We provide clients across the country (Gauteng, North West, Free State, Eastern Cape, Western Cape, Northern Cape, Limpopo, KwaZulu-Natal and Mpumalanga) with specially developed fertilizer products that meet their needs. Consists of the applicable micro-elements in chelated form. The company also supplies an extensive range of high-quality seeds and agro-chemicals. Using higher concentration products, means less product need to be transported to the farm. Unica CalciumTM is an ideal top-dress product to apply nitrogen, potassium and calcium in one application. On the other hand, it shows that local fertilizer prices are steadily changed, no matter how international fertilizer prices … Write a review now. Gardena Combisystem Fertilizer Spreader 3L Capacity 40CM Spreading Width. 62 Wierda Road East, KynoPlus® fertilizer uses the patented Agrotain®-technology supplied by Koch Industries and Kynoch is their exclusive distributor in sub-Saharan Africa. Each of the tailored formulations complements the macro and micro-nutritional requirements of the plant at each seasonal and climate stage. Online Exclusive. The Kynoch brand is more than 150 years old. Contact Now! KynoμAlgae™ aid to improve quality, productivity and stress management. These products can be applied in different ratios thereby altering the N:K ratio which changes depending on whether vegetative or reproductive growth is required. It has been in South Africa as long as gold and diamonds, since 1888. Retail fertilizer prices continue to be mostly lower in price from a year ago, but there is one exception. Liquid fertilizers from Kynoch include straights, blends or the enhanced version thereof. KynoPonix ™ Alpha and KynoPonix ™ Beta form a completely balanced hydroponic feed fertilizer specifically blended for crops grown in artificial media. Key Contact List during the lockdown period: Jurgen Smith | jurgen.smith@kynoch.co.za | +27 (0) 83 461 2422, Eben Steyn | eben.steyn@kynoch.co.za | +27 (0) 60 972 9987, Theloshen Moodley | theloshen.moodley@kynoch.co.za | +27 (0) 82 598 2138, © Kynoch Fertilizer. Kynoch has been a ground breaker in the fertilizer industry since 1919 and has proven it can stand the test of time. Different sources for the macro-nutrient was used to manage and enhance the performance. Contact Now! GreenGold® is treated with Agrotain®, a urease inhibitor which controls potential nitrogen volatilization losses to negligible levels. R201-R500. Kynoch Fertilizer Ltd-representative Phone and Map of Address: 87 Voortrekker St, Citrusdal, 7340, South Africa, Northern Cape, Business Reviews, Consumer Complaints and Ratings for Fertilizers in Northern … We understand you are doing your best to keep food on the tables of South Africans during this time, it is therefore of paramount importance that we join hands with you in continuing to keep the food production supply chain operational. The MacMagic and Prelude products are a combination of potassium sulphate and KCL. KYNOCH FERTILIZER Company Description KYNOCH FERTILIZER151 S Coast Rd Durban KYNOCH FERTILIZER Products and Services KynoPop® has been specifically developed to provide for the immediate needs of the young seedling to ensure stronger seedlings that can better tolerate stress conditions, diseases and pests. Overall, fertilizer prices peaked between 2012 and 2014, before trending lower. 2014-09-29. Click here to learn about enabling Javascript. Different raw materials, supplying macronutrients are used to manage and enhance their performance. Kynoch’s business operation during the national lockdown. This well-adjusted product contains macro, secondary and micro-elements in a ratio specifically beneficial to seedlings as a general application. This, as … It is the result of conversion of exchange rate and border price. Get all the fertilizer in the … Water-soluble products can be used in these systems and can be divided into two groups; Water-soluble blends and Water-soluble straights. As a leading importer, blender and retailer of a complete range of granular, liquid and speciality fertilizers in Southern Africa Kynoch is able to provide the correct fertilizer according to your specific requirements and preference. Phosphate DAP prices jumped 23% in 3rd quarter of 2020, supported by strong demand from key crop-growing regions. Contains micronutrients in the chelated form. info@kynoch.co.za Assists in the mitigation of crop stresses. Voorspoedige Nuwe Jaar! … Write a review. Three fertilizers were up a significant amount, which DTN designates as 5% or more. If you want to turn green (the plant) into gold (grain), then it is necessary to apply nitrogen (N), calcium (Ca) and boron (B) together in one product, such as GreenGold® . Different factors over which we do not always have control can increase these losses. Potential volatilization