Sapphire Stone is generally treated with heat to intensify the blue color and also removes the contents to increase clarity. They can have additional or multiple sources of income and can also achieve financial stability in business and home. Neelam Ratna is immensely helpful in curing the laziness. The stone will enhance the focus and the determination of the wearer. Benefits of Wearing Blue Sapphire Neelam Ratna is the best gemstone to attract wealth. (We never post to your social media without your permission). Vijay Mallya Birthday Forecast: Will India be successful in snatching him back to India? Hence it is recommended students and professionals working amidst an academic environment as it will give immense benefits to them. Health problems such as bronchitis, paralyzes, gout, insanity, and rheumatism can be recovered by wearing Blue Sapphire. Astrological Benefits of Yellow Sapphire Stone: pukhraj is the gemstone for Jupiter (Brihaspati) and hence, for those ruled by Sagittarius and Pisces. Blue Sapphire stone is a precious stone. Benefits and Advantages of the Blue Sapphire Gemstone. A calm mind and soul will help the natives to make the right decisions. Shani or Saturn is the planet of Karma. It can also provide excellent support when performing physical exercise. It can also be beneficial in treating the … Blue Sapphire is said to come with a bunch of benefits – boosts metabolism, protect from negative energies, sound mental health, improves digestion, calm the mind and heart and many such health benefits. The stone gives fruitful results in social, professional and marital life. Blue Sapphire gemstone, otherwise called Neelam stone is a very powerful gemstone with extravagant qualities and look. Also, astrology is very well connected with this particular type of gemstone, and it … The star sapphire must be cut as a cabochon, otherwise the well-known and famous asterism does not occur. Furthermore, it helps to protect against the evil eye, jealousy, and enemies. The natives who can not effort the extremely high price of the precious stone can wear their substitutes to gain benefits. The natives can boost their financial position as Saturn can directly impact the wealth of an individual. If you are invested in spiritual practices, Neelam Ratna can do wonders in your life. The natives can explore the. Every stone has specific healing abilities that connect with the energy of these chakras. Astrology Benefits of Sapphire Stone. Each of the Ratna or stone has a significant association with a planet. It becomes their companion in their spiritual journey. This gemstone is efficient in terminating the malefic impact of Shani Sade Sati. However, it is one of the most effective stones that is ruled by planet Saturn. Blue Sapphire becomes the shield for the wearer and protects him/her from all the dangers. Introduction to Meaning and Uses of Sapphire. rating (79 % score) - 10 votes Hence, the stone has the power to flourish or diminish the life of the wearer. A person with a strong Saturn in Kundali helps people like researchers and leaders. It signifies a person’s hard work, determination, punctuality, justice, and profession. Neelam stone benefits the wearer during this tricky and challenging period. The sparkling Blue Sapphire Stone is one of the most precious gemstones and possesses the energy of Lord of karma and a strict teacher Saturn. It is great for boosting courage, supporting stone for people on their spiritual voyage, brings fairness, spiritual clarity, activates the … Blue Sapphire gemstone, otherwise called Neelam stone is a very powerful gemstone with extravagant qualities and look. Also, it can be favorable to remove fears. where the Kundalini unites with cosmic energies. This stone can support you in achieving alertness with higher principles. You must wear it on a Saturday (the day of the planet Saturn). Traditionally, it is the birthstone for September. The wearer should keep the stone in a bowl of milk for about an hour and then in rose water to energize the stone. The stone can also be worn during an eclipse. In point of fact, you should never wear gemstone without consulting an expert Astrologer. If a person wore it properly then it can give miraculous progress to your life. It can be used to bring about a positive effect of Saturn in your life. It is known that every type of sapphire has its own unique benefits and uses, be it anything related to one’s health, or one’s wealth, or general life’s purpose. Neelam stone has the power to open up the Ajna Chakra. Blue Sapphire stone gives many health benefits to the wearer. In astrology, Yellow Sapphire is also known as Pukhraj stone, It is a powerful gemstone of Jupiter planet. Since it brings prosperity to a person’s life, it’s a very beneficial stone that’s why it’s very high in demand. Definitely, the substitutes are less effective