eeoc discrimination cases won

The foreman also told racist jokes in the workplace, and made negative comments about African Americans; including that Sean Bell (shot by the police at a nightclub) deserved to be shot, and threatened that candidate Barack Obama would be shot before the country allowed a Black president. EEOC also can proceed with efforts to secure an injunction against future enforcement of the Navajo hiring preference, the court added. The EEOC complaint alleged that J&R employees regularly used racial slurs to refer to Black, Hispanic and Native American employees. The agency was ordered to pay complainant $100,000.00 in compensatory damages, expunge any derogatory materials relating to complainant's performance, and pay attorney's fees and costs. Real EEOC Cases. Further, the Manger did not consult with the instructors before making the decision, but instead relied upon one individual who was clearly hostile toward complainant and who the AJ found was not credible. 2:11-CV-00920CW (D. Ariz. Jan. 7, 2013). 1-844-234-5122 (ASL Video Phone) Although complainant was a probationary employee, the record reflected that he worked at the same level or better than other full-time carriers. The court rejected the company's claims that the EEOC had failed to state a claim in its complaint and that the suit was barred by laches. Such alleged conduct violates the Age Discrimination in Employment Act, which prohibits discriminating against individuals because they are age 40 or older. The 24-month consent decree applies to all of Defendant's facilities in Georgia and include requirements that Defendant create and institute a nonretaliation policy, advise all employees that it will not retaliate against them for complaining about discrimination, and instruct all management and supervisory personnel about the terms of the decree and provide them with annual training on Title VII's equal employment obligations, including nonretaliation. In the lawsuit, EEOC alleged that the harassment of African American employees included multiple displays of nooses, the repeated use of the "N-word," and physical threats. Additionally, Hamilton Growers agreed to exercise good faith in hiring and retaining qualified workers of American national origin and African-American workers for all farm work positions, including supervisory positions; will implement non-discriminatory hiring measures, which include targeted recruitment and advertising, appointment of a compliance official, and training for positive equal employment opportunity management practices; will create a termination appeal process; extend rehire offers to aggrieved individuals from the 2009-2012 growing seasons; provide transportation for American workers; and limit contact between the alleged discriminating management officials and American workers. EEOC v. Taylor Shellfish Company, Inc., 2:16-CV-01517 (W.D. 8:14-cv-02997 (D. Md. The trial also established that the employee suffered devastating permanent mental injuries that will prevent her from working again as a result of the assault. In addition to monetary relief, the company has agreed to provide anti-discrimination training to all of its employees and additional training on harassment and retaliation to all supervisors, managers and owners. In August 2007, a renowned French chef agreed to pay $80,000 to settle claims that his upscale Manhattan restaurant discriminated against Hispanic workers and Asian employees from Bangladesh in job assignments. According to the lawsuits, minority employees were repeatedly subjected to derogatory comments and graffiti. The EEOC's suit alleged that qualified African-Americans and Hispanics were routinely denied retail positions such as cashier, sales associate, team leader, supervisor, manager and other positions at many Bass Pro stores nationwide and that managers at Bass Pro stores in the Houston area, in Louisiana, and elsewhere made overtly racially derogatory remarks acknowledging the discriminatory practices, including that hiring Black candidates did not fit the corporate profile. EEOC had alleged that for the past eight years the restaurant engaged in racial and sexual harassment. 0:11-cv-02785-DSD-JJG (D. Minn. consent decree filed Nov. 20, 2012). EEOC v. Whirlpool Corp., No. 1-844-234-5122 (ASL Video Phone) 3:10-cv-00681 (S.D. Tex. Specifically, an African-American employee complained to management that he had seen graffiti reading "N*****s STINK" in a men's restroom. Based on interview scores, Selectee was chosen. 1:71-cv-02877(LAK)(MHD) (S.D.N.Y. As has been the case in past months, most of the settlements . In June 2007, EEOC obtained $500,000 from a South Lyon, Mich., steel tubing company, which, after purchasing the assets of its predecessor company, allegedly refused to hire a class of African American former employees of the predecessor. In August 2016, an Illinois-based payroll and human resource services firm agreed to a $1.4 million settlement of charges that the company discriminated against Black and Hispanic job applicants and employees. According to the complaint, the Black employee sought and was qualified for the bartender position, but the restaurant hired him as a server and refused to place him in the bartender position on several occasions when it became available. The EEOC charged SFI, a fabricator and supplier of heavy-gauge steel and value-added products, with discharging three black employees on the same day because of their race. One week before the class was to graduate, the third and last Black student was removed from the program. The EEOC lawsuit alleged that that Wells Fargo Financial failed to promote a highly