losses, phosphate fixation and chloride levers are managed. Get the liquid fertilizers you need from the leading fertilizer supplier in South Africa. The transport costs can be reduced by more than 50%. N/A. Clear. This is a specialised low chloride range primarily containing N, P and K, but some may also contain Ca, Mg or S. Liquid micronutrients, i.e. When untreated urea is applied, a large percentage of the nitrogen can be lost due to volatilization. KynoPlus® is included to increase nitrogen efficiency and to reduce potential volatilization losses to negligible levels. The Kynoch Press was founded as a company press in 1876 to print packaging. Kynoch’s winning combination of nitrogen (N), calcium (Ca) and boron (B) work in synergy as a top dressing fertilizer, turning green (the plant) into gold (grain). To get more details you can call us on 021 877 5306. KynoHumate™ contains humic acids that have many benefits for the soil environment and plant metabolism. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your loyal and ongoing support during these trying times. The total collection of products available ensures that our clients can match the nutritional needs of their crops at every growth stage, but also adapt either their overall fertilizer programs or their practices. South Africa Fertilizer for Maize: Kynoch has designed a specific blend of fertilizer for maize crops that will give your maize plants the nutrients it needs, at the time it is required.Kynoch… Kynamco’s sporting ammunition credentials, established over the last two decades, are impecable. It’s the second week in a row that all eight major fertilizers were higher than the previous month. Therefore, these products are most suitable for use as planting blends, in other words, applied with a planter (applicator) into the soil. Sort by ... Talon Fertilizer Spreader 35kg with pneumatic wheels. KynoPlus® through the reduction in volatilization help secure your nitrogen investment. REQUEST TO REMOVE Fertliser, fertilizer, LAN, super phosphates, 2:3:2, 5:1:5, 3 ... Kynoch Fertilizer is hosting an Information Breakfast session. The new Kynoch loads have been test fired in back to back comparison with the original IMI produced Kynoch ammunition of the 1960's. Mica is one of the largest hardware groups in Africa with over 140 stores nationwide and growing. CaSuMa® fertilizers are available in a variety of N:P:K ratios. These products may have a low pH as concentrated solutions, but they increase when mixed with water at the volumes applied by a pivot. Unica CalciumTM has low chloride levels and the nitrogen is in the nitrate form. As a result, your long-standing innovative plant nutrition partner now brings you Enhanced Efficiency through Innovation. As there are only two products, the application is simplified. Our fertilizer range includes fertilizer for Maize, Wheat, Sunflowers, Soybeans, Sugarcane, Vegetables and Pastures. Dear Valued Customers, Suppliers and Stakeholders. N/A. Join to Connect Kynoch Fertilizers. Are you looking for a trusted fertilizer brand that will show results on your farm? Our team will provide you with a customised fertilizer solution for your crops, to ensure crop performance and yield. You should click on the link above to find your nearest stockist. KynoPop® has been specifically developed to provide for the immediate needs of the young seedling to ensure stronger seedlings that can better tolerate stress conditions, diseases and pests. These products are available in a variety of N:P:K ratios. Kynoch Fertilisers Phone and Map of Address: Potch Industria, Potchefstroom, 2520, South Africa, North West, Business Reviews, Consumer Complaints and Ratings for Fertilizers in North West. Their trained team of … The enhanced efficiency results in cost savings and possible higher yield and potential profitability. The 'KYNOCH' brand of Nitro-Express Cartridges manufactured by Kynamco Limited maintains the quality and reliability standards that made 'KYNOCH' the most respected name in Sporting Ammunition for over 100 years. Kynoch Fertilizer South Africa Kynoch Fertilizer is a leading importer, blender and retailer of a complete range of granular, liquid and specialty fertilizers in Southern Africa www.kynoch.co.za Kynoch has been a leader in bringing innovative technologies to the local farmer when it introduced nitrogen stabilizers to the market under the name Kyno Plus ®. Kynoch offers a variety of water-soluble product from straights (e.g. For example, while current DAP prices are 4% above Spring 2020 prices, the uptick is from 10-year lows. Kynoch acquisition of Sidi Parani. Log In. This product is beneficial to all farmers but particularly so to no-till farmers faced with large amounts of crop residue on the soil surface. These properties can potentially lead to increased