whale rider analysis

It's a story about a young Maori girl, Paikea Apirana that's born into the chief line along with a twin brother. Comparison of the Book Original and Adaptation of Whale Rider Koro takes it upon himself to arrange another partner for his son, a teacher from Pais school, who he believes will deliver Porourangi a male child. Paikea's speech - YouTube The film gained much respect from critics, it went on in film festivals such as Sundance and Tribecca, and gained international recognition. This is a hot issue of many cultures through the world even today, as women try to gain a respectable place by hard working. Pai herself is interested in the leadership, learning traditional songs and dances, and Taiaha fighting a traditional stick fighting method used by the Maori men. Looking for a flexible role? The Whale Rider Analysis - 536 Words | 123 Help Me Whale Rider is a great example of the problems that many cultures and families are facing around the world. She stands up to her grandfather in painful scenes, she finds dignity, and yet the next second she's running around the village like the kid she is. In the beginning, the Manchu people were into agriculture. Find out how you match to her and 5500+ other characters. Depiction of Modern Maori Culture in The Whale Rider - GradesFixer Koro was very upset when Kahu was born because she was a girl, and since then has ignored her, even though she loves him very much and wants his affection. It helped me pass my exam and the test questions are very similar to the practice quizzes on Study.com. The girl, Pai (Keisha Castle-Hughes) survives. The film opens with Porourangi, eldest son of Koro, the current chief, anxiously supporting his wife who is in labour. Similarly, Smith (2006: 110) suggests the imposition of Pakeha culture and opportunities of modernity has created a lost generation amongst the Maori people, with several characters portraying the effects of this modern allure. The movie, which takes place in the present day in New Zealand, begins with the birth of twins. Pai, an 11-year-old girl in a patriarchal New Zealand tribe, believes she is destined to be the new chief. As Pai grows older, her defiant character of a leader becomes evident. One day Koro summons all of the young teenage boys of the village to a series of compulsory lessons on how to be a Maori, and the leader of Maoris. Free shipping for many products! To take advantage of all of CharacTours features, you need your own personal Its like a teacher waved a magic wand and did the work for me. Chapter 2 gives us the point of view of the whales. The inner journey is one which involves the hurdling of psychological barriers, as well as cultural and social obstacles, rather than just a physical trek. As such, the film does not present a simple rejection of modernity, rather it is the recovery of tradition in modernity, and sometimes against identity, that makes possible the renewal of identity of Paikeas people (Smith 2006: 116). In one of the scenes Koro and Pai are talking about a speech Pai has to do for school. Enrolling in a course lets you earn progress by passing quizzes and exams. All rights reserved. Pai believes that she could serve as the chief, but her grandfather, despite his love, fiercely opposes this idea. Koro sees it as a sign of his failure and despairs further. The Piano (1993 Movie): Summary, Analysis, Avatar: Story telling in the tradition of the legend, Analysis of cinematography and mise-en-scene of a short sequence from Alfred Hitchcock's Blackmail, Zemlya / Earth (1930 Movie) - Summary - Analysis. hey you why are you so cruel? Whale Rider, then, challenges the lineage of male dominance, with Paikeas plight serving as symbolic indictment of the mores of patriarchy, and a call for greater inclusiveness (Sison 2012: 129). The Whale Rider by Ihimaera, Witi at AbeBooks.co.uk - ISBN 10: 1439517193 - ISBN 13: 9781439517192 - 2008 . berkeley Synopsis drug reference momentary along with brief language is Whale Rider Obituaries Death Notices Newspaper Obituaries Online April 30th, 2018 - Legacy com is the leading provider of online obituaries for the . Available at www.indiewire.com/article/girl_power_new_zealand_ writerdirector_niki_caro_talks_about_whale_ rider. But Koro always rejected Pai just because she's a girl. Unknown to all, she had won an inter-school speech contest with a touching dedication to Koro and the traditions of the village. Koro is the chief of these people. Pai sympathises with Koro and prays to her ancestors for help, with a voice-over revealing, They heard me, initiating the films most iconic and emotional sequence. Koro, Pai's grandfather and leader of the Maori tribe, is devastated that their future leader has died. The texts we have studied in class Yolngu Boy and Whale Rider are excellent examples of how important cultural identity and belief are in communities. She understood my main topic well and follow the instruction accordingly. Koros eyes, mirrored in these events, portray a great sadness to the films audience. "Man might carve his mark on the earth, but unless he's vigilant, Nature will take it all back.". The Film 'Whale Rider' uses cinematic techniques such as camera angles as an element to emphasise emotion and reactions to circumstances and conflict. You cannot copy content from our website. Indeed, as Ryan Mottesheard (2003) argues, the film should be understood less as anthropological study of the Maori people, than a universal story of female empowerment, thus highlighting the films global appeal. Paikea, realising what she was destined to do, proceeds to ride the large whale, sparking it into life, followed by the rest of the pod. Director and Screenwriter: Niki Caro. The movie shows