qualified 47-year-old African-American loan processor on the basis of age and race. Chapman University, a private university in Orange, Calif., paid $75,000 and furnished other relief to settle an EEOC race discrimination. According to EEOC's lawsuit, the complainant was hired as a junior account manager in the supplier's Baton Rouge, Louisiana office with an annual salary of $32,500, plus commissions. I Won My EEOC Claim. Can I Negotiate the Amount Awarded? The owner refused to give the teen an application and told her the store was not hiring anymore despite the presence of a "Help Wanted" sign in the window. Congress did so by defining "religion" to "include[] all aspects of reli-gious observance and practice, as well as belief, unless an employer demonstrates that he is unable to reasona-bly accommodate to an employee's or prospective em- In November 2019, Janitorial Service Provider Diversified Maintenance Systems, LLC paid $750,000 and furnished significant equitable relief to settle a federal race discrimination, harassment and retaliation lawsuit. In March 2015, a Texas-based oil and gas drilling company agreed to settle for $12.26 million the EEOC's lawsuit alleging discrimination, harassment and retaliation against racial minorities nationwide. Pursuant to the three-year consent decree, the company is enjoined from engaging in retaliation or racial discrimination and required to implement a written anti-discrimination policy. Tetro v. Elliott Popham Pontiac, Oldsmobile, Buick, & GMC Trucks, Inc., 173 F.3d 988, 994-95 (6th Cir. She was the only African American among four candidates, and according to the EEOC, had met or exceeded all requirements for the job, had received highly favorable comments as she progressed through defendant's interview process, which included multiple in-person and telephone interviews with high level managers, as well as an in-person assessment by a third party on matters such as personality and aptitude. In May 2019, a Mississippi federal court jury yesterday returned a verdict in favor of the EEOC and five Black dancers who were subjected to egregious race discrimination while employed by Danny's of Jackson, LLC (Danny's), doing business as Danny's Downtown Cabaret, a Jackson, Mississippi night club. In a deposition, the former acting store manager of the West Orange store gave sworn testimony that she had a telephone conversation with the district manager after the applicant had applied, and the district manager "told [me] she didn't want another Black person working in the store." Inc., No. The consent decree further requires it to maintain a complaint procedure to encourage employees to file internal good faith complaints regarding race discrimination and retaliation. In February 2011, the EEOC filed suit against an electric company alleging race discrimination. Following a hearing, the AJ found that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (Agency) discriminated against Complainant on the bases of race and age when it did not select him for a. In September 2019, Lexington Treatment Associates, a Delaware-based limited liability company that owns and operates methadone clinics in North Carolina, paid $110,000 and provided other relief to settle a racial harassment lawsuit brought by the EEOC. consent decree filed Sep. 8, 2015). The suit also alleged that the owner made sex and race-based insults to a class of other employees and retaliated against them when the complained or cooperated with the EEOC's investigation. In July 2012, hotel groups Pacific Hospitality and Seasons Hotel agreed to pay $365,000 and provide preventative measures to settle a federal harassment lawsuit by the EEOC. There was no evidence that the term or any other racial epithet was used after this meeting. 2:10-cv-02101(GMS) (D. Ariz. Nov. 25, 2014). Pioneer entered into a four-year consent decree that prohibits Pioneer from creating, facilitating or permitting a hostile work environment for employees who are Latino or darker-skinned. In February 2020, a northern Indiana vending and coffee service provider paid $22,000 and provided other significant relief to resolve an EEOC race discrimination lawsuit alleging that the company discriminated against a Black applicant in filling vending service representative positions. Discrimination cases filed by the U.S. Pursuant to a 3-year consent decree, 13 complainants would receive $871,000 and attorney's fees and costs. The consent decree enjoins the company from engaging in racial discrimination. Apr. In November 2004, the Commission settled for $50 million a lawsuit filed against Abercrombie & Fitch on behalf of a class of African Americans, Asian Americans, Latinos, and women allegedly subjected to discrimination in recruitment, hiring, assignment, promotion and discharge based on race, color, national origin, and sex. The consent decree requires other equitable relief, including reporting and training. They alleged a soon-to-be salon manager told them that she did not want African-Americans working in the salon. Additionally, he complained about plaintiff's request for a three-month maternity leave and refused to transfer back her job duties when she returned to work. Disability Discrimination Cases That Set Legal Precedents - DoNotPay The doll was hung from a hook and displayed in the middle of the facility. Based on its investigation, the EEOC had found reasonable cause to believe that BBI discriminated against Illinois sales employees by offering them account and territory assignments that, when accepted, resulted in national origin or race discrimination, which violates Title VII of the Civil Right Act of 1964. The