yields and quality. Related Pages. December 31, 2020 at 2:02 PM. Your opinion: Publish. With Kynoch on your farm from the start, you get the most out of your crop and can be assured of improvements in crop quality and yield potential. All the products contain nitrogen, phosphate and potassium, but also sulfur, calcium, magnesium, zinc and silicon. All Rights Reserved |. The Miracle™ Range was specifically developed to improve the efficacy of the nutrients and to supply most or all of the required nutrients. Read more about liquid fertilizers from Kynoch, or speak to a sale consultant today for the information you need. Javascript has been disabled in this browser. KYNOCH FERTILIZER KYNOCH KUNSMIS Kynoch Fertilizer (Pty) Ltd Reg. Different factors that we do not always have control over can increase these losses. KynoHumate is used as a soil amendment and stimulates root development and growth. Box 3836, Randburg, 2125 Tel. Average fertilizer prices of Mono-Ammonium Phosphate (MAP) dominated over the past nine years attaining a peak in 2008 at approximately R13 188.00 per ton. We understand you are doing your best to keep food on the tables of South Africans during this time, it is therefore of paramount importance that we join hands with you in continuing to keep the food production supply chain operational. Our clear liquid range of products has two categories, NPK-blends and single Nitrogen products. Researchers work constantly to develop technologies that improve fertilizer performance and efficiency. Forgot account? With Kynoch on your farm from the start, you get the most out of your crop and can be assured of improved efficiency in crop quality and yield potential. KynoPlus® was specifically designed to mitigate the potential volatilisation losses typically associated with urea. Fertilizer expense has fallen from $162 per acre in 2013 to $103 per acre in 2018. This is achieved through the raw material choice, nutrient combinations and nutrient content. All the products contain nitrogen, phosphate and potassium, but also sulphur, calcium, magnesium, zinc and silicon. The CaSuMaTM range contains besides nitrogen, phosphate and potassium also relatively large quantities of calcium, magnesium and sulphur. Key to achieving excellent yields and profits. In this way, Kynoch ensures that your crops are given what they need when they need it most. 151 S Coast Rd, Durban, South Africa. prices of the main fertiliser materials reached record levels during 2008 and again decreased sharply during the latter part of 2008. All Rights Reserved |. To get more details you can call us on 021 877 5301. Kynoch is a leading producer of a range of fertilizers products, that are crop specific and growth stage specific. KynoPlus® through the reduction in volatilization help secure your nitrogen investment. Fertigation is the application of fertilizer through the irrigation water. The Kynoch brand is more than 150 years old. Potential volatilization losses, phosphate fixation and chloride levels are managed. KynoMacTM products are potassium sulphate based. Kynoch Fertilizer. This range includes a variety of blends and straights where the pH is acceptable for use in centre pivots with the proviso, that sufficient water is applied to dilute the fertilizer whilst it flows through the system. They can be used under high or low pH conditions. Show. Create New Account. While no prices moved more than 5%, some had sizeable changes, including potash, anhydrous and MAP. Can be used under high or low pH conditions. PLEASE NOTE: Legal restrictions preclude the sale of ammunition on-line. Available in the following products: Blitz™, Bolt™, Brio®, Esprit®, Finesse®, Panache®, Prelude™, Zest®, Click here for more information English | Afrikaans. Kynoch Fertilisers Phone and Map of Address: Potch Industria, Potchefstroom, 2520, South Africa, North West, Business Reviews, Consumer Complaints and Ratings for Fertilizers in North West. During the lockdown our focus is on the safety and the well-being of our employees who are at the forefront to support you and your business. The OEMFF® product range is specially formulated and growth stage-specific to boost your crop to reveal only their best at each growth stage. As a leading importer, blender and retailer of a complete range of granular, liquid and speciality fertilizers in Southern Africa, Kynoch can provide the correct fertilizer according to your specific requirements and preference. The products can be applied directly to the plant or the soil (rhizosphere). LONDON (ICIS)--Yara International acquired Kynoch Fertilizers' operations in certain parts of South Africa for $31m during the first quarter of this year, the Norway-based fertilizer major revealed on Wednesday. Javascript has been disabled in this browser. Transport costs can be reduced by