then Blue Sapphire stone. Neelam stone benefits the wearer during this tricky and challenging period. It is important to wear the stone only after consulting an expert Astrologer. For instance, fame, career, relationship, chronic diseases, etc. • Red coral has powerful health benefits. The stone is the second hardest natural material available after diamonds. It fills you with energy and boosts your metabolism. It is always strictly advised to wear Blue Sapphire upon recommendation by an expert astrologer only, because it is suitable for only 40-50% of the people. It can help to combat diseases like paralysis, mental trauma, rheumatism, etc. However, Herein, Blue Sapphire is a gemstone that can bring the light of positive in your life. Therefore enough care must be taken while wearing the Blue Sapphire or Neelam stone. With the energy of Saturn, you can empower your Sahasrara Chakra. The stone helps to recover all the ailments of the stomach and improve the digestive system as well. It is known to open the Ajna Chakra in the body, which manages pituitary organs, imagination, and creative ability. .inquire-btn{background-color:#d9eef1!important;color:#399fb5!important}.btn-box-store{width:320px;margin:0 auto}.width-170px{width:auto}@media only screen and (max-width:1150px){.width-170px{width:auto}.btn-box-store{float:none;width:260px;margin:0 auto}}@media only screen and (max-width:992px){.width-170px{width:auto}}.freshwidget-embedded-form{height:419px!important}#enquire_Form{padding:0 10px}#inquiry_loaderdsk_otp{position:absolute;width:100%;height:100%;text-align:center;top:0;background:rgba(0,0,0,.1);z-index:9}.modal-header-box{position:relative}.modal-header-box h3{font-size:24px;padding:10px 22px;margin:0}.close-form,.close-msg{position:absolute;font-size:16px;color:#686868;cursor:pointer;right:10px;top:7px;z-index:9}.enquire_Form .modal-content{overflow-y:hidden;height:auto;max-width:inherit}.frm-section{width:100%;margin:20px 0 10px 0;float:left}div#user_form{height:auto;display:table}div#user_form input{width:100%;max-width:100%;height:40px;line-height:40px;font-size:16px;color:#3a3a3a;padding:0 15px;border:solid 1px #ddd;box-sizing:border-box;border-radius:0;margin:0 0 20px 0}div#user_form textarea{width:100%;max-width:100%;height:40px;line-height:21px;font-size:16px;color:#3a3a3a;padding:0 15px;border:solid 1px #ddd;box-sizing:border-box;border-radius:0;margin:0 0 20px 0}.gender-sec{display:inline-block;width:100%}button#details_submit{width:120px;height:36px;background:#3eabbb;border:0;border-radius:4px;color:#fff;font-size:20px;font-weight:700;margin-top:10px}#inquiry_loaderdsk_otp img{position:absolute;top:0;bottom:0;left:0;right:0;margin:auto}#inquiry_msg_thank{padding:50px 20px;width:100%}#inquiry_msg_thank p{font-size:20px;padding:30px 0}.modal-overlay{z-index:999!important}button#thank_btn{width:100px;height:36px;border:0;font-size:16px;background:#3eabbb;color:#fff;font-weight:700;text-transform:uppercase;position:inherit;border-radius:4px}.price_block_button{display:block;text-align:center}.price_block_button a{float:none!important;margin:0 5px}@media only screen and (max-width:767px){.freshwidget-embedded-form{height:410px!important}.btn-shadow{-webkit-box-shadow:0 -9px 5px -4px rgba(163,160,163,.4);-moz-box-shadow:0 -9px 5px -4px rgba(163,160,163,.4);box-shadow:0 -9px 5px -4px rgba(163,160,163,.4)}.buynow-btn-fixed .btn-large{width:50%!important;line-height:42px!important}.inquire-btn-mob{background-color:#d9eef1!important;color:#399fb5!important;width:50%!important;border-radius:0!important}.buy-button-mobile{background:#3eabbb!important}div#inquiry_display_form{padding:5px}.modal-header-box h3{padding-left:6px}iframe.iframeNewcls{position:absolute;top:-25px}#inquiry_display_form{top:0!important}}@media only screen and (min-width:1024px){iframe.iframeNewcls{position:absolute;top:-25px}}div#google_recaptcha iframe.iframeNewcls{position:inherit;margin:0!important}#user_form button{text-decoration:none;color:#fff;background-color:#3eabbb;text-align:center;transition:.2s ease-out;font-weight:700;cursor:pointer;border:0;display:table;width:140px;height:42px;border-radius:5px;margin-top:10px;font-size:18px;text-transform:uppercase}.astrloger-popup{padding:0 10px}.card-footer hr{display:none}.frm-section{margin:0 0 20px 0;padding:15px 20px;border:solid 1px #ddd;border-top:0}.sidebar .widget h4{border-bottom:0}div#inquiry_form_elements{padding:0}.pridiction-detail-post h3{font-size:1.5em}.inq_heading{width:100%;display:table;padding:3px 15px;background:#f8c471}.inq_heading h3{font-weight:700;color:#fff;margin:6px 12px 6px;position:relative;padding-left:0;text-transform:uppercase;font-size:19px;text-align:center}@media screen and (max-width:380px){.frm-section{padding:15px 10px;}#google_recaptcha div iframe{ width:240px !important;}#google_recaptcha div{ width:230px !important;}, Mamata