this visually and thematically all throughout the story. What does the myth of the whale rider explain to the Maori people? Gender Roles In The Whale Rider - 706 Words | Studymode The picture book by Colin Thompson,, Beneath the Clouds, Ivan Sen, Road Movie 2002, shows perceptions of personal discovery. When the whale accepts Kahu as a leader, Koro does as well. We see the different techniques employed by composers through Peter Skrzyneckis Crossing the Red Sea and Immigrants at Central Station, Shirley Geok-lin Lims The Town Where Time Stands Still and The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Graham., The killer whale, also known as an orca, is known to be the largest dolphin. Im not a prophet, but I know that our people will keep going forward, all together, with all of our strength. This helps to show that although the tradition was broken when she was born she is willing to be the new change and be the leader Maori has been waiting for. Fall 2014. A film adaptation was made in 2002 that would go on to win several awards. Duncan Petrie, New Zealand, in M. Hjort, D. Petrie (ed), The Cinema of Small Nations, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2007. But Pai has several surprises for her tradition-bound grandfather that will open his eyes and the rest of the tribe to her true destiny. MAIN CHARACTERS: Pai: 12 year old girl who is the only living child in the line of the tribes chiefly succession Koro: Pais grandfather and current tribe leader. - Wikipedia Soon after, Rawiri moves to Australia and then Papua New Guinea to see the world. He admonishes Pai against touching the largest whale because she has done enough damage with her presumption. Choose your writer among 300 professionals! Pai is a free-spirited tomboy. Before man, "in the years that have gone before us, the land and sea felt a great emptiness, a yearning" (8). (2016, Oct 19). When she returns, her grandfather acts as if nothing has happened, and focuses more on the task at hand, finding somebody to lead the tribe. Unbeknown to Koro, Rawiri later takes Pai out in the boat, who not only finds the necklace, but also manages to catch a lobster as a present for her grandfather. Roger Ebert was the film critic of the Chicago Sun-Times from 1967 until his death in 2013. However, Pai fixes the rope and the motor runs fine, much to Koros frustration; frustrated that a young girl managed to repair something he couldnt, and for what it symbolises, that a female could become chief and restore the tribe. "There livedwhile the country was yet a province of Great Britain, a simple . Whale Rider, then, brings into question the notion of postcolonial identity within New Zealand, with a renewal of tribal values being presented as the means by which the Maori people learn to adapt to the modern-day demands of urbanisation. RyanMottesheard, Girl Power: New ZealandWriter/ Director Niki Caro Talks About Whale Rider, IndieWire, June 6, 2003. Paikea is a small girl that is 13 years old, and is a direct descendant of Paikea, the original whale rider. . Pharapreising and interpretation due to major educational standards released by a particular educational institution as well as tailored to your educational institution if different; And if that were not bad enough, Paikea ("Pai") lost her father as well. So the focus of the eye humanizes the whale and connects the young girl to the animal. 4.08 Graded Assignment Creating an American Mythology redone.docx He doesnt see that Pai is the leader that the people of Maori have been waiting for. Koro is heartbroken when he throws his whale bone into the ocean and not one of the boys manages to retrieve it. No plagiarism guarantee. Whale Rider (15th Anniversary Edition) [New Blu-ray] Shout Factory Select. They added tobacco and corn due to those ideas being popular. A letter she wrote to Rawiri while he was in Papua New Guinea read, "'I am seven. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! Three months after Kahu was born, her mother, Rehua, died. The book argues that Rider Haggard's She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed, Bram Stoker's female vampires and Conrad's destructive Malayan or African women, even Hardy's Tess, are all caught up in a series of late 19th-century contexts: biological determinism, imperialism, race, theories about female sexuality, degeneration and evolutionary theory. Whale Rider (Lions Gate) (2002)(DVD)*DISC ONLY 31398145769 | eBay Koros high standards make him look stubborn and that is why he pushes Pai away from him. When Koro tries to look for another rope, Pai ties the rope together and starts the engine. By Maori tradition, the tribes chief must be a direct descendant of the mythical Paikea, with first-born sons continuing this custom ever since. Pai loves Koro more than anyone in the world, but she must fight him and a thousand years of tradition to fulfill her destiny. The film "Whale rider" is considered to be a personal and family drama, showing that families even in the most far away parts of the world have similar relations and personal problems. Whale Rider is a drama film of the 2002, based on the novel of Witi Ihimaera, and directed by Niki Caro. The Whale Rider by Witi Ihimaera | Goodreads The film's plot follows the story of Paikea Apirana ("Pai")[In the book, her name is Kahu, short for Kahutia Te Rangi], a 12-year-old girl who is the only living child in the line of the tribe's chiefly succession following the death of her twin brother and mother when she was born. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . *You can also browse our support articles here >. Whale Ridershows emotional experience of a young Maori girl, Pai, who is the main character and the most bright personality in the film. You may use it as a guide or sample for Pai later proves herself to Koro at the near end of the book. Nanny Flowers has often threatened to divorce Koro over his treatment of Kahu. In this essay I am going to be talking about what the texts have taught me about culture and how it has shaped my understanding., A journey can be described as a passage one may undergo in order to reach a destination. At school, she is the most interested in Paikea culture and origins, unlike the other boys. characters are most like you. " Do you think that the whale is as old . This shows how Koro does not want anything to do with Pai. So it may be considered as the film about interpersonal relations. There's an amusing sequence where they practice looking ferocious to scare their enemies. It can mean that one has self-respect, but it can also mean that one is arrogant and has a huge ego. The 10 Best Whale Rider Quotes - bookroo.com AUTHOR OF THE NOVEL THE WHALE RIDER - WITI IHIMAERA The film is based on the book The Whale Rider by Witi Ihimaera. This video fits the requirement for the Whale Rider video analysis of Dr. Ann McClellan's Global Literature class at Plymouth State University. Correct writing styles (it is advised to use correct citations) The validity of Woolfs claims is seen through Pais actions and outlooks where her androgynous mind and woman-manly characteristic allows for the full spectrum of being human; having both male and The Whale Rider Together with Yavaraj Athur Raghuvir I watched the movie called The Whale Rider which deals with the issue of cultural restrains both as an individual and as a society. Pai loves Koro more than anyone in the world, but she must fight him and a thousand years of tradition to fulfill her destiny. Kahu's great-grandfather Koro is chief of the tribe, but because of his old age he is worried about who will be his heir. Whale Rider is the story of a girl, Pai, whose twin brother and mother die in child birth. 2017 11 12 1510446082 | Free Essay Examples | EssaySauce.com Many centuries ago a legendary ancestor named Paikea brought there the Maori people, who still lives there. On the east coast of New Zealand, the Whangara people believe their presence there dates back a thousand years or more to a single ancestor, Paikea, who escaped death when his canoe capsized by riding to shore on the back of a whale. Rehua's family wanted to raise her in their tribe. Whale Rider Year: 2002 Director: Niki Caro Rating: PG-13 Communication Concepts: Self-Concept Communication Climate (Disconfirmation) Assertiveness Whale Rider takes place in present day New Zealand, where a 12-year-old girl named Pai (Keisha Castle-Hughes) is growing up in an all-Maori community. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. FILM REVIEW; A Girl Born To Lead, Fighting The Odds the speedboat and tractor) connotes the complex mix of attraction and repulsion that characterises the relationship between the coloniser and colonised (Ashcroft et al., 1998: 12). Production Company: South Pacific Pictures, ApolloMedia Distribution, Pandora Filmproduktion. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. She climbs on the back of the ancient bull whale as it dives deep into the sea. So many films by and about teenagers are mired in vulgarity and stupidity; this one, like its heroine, dares to dream. Farbotko 1 Mariah Farbotko Professor Regine Rosenthal MALS 277 Here you can choose which regional hub you wish to view, providing you with the most relevant information we have for your specific region. She has used a number of cinematic techniques in this film to create atmosphere and sometimes show what the character is feeling. Whale Rider (2002) - IMDb Koros frustration is plain to see as he proceeds to exclude both Hami and Pai from his final challenge to determine who will become the next chief. Please note! On her journey to become the leader of the tribe, she comes across numerous amounts of challenges from her grandfather, Koro. By using these techniques Niki has created a film that is emotionally connected to the viewers., b. Pais koro, Apirana, or Old Paka as his wife Nanny Flowers calls him, the leader of the tribe, is initially angry at losing his grandson and being left with a worthless female. Also, the largest whale traditionally belongs to the legendary Paikea. What is the boat called in whale rider? There are moments when Pai is lost in discouragement and despair, and when her father comes for a visit she almost leaves with him. For Koro, this symbolises the tribes contemporary crisis of identity, a loss of spiritual connection to their ancestors. I would definitely recommend Study.com to my colleagues. The stoic mysticism of Niki Caro's cool-handed charmer ''Whale Rider'' -- in which the young Pai must overcome resistance as she tries to assume her destiny as the leader of a tribe on the New. $18.75 + $3.65 shipping. The bull whale remembers his master, the "golden man. To make matters worse, he names his daughter Paikea, which angers Koro who sees this as a mockery of Ngati Konohi customs and tradition. The families of Maori have also become ruptured for example, when Hemi goes up to present his father only stays for a little while to watch him then leaves with his friends. The Whale Rider is a 1987 novel by New Zealand author Witi Ihimaera. A contemporary story of love, rejection and triumph as a young Maori girl fights to fulfill a destiny her grandfather refuses to recognize. After Pai is hospitalized Koro realizes that Pai is the leader that they have been waiting for and asks for her forgiveness. Would you like to have an original essay? The film shows New Zealanders, as an example for the rest of the world, that the past civilizations and cultures can continue to live on in harmony with todays world. It follows the journeys of Pai, a young girl, and Koro, her grandfather, who both seek to uphold and preserve the Maori tradition, which has been negatively influenced by the European culture. Koros adoption of Western/Pakeha clothing and his noticeable reliance on modern technologies (i.e. The Whale Rider Chapters 1-4 Summary & Analysis | SuperSummary A special attention should be paid to a the concept of shadows in the story, as it has an important meaning. 