more than 50%. Many farmers and agriculturalists prefer liquids over granular fertilizers. KynoFulvate™ stimulates plant growth and promotes nutrient uptake. This, as well as a comprehensive range of agronomic services, plant nutrient scheduling® aligned with plant development and growth enhancers, allows us and our clients to manage the growth of their crops optimally. This volatility in fertiliser prices resulted in various questions ... Yara has become Kynoch … Contact Now! Here are a few benefits of using liquid fertilizers on your crops: Kynoch’s vision is to be an innovative plant nutrition supplier that complements our clients’ businesses through Yield Enhancing Technologies® and innovation that enhances fertilizer performance. 335. It can be used as a foliar or soil application and can be combined with other fertilizer products. Therefore, all personnel will be available via email and / or cell phone during this period. Click here for more information English | Afrikaans. Our aim is to minimize service disruptions offering the level of quality, responsiveness and support that you have come to expect from Kynoch. This Agrotain® technology was the first of many technologies that we adopted to ensure efficiency on the farm. In this way, Kynoch ensures that your crops are given what they need, when they need it most. It can be used applied either as a foliar or directly to the soil application and can be combined with other fertilizer products. When untreated urea is applied to the soil, a large percentage of the nitrogen can be lost due to volatilization. Gauteng, South Africa: Kynoch Fertilizer, a division of Farmisco (Pty) Ltd, a leading plant nutrient producer and distributor, received Competition Commission approval on the 26th of February 2019, for the acquisition of a further 51% in Sidi Parani. The price of … KynoPlus® is also available in a full range of NPKS blends. Kynoch Fertilizer is the fertilizer company for you. The distinction is also made with regards to Specialty groups, namely the Opti- and the AquaTech-range of products. Both promote nutrient uptake. The 'KYNOCH' brand of Nitro-Express Cartridges manufactured by Kynamco Limited maintains the quality and reliability standards that made 'KYNOCH' the most respected name in Sporting Ammunition for … KynoPlus® nitrogen concentration is amongst the highest, which results in some of the lowest transportation costs per hectare. Humates help the plants tolerate salinity stress. Kynoch is proud of its forward-thinking foliar range that addresses crop-specific needs. CRU's Prices service for fertilizers updates key price assessments every Thursday, covering urea, nitrates, ammonia, phosphates, potash, sulphur and sulphuric acid in one offering. Unica CalciumTM has low chloride levels. Report this profile About I am currently employed by Kynoch. With Kynoch’s innovative and tailor-made products you can apply enhanced fertilizer according to the needs and growth stages of your different crops. Supports and enhances amongst others root development, growth, flowering and cell enlargement. Current prices are near their lowest levels in a decade. AGROTAIN® nitrogen stabilizer products help secure your nitrogen investment. Promotions. SUBCATEGORY Single Cartridges - (23) Kynoch … Kynoch is a leading supplier of fertilizer products in South Africa. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your loyal and ongoing support during these trying times. UAN Plus™ is a cutting-edge fertilizer product from Kynoch, which is UAN treated with Agrotain®. While within the plant the nutrient movement (membrane permeability) is increased. These products may have a low pH as concentrated solutions, but they increase when mixed with water at the volumes applied by a pivot. KynoPonix ™ Alpha and KynoPonix ™ Beta form a completely balanced hydroponic feed fertilizer specifically blended for crops grown in artificial media. Among other things it improves seed germination, increasing the energy levels and increase the membrane permeability. R51-R100. It improves the pH in the fertilizer band. One of the major benefits is the retention of nutrients against leaching and the increase in nutrient availability. Unica CalciumTM is also available as a water-soluble product. The products were developed to increase performance and efficiency. Kyno Pop Water Soluble - KynoPop™ is Kynoch’s carefully formulated pop-up fertilizer – a fine, dry highly water-soluble product that: enhances the effectiveness of the seedling and improves early root … R 2,128 00 Efekto 5 kg … Of the two remaining fertilizers that had higher prices, MAP saw its average retail price increase by $18/ton, or about 4% from last month, to $477/ton. In cases of difficulty Kynamco Ltd will be pleased to advise you. Find out what Kynoch’s fertilizer products for maize … For more information about Kynoch’s wide range of fertilizer products, contact the leading fertilizer … During the lockdown our focus is on the safety and the well-being of our employees who are at the forefront to support you and your business. Fertilizer producers are next in line to benefit from rising crop prices, with farmers poised to plant more acres in 2021. The choice of bullets for these loads has been the subject of extensive testing for both the external and terminal ballistic performance. Kynoch introduced its own range of bio-stimulants to benefit the farmers. Whatever your fertilizer requirements, Kynoch … Kynoch Fertilizers (PTY) Ltd Phone and Map of Address: 1 Dickens Rd, Umbogintwini, Amanzimtoti, 4126, South Africa, Kwazulu Natal, Business Reviews, Consumer Complaints and Ratings for Fertilizers in Kwazulu Natal. Everything needed for a complete and balanced nutrition under any circumstances is available. N/A. KynoHumate contains humic acids. KynoHumate™ is used as a soil amendment and stimulates root development and growth. While within the plant the nutrient movement (membrane permeability) is increased. Kynoch Fertilizer Phone and Map of Address: 4 Barbara Ave, Scottburgh, 4180, South Africa, Kwazulu Natal, Business Reviews, Consumer Complaints and Ratings for Fertilizers … All the different application methods are catered for from intense hydroponic system to fertigation through centre pivots. . Calcium Nitrate) to our own range, that cater to specific needs. Anhydrous was 9% more expensive compared to the prior month with an average price … About us. or. Kynoch is the exclusive distributor of the globally proven Agrotain® nitrogen stabiliser supplied by Koch Industries. To get more details you can call us on 082 808 1848. Complexes are formed with nutrients within the soil that mobilize these nutrients. There are no reviews for KYNOCH FERTILIZER (Viljoenskroon). See more of Kynoch Fertilizer on Facebook. Kynoch introduced its range of biostimulants to benefit the farmers. All the products also contain zinc. Thank you for your patience during this very challenging situation. National Production Manager Kynoch Liquid Fertilizer Kimberley Area, South Africa 154 connections. Kynoch is a leading supplier of fertilizer in the Western Cape, that has developed a range of crop and growth specific fertilizers for the agricultural industry in South Africa. Farmisco (Pty) Ltd t/a Kynoch Fertilizers Primary Acquiring Firm . Although there was a sharp decline in average fertilizer prices … I am the National Head of Production of Liquid Fertiliser. KynoPlus® is included to increase nitrogen efficiency and to reduce potential volatilization losses to negligible levels. Plant bio-stimulants have many benefits including enhance nutrient uptake, nutrient efficiency, tolerance to stress, crop performance and crop quality. Both promote nutrient uptake. Sandton, 2146, Kynoch’s Premium Granular Products are unique and innovative products that are enhanced beyond the standard granular products. Price. Fertilizer prices are projected to increase modestly by 3% in 2021, according to the October 2020 edition of the World Bank’s Commodity Markets Outlook. Contact Now! Our product offering is continuously being updated to ensure we bring you the latest proven technology and enhancers in improving the quality and efficiency of our products and also your crop as you can nurture growth at every stage. KynoPlus® will make a contribution to increased profitability by increasing yield, lowering nitrogen fertilization cost and reducing losses to the environment. Arising from the COVID-19 announcement by President Cyril Ramaphosa ordering a national lockdown, we can assure you it will be, as far as possible, business as usual. Please enable Javascript to be able to submit this form. Silicon helps the plants to manage stressful situations. Rondebosch Farm, Old Belfast road, Middelburg 1055, South Africa R. KYNOCH FERTILIZER … Enhanced Efficiency Fertilizers are fertilizer products that can reduce nutrient losses to the environment while increasing nutrient availability for the crop. The Miracle™ Range was specifically developed to improve the efficacy of the nutrients and to supply most or all of the essential nutrients. Humic acid helps the plants tolerate salinity stress. No: 1990/004337/07 272 Pretoria Ave Ferndale, Randburg, 2194 P.O. Thank you for your patience during this very challenging situation. KYNOCH FERTILIZER offers Fertilizer Suppliers services in Paarl, WC area. Kynoch Fertilizer Ltd-representative Phone and Map of Address: 87 Voortrekker St, Citrusdal, 7340, South Africa, Northern Cape, Business Reviews, Consumer Complaints and Ratings for Fertilizers in Northern Cape. Concentrations of blends for the first group range from 10 to 26% and the second, between 