Elgoibar, Spain No. R.1 was made in 1973. 111111111 y M i 111' I' 111 I y I 11' I' 11 I' I' I 'j I I M ' 111' I I' I y ' I' I' I')1 I I' I' I'l'J' ' I'l'l'l 1 I'l'j'l'l'l * I *' *' 'J' IM' 1 ' I' ' 'J ' 1 *1, No. IV and is, therefore, the original Llama pistol, manufacture of which dates from 1932. Locked Breech as you can see in the photo below, 161mm overall length, 94mm barrel and 8 round magazine. Estimated Value *Using 80% condition for calculating used Values. It may be a special variant of the Mod.
LLAMA All Models :: Gun Values by Gun Digest I . The table below indicates the various year codes. VII.-This pistol in 9 mm. Also, the last two digits after the dash (-) in the serial number should correspond with the code. Llama records appear to be non existent on any of the guns they sold or they are being held in seclusion. It is fed with a detachable 6 round box magazine that is of the same size and dimensions as the Colt 1911 magazine. At the beginning of WWI Gabilondo presented the gun to France for trials and it was accepted in 1915 with orders for 10,000 a month. Pistols collected after the Spanish Civil War were either scrapped or refinished and I suspect the date codes and proofs were ground off. 226 Williams Ln. On that pistol it will probably be a letter followed by a number, with an * between. Its odd but I suspect they used an in stockframe and slide that were sitting on shelves in an effort to save a few dollars. LePage Pocket Automatic Mre. iflilimtT' ' f ^ I
Serial number lookup - 25-2, 14-4, 14-6 and 629 LLama .380 year? Gunsmithing Forum | Numrich - Gun Parts Corp During this period they made a Max I LF with the old 1980's frame and a slide of the Max typeand called it the El Militar. Official Support | ASUS USA This Micro Max was made in 1997 and was produced using one of the slides from the previous series and not putting the compound curve at the front. Model VII is chambered in 9mm Largo and marked 9mm /38. The frame is numbered in the normal manner for a gun made in 98 and you can see where the old serial number and proof marks were removed. I have come to the conclusion that my pistol is a X-A and not a X. I have read that the Model X-A had a grip safety added when production of this model began in 1954. This Spanish Llama model IX-A is a single action, semi-automatic pistol that is chambered for the.45 ACP cartridge. Blow back operated, 5 shot mag,2 3/8" barrel, 4 3/4" overall length, 13 3/4oz. I am almost always in the market for these guns so if you have something you want to get rid of let me know. Stoeger Llama S Serial Number Can Be This serial number can be used to search for the make, model and history of a gun, but the type of information the average person can get is limited.Heres the scoop on what info a guns serial number can dish out.Look for Identifying Marks As of 2002, imported firearms must also bear a serial number . They started making a gun in 1914 based on the Browning 1903 and the modifications of the design by earlier guns like the Astra Victoria 1911 and called it the Ruby. L. Selbstlader' Fr. '^ ' I' 111 u' 111 g' p 111' i n. 11) ij n M i I' i. i 11 y i p 11111.11 p i ^ i fgsP, [PJjl'I'I'I'PJ.i ' |I|. VII, but in three calibers: 7.65 mm. Largo (Bergmann) caliber. |I|'|II JI|i|IH|'ll|'l'ji PPI'I'PI'I Jl|'|ll'|'l'l'l'ji|l|l I I|' ' . If you try to sell it to a gun shop, you can basically expect jack squat. 1 ; . ' This is a must for all martial artists and anyone wanting to learn the knife throwing techniques of the ninja.span, 1111111 111111 r 11111111111111 n, 1111 11111 11 n 11 h 1111111111 r< 1111111, XjbSuiih 'jsodupug jbXSJOAXSOJ poj doJS, JSUIUIOIJ uiui g9' PIC 'ON, ^ f J1jjt'l1 'lEJ^I^j lt. jl II > 11 I^i I Ullllji^ I tlimjUl i|l IHI^ni^Hn^m m I^i IH mi^i nj i : 11, 'l^p111 Mii|><| ' J^^j*1 '1 *|1111IJ!^1 *i '1 '1 1JI * *i mn11*11 Ji j^i tiji 11 ** jj, 1,111111 > I' 111111 ' 111111 fi 111111111111111' 111111111, i, i, I*, 11 il' i ill III lili il il' lilil lilil I iHlilllllllil ilil'llllhll III i l'i I ,h I i i- i < i ' i ' i i i ' i ' i i ' i i ^ . I think the deep relief engraving was discontinued at this time because it does not show up in my catalog. Work on a new design began in 1931 and culminated in 1932 with a Spanish patent issued on April 12th of that year. This is an importers stamp that is now required to be placed on firearms that have entered the U.S. After the late 1980's. This dates from about 1935 and was produced until about 1954. In 1931 it was decided to modernize their line by undertaking the