jury awarded $15,000 in compensatory damages and $50,000 in punitive damages to the rep. Appellate - 4th Circuit. The decree enjoins the company from racial coding and prohibits race-based caregiver assignments. The Commission decided that the employee's allegations, if true, were sufficiently severe to state a hostile work environment claim in violation of Title VII since an employer is responsible for preventing discriminatory work environments when it is aware of such danger. In addition to the monetary settlement, the company agreed to hire an external monitor and implement hiring goals and measures to ensure hiring transparency and diversification. The jury awarded Spaeth $150,000 in compensatory damages and $125,000,000 in punitive damages after deliberating for three hours following the four-day trial. Roadway also assigned Chicago Heights employees to segregated work groups. Although based on a single incident, the noose was a sufficiently severe racial symbol with violent implications that equates to a death threat. In January 2008, a bakery caf franchise in Florida entered a two-year consent decree that enjoined the company from engaging in racial discrimination or retaliation and required it to pay $101,000 to the claimants. EEOC officials said Danny's will also post notices at the work site, including EEOC on new allegations of race discrimination and retaliation during the two-year period. 12, 2013). The Commission had alleged Ready Mix USA LLC, doing business as Couch Ready Mix USA LLC, subjected a class of African American males at Ready Mix's Montgomery-area facilities to a racially hostile work environment. From 1996 to 2007, an African-American female reporter was paid lower wages than a comparable White female reporter and male reporters of all races. 2000e-2(a)(2), Title VII's subsection prohibiting the limiting, classifying, or segregating of employees based on a protected trait. In addition, the company must revise its complaint mechanism and clarify and expand its website and toll-free phone number for the reporting of incidents of employment discrimination. 2:11-cv-02844 (W.D. Mich. Mar. Specifically, the Commission argued that the employer's application of its grooming policy to prohibit dreadlocks discriminates on the immutable trait of racial hair texture, violates the fundamental right to freedom of racial expression, and promotes unlawful racial stereotyping. Additionally, the hotel agreed to hire an outside equal employment opportunity consultant to ensure that the company implements effective policies, procedures and training for all employees to prevent discrimination, harassment and retaliation. In March 2020, Baltimore County-based Bay Country Professional Concrete paid $74,000 and furnished significant equitable relief to settle two federal harassment and retaliation lawsuits by the EEOC. In May 2008, in New Capital Dimensions case the EEOC resolved a race discrimination and retaliation suit against a North Georgia restaurant chain for $135,000. In February 2012, major cement and concrete products company, paid $400,000 and furnished other relief to settle am EEOC lawsuit alleging racial harassment. The Agency was ordered, among other things, to offer Complainant the position or a substantially similar position, and pay her appropriate back pay, interest, and benefits. 11-cv-11296 (E.D. CHICAGO - An eight-member jury in Green Bay, Wisconsin returned a verdict of $125,150,000 in favor of the U.S. Ready Mix paid a total of $400,000 in compensatory damages to be apportioned among the seven class members to settle an EEOC lawsuit. Thank you to them and to my colleagues at the EEOC whose excellent work investigating and litigating the case made this important verdict possible.. EEOC APPELLATE CASES PENDING: 2012. The EEOC further claims the owner of Porous Materials did nothing to put a stop to the harassment. 12-cv-214 (W.D. In its investigation, the EEOC found reasonable cause to believe that personnel at two Ford facilities in the Chicago area, the Chicago Assembly Plant and the Chicago Stamping Plant, had subjected female and African-American employees to sexual and racial harassment. In April 2004, a letter carrier prevailed in part on his federal sector complaint alleging employment discrimination based on race/national origin (Asian), disability (PTSD), and retaliation. In September 2018, Big 5 store in Oak Harbor, Island County settled a racial harassment and retaliation case for $165,000 and other remedial relief. Lectric Chandler provided paralegal support at trial. Wis. Mar. Erwin B. v. Dep't of Homeland Sec., EEOC Appeal No. there are many African'american midwives who are failed the final test after they have a masters certificate.raw scores have been cut up to 9 points so that they fail and can not practice. The supplier promoted complainant, but did not increase his base salary. Dec. 10, 2010). The misconduct included subjecting African-American entertainers to arbitrary fees and fines, forcing them to work on less lucrative shifts, and excluding them from company advertisements, all because of their race. Additionally, Reliable Nissan agreed to review its policies and procedures to ensure that employees have a mechanism for reporting discrimination and to make certain that each complaint will be appropriately investigated. In April 2006, EEOC obtained $450,000 to settle a race discrimination case in which a health care provider explained its refusal to hire "Blacks or Jews" for a client in Oregon by arguing that it was protecting the safety of its employees, especially in areas where the KKK is active. In June 2007, the company hired a White male