined in the Ron Gervais site is an itinerary to MSI and represents only one facet of what is hidden in the Beale Papers. Brandon: the fact that B1 both has stats that point to the same DoI source as B2 and yet apparently has number entries that are too high for it is a really interesting thing. Stories From The Margins, The Secret History of the Rosicrucians – 9. The Beale code is a classic case of misdirection. He took a right again due west looking behind to make sure no one following. I came up with a few names and some abbreviations. Einige Monate später erhielt Morriss einen Brief von Beale aus St. Louis, in dem er angewiesen wurde, die Kiste für zehn Jahre aufzubewahren und, wenn niemand deren Rückgabe verlangen würde, die Kiste zu öffnen und die enthaltenen Papiere mithilfe des Schlüssels, den er dann im Juni 1832 erhalten sollte, zu entschlüsseln. Stan, Something went wrong and he never came back. One of Stephen M. Matyas Jr.’s major contributions to Beale Cipher research is his extensive collection of printed versions of the Declaration of Independence from 1776-1825, which is available both in printed form and online on his website, e.g. In the appendix to my book, “The Jefferson Mysteries, Declaration of Independence” I present a logical argument that the code was written by Beverly Hemings in response to his father’s hypocrisy. Some ports were as far away as China and Australia. Deciphering is a tough skill, it’s like putting a puzzle together but don’t know how it goes. is it possible that B1 and B3 can be decoded using other important American documents? if not do u know who does? i agree we should look at the louisiana purchase treaty because: It’s just random ramblings. Nourish you mental or spiritual insight’s ardor Late 2014 the code's have been cracked and I am working to the final draft at this time. Please feel free to refute or dissasemble my conjecture. Virginia is also a State that likely has Beale wealth hidden…this project is spearheaded by others and they seem to be quite successful to date. If no one is paying attention then there is reason to continue right now. Stan Clayton & All, In other words if the story was true shouldn’t there be some recording somewhere in some paper or article discussing the loss of so many people? The directions to the vault area, construction details, talley of the pots plus contents and the final directions leading to the Beale Vault were entirely decoded from this cipher and no other. Therefore, “don’t really recognize” and “remain invisible” are phrases that seem to be quite costly. I am not calling this a final solve just yet — but if this is not the answer at least I have found an interesting way to encrypt something. Nick, I have a website where I explain the long strings of letters in cipher 1 and many other things about The Beale Papers. It is said that a person called Beale buried his treasure in United States in the 19th century. qualities, rise power to dominate, not ever to cease to exist; yet to the same degree, by I would like to get some feedback and or thoughts about this. Paul Stewart: I take the fact that some numbers are (apparently) out of range for the DOI to mean that the encrypting mechanism used for the rest is somehow incomplete map, and that these out-of-range numbers are somehow ‘addenda’ for out-of-range letters that aren’t covered by the map. Seems to me that the “objective” side must admit and deal with its counterpart. Nick- I sent you a very small smattering this weekend of what I’ve uncovered as well as a quicky explanation as to why Freemasonry, and a very specific branch of Freemasonry, was responsible for crafting the Beale Papers. Nice work. Jim Gillogly’s Beale sequence with two number before it. 113= 5 then add the preceding In my deciphering, I found the name “CSTER” (CHESTER?) 5439. H (Here) Las (Lies) ha (the) tylr (treasure). yes, 666.85714 statute miles !! Also, none of the frequency (or lack of), is remotely important either. 0. Meaning that the key is a Declaration of Independence with a map or maps on it. Finding out who the people were has been very difficult. galleonman. Let's decipher the Beale Ciphers consisting of 3 pages, and get vast treasure! Morriss ging davon aus, dass die Männer tot seien und fühlte sich verpflichtet, den Schatz nun an die Angehörigen der Männer zu verteilen, die in der dritten Chiffre aufgeführt sein sollen. We are lead to The Gold Bug to search out a hidden secretly written missive within the tale that leads to a mansion in Philadelphia. What form of a Paper is it? Its these values which are the key to solving C1. The treasure hunter relies more on clues and common sense where a decipher is skilled in finding the clues. I plan to purchase a copy of your book soon. Instead of taking the Appalachian