manufacture of the external hammer, recoil-operated system originally designed by Browning and used by Colt and the Fabrique Nationale. Leonhardt H. M. Gering and Co. Arnstadt, Germany No. Early versions of this gun were marked as Military and Police on the right side with 9mm Bergman 38 Superon the front of the slide. Shown with grips that I think were never used on US imports. Production of this gun started in 1932 and was an exact copy of the Colt 1911 except it has no grip safety and has a barrel 5 1/2" long, with a 228mm overall length. Browning Short caliber, heavier than Mod. Left side has some marking and then the letter D I believe that is the year marking for 1931. It has no dovetail for the rear sight and both sights are silver soldered on, so it almost has to be Llama made entirely. You are correct! Colt Officers size with a 7 shot capacity. I found this pic in my files and I have no idea where it came from. Thanks for the link. Some details concerning the various Llama models are as given below. It was my understanding that these guns were made in 1997 only, but this one was made in 2001 and is chrome plated. 2514, l'l'l'l'J'H I' I' IM ' I' t I > I' I III HJ I IH|' > M' HJ I I' I' IM f I 'J M M *!I' * I n, 'Til :l'llll!llM)|l|'|i||? The frame and slide of the M82 are made from steel, so the gun is relatively heavy, but strong. The import law that is mentioned above can be referenced by viewing the gun control Act of 1968, Public Law 90-618 and under Subpart F-Conduct of Business sub-section 178.92 (a)(1) Firearms. Please help identify my Llama .380 Short, second blowback pattern and more closely approached the external shape of the Mod. Browning caliber, original blowback style, dating from about 193'31934, first issued without model designation, with factory catalog designation No. If springs in the.32 and.380 problems as well? 6758, ' 1 ' ' ',1 ' ' ' ' ' ' 111 ' ' ' ' t * ' ' ' ' ' '1 ' ' ' ' ' ' 'I''I'1<|I''1I'''J 111111111 ij 1111111111111M1111111 ' 111 n 11 ij 111111 ' 1 ' 11111 y ; 11 11111 . It is a recoil operated, locked breech semi automatic pistol. The pistol was in beautiful shape, and I believe untouched. nf I tutmTItinln li!i?ttl-'0|Milli'^ z r; 111 'In irlu'f m-Tniilniifi!--: m'T'-'-y ; ri-i-ij ^ i < i J.immtim , j11 ' i ' i | i11 ' ' I 1 ' I Ij 1111111 i n I M M . Vintage and antique guns may not have the serial number printed on the gun's body, because they were manufactured before the legal requirement to do so. Llama IIIA- Series 2 variation 1 .380 acp, locked breech, 165mm overall length with two vents in the rib. Time will tell. 1911A1 Colt. Galesi Mod. All of the guns supplied were blue, 9 shot with checkered wood grips and accompanied by three magazines along with a holster supplied by the French. Llama Serial Number - lessonsyola Llama Especial - .380 ACP | D4 Guns VITORIA (ESPANA). It was produced from 1936 and was still made in 1953 but does not appear in 1955 factory literature. 99. Llama Gun Serial Numbers | samodeakel1974's Ownd 326 7.65 mm. Handgun Database Search Form - The Handgun Informaton Resource Piotti. They were known for manufacturing several models of both inexpensive pistols and revolvers prior to 1931. You still pay the normal price, our commission comes from their profit, so you have nothing to lose, while we have something to gain. Custom 4S Grips and trigger and a full smoothing of the internal parts. I also have a pic of this gun with Tauler on it. I have only seen one actual IX .45 for sale anywhere and I do not own one to show a pic. IX-A.-This is the .45 ACP caliber, to which a grip safety was added immediately following World War II. In the link provided, there is an example shown for '6 78' with a guess of 1978, though it's not certain. This is a post-World War II production. It was designed after the semi-automatic pistol. Introduced in 1996. This is the early Llama legend and then changed to the ones below. I have now seen a 1954 with no rib, the rounded butt frame and large base magazine so it appears that in 1954 they started making the changes. III, but this has not been confirmed. How to find Llama serial number on Llama guns.. this process and this procedure. Llama 1911 Serial Number Lookup; Llama 380 Serial Number History; Llama Gun Parts For Sale; Llama Handgun Serial Number; Stoeger Llama Serial Numbers; Automatic pistols made by Gabilondo from 1914 to 1933 were based on Browning F.N. XI.-This is a 9 mm. through the alphabet once, they started with "A*1," then "B*1" It appears to be identical to Mod.