for the IT job. The trainee stressed by the harassment and retaliation after reporting the harassment to upper management, took leaves from work and was eventually fired. In March 2011, a federal district court in Maryland rejected a novel attempt by a national restaurant chain to block the EEOC from airing radio spots seeking Black individuals who applied for a job or worked at the chain's Baltimore location, in connection with its race bias suit against the restaurant. In December 2009, a national restaurant chain settled a racial harassment lawsuit brought by EEOC for $1.26 million and significant remedial relief in a case alleging repeated racial harassment of 37 Black workers at the company's Beachwood, Ohio location. The company denied the allegations in court. I am familiar with EEOC cases and have fought and won . Target also violated Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act by failing to maintain the records sufficient to gauge the impact of its hiring procedures. The Commission's evidence included inculpatory tester evidence and expert testimony indicating that the names and voices of the Black applicants, as well as some of the organizational affiliations (e.g. The manager was given a written warning for "shop talk" and "horseplay." EEOC Cases Illustrate Examples of Unlawful Discrimination at Work The injunction survives the decree. While the Agency asserted that Complainant was not promoted because he did not pass an annual physical fitness exam, Agency managers testified that the supervisory position would involve more administrative work than Complainant's position and there would not be a substantial change in the physical requirements. The court "assume[d] for the sake of argument" that the evidence created a material factual dispute about whether AutoZone intentionally segregated its Black employee Kevin Stuckey because of his race when it transferred him out of a predominantly Hispanic-staffed store. It ruled that 42 U.S.C. 7:11-CV-00134-HL (N.D. Ga. settlement announced Dec. 13, 2012). Hostile Work Environment & Discrimination Settlements In a press release on Friday, the U.S. In September 2006, EEOC filed this Title VII lawsuit alleging that a nonprofit organization that provides rehabilitation services for people with disabilities discriminated against four African-American employees because of their race (delayed promotion, unfair discipline, and termination) and retaliated against three of them for complaining about racially disparate working conditions, reduction of working hours, discipline, and termination. The EEOC's lawsuit charged that Murex Petroleum Corp. violated federal law when it subjected an African-American roustabout to racial harassment by his White coworkers. EEOC FY 2020 Annual Performance Report - In April 2011, a federal district court in Tennessee reaffirmed a court judgment of $1,073,261 when it denied the world's leading manufacturer and marketer of major home appliances' motion to reduce the victim's front and back pay awards. She did so and purportedly was later told by the recruiter that Alliant wanted to hire her and that she would be contacted by the company's Human Resources Department. The harassment continued even after the employee reported the conduct. Winning An Employment Lawsuit Is Hard. What To Know About Evidence - Forbes Mar. N.C. June 2016). In addition to paying $6 million, the company agreed to hire a criminologist to develop a new background check process that accounts for job applicants actual risk of recidivism. Consent decree entered Dec. 10, 2012). In September 2010, a mineral company agreed to pay $440,000 and other relief to settle a class race discrimination and retaliation lawsuit. OFO ordered the Agency to promote Complainant and pay back pay with interest and benefits, investigate and determine her entitlement to compensatory damages, and consider disciplining and provide EEO training to the responsible management officials. 3:14-cv-03815 (D.S.C. In December 2006, a New York apple farm agreed to pay $100,000 to Jamaican migrant workers holding H-2B worker's visas who were allegedly subjected them to different terms and conditions of employment on the basis of their race (African-Caribbean), color (Black), and national origin (Jamaican). In March 2012, a Warren, Mich.-based painting company which does business in several states, will pay $65,000 to settle a retaliation lawsuit filed by the EEOC. In accordance with the agreement, the company will pay a civil penalty and discontinue its "word-of-mouth" referrals to settle the accusations that its behavior stifled diversity in the laborer role. The Court decided that there was substantial evidence to support the Commission's determination that the coroner's reasons for Linehan's demotion and subsequent termination were pretextual. In September 2019, a San Jose, California food producer and distributor paid $2 million to settle an EEOC race discrimination lawsuit, charging that the company refused to hire non-Hispanic applicants of all races, including Black, White and Asian applicants, for unskilled production warehouse positions because its affiliates preferred Hispanic job applicants. Two recent lawsuits filed by the U.S. Despite the employees' complaints to management, the alleged race-based harassment continued. The agency also alleged that Hamilton Growers fired at least 16 African-American workers in 2009 based on race and/or national origin as their termination was coupled with race-based comments by a management official. In January 2008, the EEOC settled a race and national origin discrimination case against a Nevada U-Haul company for $153,000. 