Banerjee Horoscope & Future Predictions for West Bengal Elections. The wearer may experience instant effect by way of gain in wealth, resolution to a problem, windfall … Blue Sapphire Stone benefits Among the all nine gemstones blue sapphire is very effective and fast acting stone. Saturn major and minor periods can reward or crush the life of the natives. Also, he/she will experience clarity in thoughts so there will be no confusion or doubts in the mind of the wearer. The individuals who are involved in a creative field like direction, acting, dance, drama, cinematography, and also martial arts will be benefited in excelling their career by wearing Blue Sapphire. White Sapphire is a great supporting stone for people coping with illness. to overcome all the stagnancy and gloominess in the path of success. Because of the many benefits which the Yellow Sapphire bestows on the wearer. A person with malefit or afflicted planets in their Kundali can find gemstones highly effective. It can bless with wealth, good luck, opportunity, and promotion etc within 1 day to a month of wearing it. Here are some of the benefits of wearing a Blue Sapphire: Blue Sapphire helps in improving the effect of Saturn. This kind of stone very well helps people to improve their financial status and helps to provide the person with a lot of richness and wealth along with good health, name and fame, success and honour and other associated benefits of hearing this particular kind of stone. So the stone is beneficial to the individuals who want to excel in arts, architecture, literature, journalism, and other professions that demand art and creativity. The magnificent and holy Sapphire, in all its celestial hues, is a stone of wisdom and royalty, of prophecy and Divine favor. The wearer will be able to knock off all the stagnancy and gloominess that engulfs in the life of the natives during this period. Significantly, Saturn in the 10th House of Kundali is a blessing. Buddhists believed that sapphire gemstone could help in bringing spiritual enlightenment, and Hindus considered the sapphire to be one of the “Holy gems” to use for offerings in temples of worship. Hence, the stone has the power to flourish or diminish the life of the wearer. It is one of the common green sapphire benefits. • The yellow sapphire gemstone is particularly effective in the treatment of tension and blood pressure diseases. Also, it can help recover previous losses. One of the benefits of buying a synthetic ruby or sapphire stone is to obtain a stone with excellent clarity and color. The stone should never be worn with a gold ring or pendant as it gives negative results. This chakra can open up the pituitary gland and builds imaginative and creative abilities. The stone gives positive results only if it is worn in a Silver or Platinum ring or pendant. So, Blue Sapphire stone is recommended by the expert astrologers with due caution as it possesses the energy of a Karmic planet Saturn according to Vedic astrology. The gemstone will give instant relief to the natives by infusing energy and enthusiasm in the wearer and also enhancing his metabolism and the pallor of gloom going away during the Sade Sati phase. So, Blue Sapphire stone is recommended by the expert astrologers with due caution as it possesses the energy of a Karmic planet Saturn according to Vedic astrology. What is Blue Sapphire Stone (Lapis Lazuli)? It is blue in color. Fundamentally, blue sapphire enhances the strength of the mind, sense organs, and sensory system. Blue Sapphire stone is one of the 9 precious Gemstones. The sparkling Blue Sapphire Stone is one of the most precious gemstones and possesses the energy of Lord of karma and a strict teacher. Blue Sapphire stone is one of the Navratna and also one of the strongest and fastest acting gemstones. The wearer may experience instant effect by way of gain in wealth, resolution to a problem, windfall gains, etc. 4.00 avg. It is especially good to observe the levitation of the individual rays as the stone is carefully moved back and forth. Ruled by the much feared Saturn this is the Gemstone that has the maximum myths around it. It can eliminate the toxins in the body and help in returning the balance in the spleen. This particular type of gemstone excludes the class and beauty very well. In Medical Astrology, this gemstone is considered very helpful. It is considered to be one of the safest gemstones, and is the gemstone of knowledge, auspicious wealth and loving relationships and provides general well-being and spiritual knowledge to the wearer. It also helps them to tackle critical and challenging situations with ease. The stone is the second hardest natural material available after diamonds. Yellow Sapphire Stone gives quick results if worn in Gold or Panch Dhatu on a Thursday. 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