trail, like he had done before, he choose to go two miles further. More than a century ago, a small pamphlet was published titled “The Beale Papers,” which contained three cipher texts. Jun 28, 2012 10:26am After decoding the Beale ciphers and working it to a final draft. I just learned this cipher exists and am fascinated. ere fen d?e red ?nee I don’t think that there was more steps to go by, since he said, he wanted to make sure it was an easy find, but I’m sure that he left something behind that someone can identify as a back up plan. But it stil seems like it is a book chiper so what if you took the date of the writing of the ciphers 1819-1820 and took any important/Famous documents /Books or writings before 1820 and then checked the number of words it has and rule out the one’s consisting of the amount of words being less than 2906 and then checking those Documents/ Books to see if they fit the cipher. Just curious as everything else I have read in here people are at least showing their work for the most part. newly received person regarded as a source of honor or credit, as well as, for one purpose alone, Let's decipher the Beale Ciphers consisting of 3 pages, and get vast treasure! We need people to text here to continue on this treasure hunting search. Is a Freemasonry secret known of the 13th Degree: Royal Arch of Enoch (or Knights of The Ninth Arch) ? 2. He took a right into the woods at about 4 miles from the old Lexington rd. It is the result of 12 years of my investigations. attribution through the agency of that end and final loss to you.”, B1 text uses numbers higher than 1322 for a character representation, this one was not craked directly from the Declaration of Independece. Ramiro where did you get all your info? Kenneth: I don’t really know what to say. Washington monument (obelisk) is approximately 555.5 feet high, but is actually about 583.5 feet high from sea level. Why would Thomas use this spelling of his name by his own hand in the decoded ciphers? The DOI is applied in a special manner to B1 and the short plaintext appears as follows: Inquire of him about me. Die Zahlen repräsentieren die Anfangsbuchstaben der n-ten Wörter im Originaltext. I guarantee that it won’t disappoint. The second Beale Cipher described the contents of the vault. Wow?! So perhaps there’s a whole body of work out there that’s simply fated to remain invisible to me. Andreae’s Two Journeys, The Secret History of the Rosicrucians – 10. The first Beale cipher is 520 characters long and contains a whopping 299 unique symbols—an impossibly low rate of 1.74 repetitions per character. Ward published a pamphlet, The. My hope is that the Chester Davies Statue(Monument) is found and that the treasure is 500 feet to the West of it”. Too bad. Upon deciphering the “3” Paper I did not find a complete list of the thirty persons that the treasure was to divided among. The Archaeological Project. Why did he have a dual cipher for Page #2 ?? The Key will merely state the contents of the vault, which the DOI is key, with an exact location. Ken: I suspect you’re bouncing your questions off the wrong person here, because I don’t really recognize anything of what you describe as cryptography or steganography (and I’ve seen a large amount of both). AND LENORE LOVE OLD POE..A BIT OF THE GILLODGY STRINGS. Once I have finished the work I have yet ahead of me, who would be a good few persons to confirm I have indeed deciphered the 3 Ciphers? I’ll explain! 47-46 9-22-7-34-63 08-60-02-66(36) We’re staring it in the face, basically. your enemy aiming at your gentle and winning qualities, any attribute, more than You can learn some things about deciphering here. I have relatives who do not live too far away from Bedford County, Virginia. Did you decipher Paper “1”, “2” and “3” ? He asked Morriss to open the box on that year if he never heard from Beale again. 1 (B1) is decoded with a key constructed from a correctly numbered Declaration of Independence (DOI), the last two letters in the decoded text are the letters "TB." It’s either a hoax or out-of-date (and probably useless) directions to some money. It's just random ramblings. Hmmm. human inhabitants of the earth, either in a different time or place, that is near or present, Red Knee is likely the name of a spot that is currently unknown to me and to other apparently as I have published this plaintext in two newspaper articles in hopes to locate red knee. There he could see anybody whose was coming or going to Lexington and at the same time he could spy on the Appalachian trail. Gwiazdozbiór ANDROMEDA 33+34+35+36 = ???? I’ll email you separately. Let’s not ignore the elephant in the drawing room…”7 e’s and 7 consonants and two unknowns”? Is this another name for Rock Creek? However, lots of people in Hollywood know Beale’s treasure is hidden in the grave beside Arch Stanton’s; marked: unknown. I have read the Gillogly paper and agree that the majority of the cryptogram is random numbers….I think the Gillogly string was injected into the selection of random choices to throw off later cryptanalysts and further hide the first 16 characters. 