4:11-cv-03425 (S.D. In December 2014, three related well-servicing companies agreed to pay $1.2 million to settle allegations by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission of verbal abuse of minority employees. In December 2012, EEOC and a North Carolina printing firm settled for $334,000 a lawsuit alleging the firm violated Title VII of the 1964 Civil Rights Act by not placing non-Hispanic workers in its "core group" of regular temporary workers who perform the company's light bindery production jobs and giving disproportionately more work hours to Hispanic workers. The agency stated that the selectees were chosen because their skills and qualifications fit the agency's needs. Ready Mix denies that racial harassment occurred at its worksites. EEOC had alleged that the retailer denied employment to Caucasian applicants since early 2007. The EEOC advances opportunity in the workplace by enforcing federal laws prohibiting employment discrimination. LEXIS 110149 (N.D. Ill. Sept. 27, 2011). When the teen complained to the company president about the offensive remarks, the supervisor's son replied that he could not reprimand his father. EEOC alleged that the company failed to accommodate the Muslim workers' religious beliefs by hindering their prayer breaks and Ramadan observances, and that supervisors and co-workers harassed the Somali workers by uttering vulgar epithets and throwing bones, meat, and blood at them. Huge payouts with Age discrimination settlements in 2022 In October 2005, an elevator manufacturing company agreed to pay $75,000 to an 18-year-old African American welder and $100,000 to 12 other Black employees in an EEOC suit alleging racial harassment of the teen and a pattern of discrimination against African American employees at the Middleton, Tennessee facility. In April 2010, a Houston-area construction company paid $122,500 and will provide additional remedial relief to resolve a federal lawsuit alleging race, national origin and religious discrimination. Pursuant to the terms of the settlement, BBI also will conduct anti-discrimination training for its Illinois sales force; put in place systems to further encourage diverse applicants for open positions; revise its anti-discrimination policy to expressly reference that it prohibits segregating or making assignments based on race and/or national origin and distribute the revised policy to its Illinois sales force; hire a monitor to track the demographics of employees applying for and receiving offers for specified Illinois sales positions; provide periodic reporting on the demographics of its Illinois sales force for the next two years; and post an internal notification to its Illinois employees of this resolution. The EEOC currently has a number of on-going lawsuits and settlements of lawsuits. 19, 2011). Further, the agency's administrative investigation revealed that numerous Black female medical technicians at the hospital appear to have been required to perform assignments that their male Asian-Indian counterparts were allegedly not required to perform. The EEOC said Maritime required Hispanic workers to perform personal tasks for the owner and managers, such as routinely assigning the female Hispanic class members to clean the houses of the owner or manager and assigning the male Hispanics to perform duties at their homes, such as landscaping, cleaning the pool, picking up dog excrement, painting or helping with moves. Ark. When they, as well as a former medical director, sought redress of the wage difference and filed discrimination charges with the EEOC, EEOC alleged that the hospital retaliated against them with threats of termination and threats of adverse changes to the terms and conditions of their employment. Hispanic employees also were subjected to comments such as "go back to Mexico." In one instance, the EEOC says a co-worker flaunted a swastika tattoo and talked about keeping the White race "pure." Evidence showed that management generally condoned racially related comments made by African-American supervisors and co-workers who frequently voiced a "Black versus White" mentality at the work place. Miss. Because they maintained friendly relationships with, and engaged in various acts of advocacy on behalf of, their Black coworkers, they became targets of various threats and harassment by other White employees who were responsible for the racial hostility directed against their Black colleagues. One employee had a stapler thrown at her head while another was told she was nothing but a "welfare mother" and should abort her pregnancy. LockA locked padlock In addition to requiring a payment of damages, the consent decree settling the suit prohibits the furniture company from further retaliating against employees who complain about discrimination and requires the company to amend its current anti-discrimination policy to conform to EEOC policy and to provide four hours of anti-discrimination training to all Koper employees, including management personnel, on a biannual basis. 1: 13-cv-00383-LG-JCG (S.D. According to the complaint, a foreman regularly subjected the employee to racially driven comments, gestures, and threats, including calling him "boy," telling him that that "whites run things," and threatening to physically harm the employee. King-Lar's policies and training materials also must reference the name and contact information for the designated employee as well as an 800 number and website that employees can use to make anonymous complaints. The defendants in the most high-profile cases were: When he refused, EEOC claimed the owner threatened the employees job and reduced his work hours.