19 to 32%. The products can be applied directly to the plant or the soil (rhizosphere). KYNOCH FERTILIZER. Kynoch, (through holding entity, EIHL) is now 100% shareholder of Sidi Parani. Bio-stimulants act on the plants’ metabolic and enzymatic processes. Please enable Javascript to be able to submit this form. Kynoch also offers granular fertilizers containing high concentrations of N, P or K. Their granular form allows for easy application and handling. When using KynoPlus®, you improve the efficiency and effectiveness of applied nitrogen, which can result in improved crop quality, yield and profit. KynoPop® is Kynoch’s carefully formulated pop-up fertilizer – a fine, dry, highly water-soluble product, that enhances the vigour of the seedling and improves early root development. Mag die nuwe jaar voorspoed, vrede en geluk bring! KynoPop® is Kynoch’s carefully formulated pop-up fertilizer – a fine, dry, highly water-soluble product, that enhances the effectiveness of the seedling and improves early root development. Because it is only two products it simplifies the application. To complete the full range of plant nutrition requirements, other fertilizer materials and enhancers are sourced locally and internationally. Not Now. HOME | ABOUT US | BIG GAME CARTRIDGES | RANGE FACILITIES | INDUSTRIAL | NON-HUNTING | NEWS | SHOP | S. W. SILVER | STOCKISTS | CONTACT US. KynoμAlgae™ stimulates growth and increases stress tolerance. Kynoch has been a leader in bringing innovative technologies to the local farmer when it introduced nitrogen stabilizers to the market under the name KynoPlus®. Figure 4. Hydroponic systems have their own unique needs. We are equally concerned about the safety and continued service to our customers. We are equally concerned about the safety and continued service to our customers. Web Tools Sign-up Our focus is on quality and value at competitive prices. KynoPlus® was just the first product in a range of N-hanced-N® nitrogen fertilizer blends that control nitrogen volatilisation, nitrification and leaching. This well-formulated product contains macro, secondary and micro-elements in a ratio especially beneficial to seedlings when used as a general application. Fulvates can be absorbed by plants and seeds and have a direct effect on many plant processes. These fertilizer products are ideal to be used as preplant, plant mixture or topdressing, in order to apply nitrogen without the possibility of evaporation. These properties can potentially lead to increased yields and quality. South Africa GreenGold® is treated with Agrotain®, a urease inhibitor which controls potential nitrogen volatilization losses to negligible levels. Attributes towards excellent yields and profits. KynoFulvate™ contains fulvic acids. Kynoch Fertilizer Phone and Map of Address: 13 Trinity St, Caledon, 7230, South Africa, Western Cape, Business Reviews, Consumer Complaints and Ratings for Fertilizers in Western Cape. KYNOCH FERTILIZER:Map. KYNOCH FERTILI. Contact our expert team to get the OEMFF® you need. Plant bio-stimulants is any substance or microorganism from a natural origin that stimulates the plant’s natural processes to enhance the crop production. Prices for three fertilizers increased a significant amount, which DTN designates as 5% or more. Kynoch Fertilizer - MANURE AND FERTILISER PRODUCTION, Springs, 1559, Station Road , TEL: 0117301..., South Africa, On this page : Kynoch Fertilizer, ZA100363446 Kynoch Fertilizer is a leading supplier of fertilizer in South Africa, and have helped many farmers to promote crop performance and increase yield. By using enhanced efficiency fertilizers, like urea treated with AGROTAIN® nitrogen stabilizers, you can help guard against costly nitrogen loss. Methods are catered for from intense hydroponic system to fertigation through centre pivots best each... Second, between 19 to 32 % untreated urea is applied to the soil, a urease inhibitor controls! Tolerance to stress, crop performance and crop quality 808 1848 with its recent higher prices volatilisation has a. Has two categories, NPK-blends and single nitrogen products range was specifically developed to improve,... 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Distributor in sub-Saharan Africa when diluted kynoch fertilizer prices large amounts of crop and growth to! Be transported to the environment Width is the perfect tool for your loyal and ongoing support during these times! With Kynoch ’ s natural processes to enhance the crop production means less product need to be to! Local fertilizer prices have turned higher, it shows that local fertilizer prices … us! And Pastures as the nitrogen can be used applied either as a source of energy for.. Industries and Kynoch is the perfect tool for your patience during this period retail fertilizer prices have turned higher it.