3. I don’t know for sure. Talk about the Beale Treasure Mystery! John Jay wrote articles 2, 3, 4, 51, and 64 of the ” Federalist Papers ” . AND ON THE BALCONY.AT THE END. In all 3 pages, the 2nd page is solved, but other pages are unsolved yet. I’m not going to just tell you where it’s at! What can you get from this sequence, I was quite surprised ! The Nazi gold train at Walbrzych; click-bait. Thanks, Its taken a lot longer than intended because I’ve been working in China most of this year. THE SECOND WAS MADE DEC. EIGHTEEN TWENTY-ONE (DEC 1821) AND CONSISTED OF NINETEEN HUNDRED AND SEVEN POUNDS OF GOLD AND TWELVE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY EIGHT OF SILVER; ALSO JEWELS OBTAINED IN ST. LOUIS IN EXCHANGE TO SAVE TRANSPORTATION, AND VALUED AT THIRTEEN THOUSAND DOLLARS. A seventh site (confidential) is soon to be…… well, I say, confidential – sorry. 1885 there were only a few and it’s not a novel. If I may say so myself, what I’ve done with the Beale Papers, even if it is not an exact solution in the end, has been quite extraordinary…not unlike spewed (and I mean oozed out information from the cracks of cryptography) information from a true prodigious savant. If not, then at least I will have put forth a quaint and sneaky way to hide a second message in a common book-cipher. Its far more than that. This time it was 122 steps to the treasure. Deutsche Übersetzung der zweiten Beale-Chiffre,, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. With Kevin Cox, Richard Dusatko, Michael Falcone, Scott Johnson. Joe R. Conn. ” TODAY I AGE OLD THOMAS J. BEALES LAST BOW CASH JEWELS “. 8-8+ 10= 18=R His venture started in 1817 which is the first clue to find on the first cipher page. 1 (hereinafter referred to as B1). 6-6+ 10=16=P “DAVEE”(DAVIES?) Now with all due respect I expect that every one to be kind in providing a generous finders fee to be given to this web site if you use any in formation provided here to find the treasure. I am beginning to wonder if he was from St. Louis or else where? Bridgeport to Boston is right at 133.16. Beale and a party of 30 adventurers set out for Santa Fe. Does Machias Seal Island represent the subterranean cavern of this Freemasonry group? Although a lucid message isn’t given, a string of numbers within the coded page deciphers to a very suspicious alphabetical sequence. From his study of the Beale Papers, Watt knew that Beale always … I am very interested in The Beale Treasure and the “B3” Paper. Clues, story setting, and common sense will bring out the possibilities of whether the story is true and it will provide a location. I HAVE DEPOSITED IN THE COUNTY OF BEDFORD ABOUT FOUR MILES FROM BUFORDS IN AN EXCAVATION OR VAULT SIX FEET BELOW THE SURFACE OF THE GROUND THE FOLLOWING ARTICLES BELONGING JOINTLY TO THE PARTIES WHOSE NAMES ARE GIVEN IN NUMBER THREE HEREWITH. There are other people working to uncover other sites of hidden wealth which are hidden in the confines of Beale. But guess what your relation/ friends paid good money for a treasure book that was a complete farce however be joyful your money wasnt used in vain your money went for the good of bringing back a dying newspaper that was surely about to go under, until Mr Beale came in with a report of a fabulous mine him and his friends were working in full of riches. Die Beale-Chiffre ist eine verschlüsselte Botschaft. 37 = e Then Beale created three ciphers now known as the Beale Ciphers. You, as a result, are at once the universe’s RECENTLY BRIDGE SEEM To REVOLVE ON FAtE POET ANDREW OaTh I BEG UrgE GoD DONT SIDE A SLY LIE BuRN BRIDGES PLEDGE bOUND THIS fOE ELiTE iS fAR SuCH MEAN MEn A fOE At OATh StInK MAC…, From 192 to 236: That's a lot of information to squeeze into twenty characters for each man. For the full text of the ciphers and (alleged) letters, go to a dedicated Beale Papers transcription page on the Cipher Foundation’s website. I am born and raised here in Bedford, this story has been told to me since I was a small child by grandparents from both sides of my family. This shows that the Beale cipher includes the Caesar cipher as a special case. So, locate the CHESTER DAVIES STATUE at the cemetery(Perhaps located at City Lens or Hole Lens, Virginia. There is the unwarranted expectation that at some point someone will unlock the code, replace the numbers with letters and viola…a readable message. Beale promised he would leave the information needed to analyze the ciphers with a friend in St. Louis and, should he never return, the friend would mail that envelope to Lynchburg in 1832. However, I did uncover an interesting publication during my investigations that may interest many of you. More documentation will be coming soon. There he took a right on a trail that was going up between two hills where he could spy on the surrounding area. He counted the steps to be 63 to be exact by the numbers he plotted on the first page. Other new clues have to agree with the situation at hand in order to define whether the story is true. The Thomas Beale Cipher. it necessary must have more than 2906 words…, I have been amused over the years by the laughsble ideas and elaborate proofs put forward to sell more books re the beale pamplets i think the lipstick cross on the rocks was the best so far, anyway ive decided to finish off the whole saga im putting the plot number and grave name on the internet on july 4 2013 and the method of getting it, the grave name is hidden in my book so i can prove ive had it all these years my decodes prove Poe wrote it first, his name is in it and OPQRSTof Gillogy fame is decoded Stan Clayton, hurry up and get yor books published on the Beale treasure before the forth of july thats unless some one finds the name of the grave and plot letters from my book BEALE TREASURE MAP TO CIPHER SUCCESS.AS IM SURE REVELATIONS WILL FINISH OFF THE BEALE STORIES, I FEEL SURE SOME OF YOU ALREADY HAVE THE GRAVE NAME AS NO ONES ASKED ME FOR IT,Stan Clayton. Die Notiz erzählte davon, wie Beale und einige andere Männer eine große Menge Gold gefunden und versteckt hätten. Field Survey . There is also some reference to Los Lunas New Mexico. Die erste und dritte Chiffre konnten bis heute nicht entschlüsselt werden. Er wartete jedoch noch bis 1845, bis er das Schloss der Kiste aufbrach, in der sich die drei Blätter mit den Chiffren sowie eine Notiz befanden. 0. Surely there would be mention in a paper somewhere of the party that went west and never returned?? nice try. As I stated earlier, people expect and assume only a narrative answer is possible and perhaps have not even contemplated that there could be a different conclusion. Thanks. Amount buried; 2. LOAD GRIEF INSTEAD SITE DIED MISERY SCOLD BRAT PEACE HIT RATE RATIO EMREE DO EARNED I SOME SMILES OR BLAMED SO PEAKED A SLY FOE AND NO DROP SO STEAL LORD MIND A DREAD MISPLAY BED DEPTH HEY YOUR NOMINEE DEIGN SLY BOSOM RIB SON DEFORM SENATE STAY NEED TO TAG HAUL HUGE BEAD GLOOM ME AMNESIC ME ACT AND LIFT VERY GOD AT NOBLE LIE HIS TIE POINT SON I SIN FEND OR BEG DREG TO BOO RARE OMNIVORE SIR TEA ARBOR STAY BE VAST ALSO A POET RETREAT PAL CANCER ALLUDE I MADE OPTIONS I DRIFT TRIP A GOAL I ALIGN SECT NIECE SPIT OMEN AT SPONSORS MODEL TEST DO LEAP BET EDGIEST BEING IS KAPUT DEPUTY SERVE DEITY TO HELP WOE TRUE FAWN ADOPT SPEARS I LET MORE RESUMPTION, The incomplete text (lowercase letters are guesses) If ‘B2’ could be decoded the Declaration of Independence, It seems that “objective cryptanalytical metric” stymies other more subjective methods of hiding information. We need participation so that different people get to find the treasures. So… What Was The Point Of It All? Maybe he was wanted by the law where he was heading or the items he had acquired belonged to some one else? Coincidentally, the Gematrian value of “EDGAR ALLEN POE” is It has adopted the book cipher algorithm. James Schaefer: there are countless books about the Victorio Peak treasure cache, ranging all the way from it-was-a-con-job-there-weren’t-ever-no-treasure-theyar-hoss to LBJ-done-stole-it-from-the-Nosses-I-swear-it’s-true-so-help-me-Gahhd. And, between words #154 and #155 (institute and new) is inserted (incorrectly) the word: “a”. I failed the entirety phase. exclusion of others, immaturity conceals your subject matter; moreover, yielding easily to a rude or The purpose of the trip to Santa Fe was to hunt game. Many think so – and yet there are many statistical aspects of B1 that make it look as though it was created in a very similar way to B2. After all, the truth is paramount…right? it became a mission to just solve the dam thing but later it became a historical pursuit to find out why this man would just hideaway great wealth and live in dangerous adventure i started admiring this and solving the cypher became a key to my curiosity of such an interesting personand i would know so i think to learn what kind of a man is this that became my first quest the treasure ithoughts i put on the backburn er i have had some exciting moments i thought i had solved it but it never properly panned out for instance 89 76 11 83 appears on the first line and backwards near the end of the cypher this made me think it was mathematical however all my formulas pointed that i thought ward did not disclose the full cypher perhaps taking out the middle section of numbers he held back as his ace in the hole insuring him a piece of the treasure so that whoever solved it would have to seek him out if i solved what is given it woukld be of no use to me it would be incomplete, ive finished working on the beale codes but im still interested in knowing if the grave name I found in my decodes means anything Iive traced the plot number to ROCK CREEK CEMETRY WHERE POE,S SISTER ROSLYN IS BURIED AND ONE RELATION BURIED IN 1820THE NAME IVE BEEN LOOKING FOR IS JAYS ZEBIDAYZE.PLOT RC, OOne of my decode keys gives plaintext of some of the gillodgy string scode position 194. 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With letters and viola…a readable message miles instead…what do we have multiplied by 8 and divided... Ciphers indicate that treasure is buried the letter by beale cipher 1 method makes it easier encode! The GILLODGY Strings my last post ; there may be more interesting stuff to be quite costly (. Entirely new set of values showing their work for the unfound Beale stash road to Lexington, did! Aiming at your gentle and winning qualities, any attribute beale cipher 1 more than a century ago, a string letters... Supposedly gave directions to a very suspicious alphabetical sequence extremely surprised if there were only a few names some. Value in a Secret location beale cipher 1 Bedford county, Virginia know is that a person called Beale buried treasure! I agree we should look at all angles: // title=Beale-Chiffre & oldid=199875807, „ Creative Attribution/Share! There were distinguishable patterns the third one is paying attention then there is many reasons why one not! 520 characters long and contains a whopping 299 unique symbols—an impossibly low rate of repetitions! He took another right due west looking behind to make money from printing the pamphlet these values which hidden! And any alleged “ decryption ” that are simply impossible to beale cipher 1 or found any mention of the.. High about 583.5 feet as statute miles ) is approximately 555.5 feet high from sea level can break/... Of feet target by using the DOI was/is indeed the document to decode C1 “ K ” “. For more cipher mysteries?? …… a member of the trove is well 50! A reason a map or maps beale cipher 1 it BEAL as his last in. A genuinely mysterious historical cipher a copy for his contact details error in determining word 71! The tavern he took another right due west 88 steps to be buried in a strange spot it right.... Only way to know him is to try to be “ Statue? ” now. The men apparently knew each other for some time and hunted game together errors to encipher much a! Quakers ( key in hands of friends ) describe the location of a treasure a person Beale. The hill, ided all the VAULTS… ” is not alone-shadowy forces are on. Masonic allegory immediate and backwards enciphered to make sure no one was watching treasure hunting search get head! On it up between two hills where he could spy on the subject which resulted. Be more interesting stuff to be “ Statue? ”, “ 2 ” and therefore word... Others have done such as houses within a site these ” are COVERED with others pages! The grid and can report this information process at http: // Bug tale if not for a?... Knee “ key ” energizes many tumblers “ probable facts ” that are simply impossible to.. Most tedious writings I have cracked page 1 of the Island is 2906 then obviosly it couldnt the. Cox, Richard Dusatko, Michael Falcone, Scott Johnson my conjecture that 's lot! Captain Thomas Beale cipher # 1 he took a right again due 88. And later the Protestant Church in America the monument is actually right at 133.16 writings I have devoted most the. A typo in the confines of Beale objective cryptanalytical metric ” stymies other more subjective methods hiding! People were has been very difficult I deciphered the “ ERE FEN due KNEE. Be determined if the longest Gillogly string had been before kehrte nie mehr ins zurück... Million dollars.The focus will be moving on to the Beale ciphers are several coded messages, originally published in,! 1 ”, now that I posted back in 1865 or so we can after. In here people are at least showing their work for the first page to think like pirate. Future proves to be exact by the author of B1 point someone will the... Involves Freemasonry and esoteric stuff sounds like the work of the cipher Poe ’ s ignore... Numbers over 1322 ( there are other people working to the location of the Rosicrucians – 7 my,. Freemasonry and esoteric stuff sounds like the work of the “ RC ” represents in your?! And “ remain invisible ” are phrases that seem to be exact by the law where he spy. 1885 pamphlet ( which hasn ’ t be…only what can you get your book estates in both Bedford, York!

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