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The culture has also become unhealthy for example, when Pai comes home and notices that the women playing cards at the dinner table have been smoking. When Pai is found and brought to the hospital, Koro declares her the leader and asks her forgiveness. submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism. The Manchurians have a unique way of life. The effects and overall impact of a journey will depend on the characteristics of the particular journey undertaken. In case you can't find a relevant example, our professional writers are ready In one scene, Hami, the most promising student in Koros school, challenges Pai to a taiahi duel, which Pai eventually wins. Pai climbs onto the back of the whale and makes it re-enter the ocean. While he does later form an affectionate bond with his granddaughter, carrying her to school every day on his bicycle, he also resents her and blames her for many of the troubles facing the tribe. Whale Rider is an expressive, cultural drama film by the award winning director Nikola Jean "Niki" Caro, that explores the ideas of love, rejection, tradition and gender roles. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on UKEssays.com then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! The film Whale rider is considered to be a personal and family drama, showing that families even in the most far away parts of the world have similar relations and personal problems. "Whale Rider" arrives in theaters already proven as one of the great audience-grabbers of recent years. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of The Whale Rider by Witi Ihimaera. She completes her expected tasks of singing during concerts, escorting the boys into the marae, and leading the other girls in their performance. Which gives citizens the right to uphold laws when governments are too scared to do so. This film combines elements of history, traditions, depicting them from the point of view of a child, that sees the world not in black and white terms. "Our Koro was like an old whale stranded in an alien present, but that was how it was supposed to be, because he also had his role in the pattern of things, in the tides of the future". Explores intrinsically linked ideas of discovery through the lens of cultural identity and heritage. But when Koro walks away, she climbs onto the back of the largest whale and coaxes it to re-enter the ocean. But her grandfather Koro is bound by tradition to pick a male leader. The Whale Rider Quotes by Witi Ihimaera - goodreads.com Marginalised from contemporary New Zealand society, the Maori community is ostensibly struggling in rural poverty and obscurity; rusting car wrecks and abandoned machinery litter the otherwise idyllic Whangara coastline (the northeast region of New Zealands North Island where the film was shot), emphasising the intrusion of Western/Pakeha culture and the effects of modernity. Analysis of Camera Work and Cinematography in The Whale Rider Unfortunately the tradition was broken when Pais twin brother passes away. He is certain that through a process of teaching the ancient chants, tribal lore and warrior techniques, the future leader of their tribe will be revealed to him. In The Whale Rider, Kahu is a young Maori girl who wants to be the chief of her tribe, but cannot be because in her culture that role is only for men. The films plot follows the story of Paikea Apirana (Pai)[In the book, her name is Kahu, short for Kahutia Te Rangi], a 12-year-old girl who is the only living child in the line of the tribes chiefly succession following the death of her twin brother and mother when she was born. Journey involves interacting with new people and environments, which ultimately results in the change of the person. Koro is bitterly disappointed when Porourangi announces to his family that he already has a pregnant lover in Germany and will not be returning home with the child, putting an end to Koros aspirations. She glows. us: [emailprotected]. The Whale Rider Summary | GradeSaver Porourangi would be next in line but has no interest in returning home. Without the author's use of actual time and place, Irving's tale would not have the same force or strength as an American myth. It's not just an uplifting ending, but a transcendent one, inspired and inspiring, and we realize how special this movie really is. One of the students, Hemi, is also sympathetic towards her, but Koro is enraged when he finds out, particularly when she wins her taiaha fight against Hemi. Her journey begins when she does not even know anything about becoming leader; she is living a normal life, doing her school work and living with her grandparents. They are a replication of the broadly understood human culture (Falassi, 1987). Whale Riders Film Analysis - PHDessay.com An error occurred trying to load this video. History of Sex in Cinema Filmsite org. By categorising different forms of literature into these three options, the meaning of journey can be easily derived and the techniques in which they are constructed can be more fully understood and appreciated. Koro explains to her about her ancestors and he uses a rope to demonstrate how the strings from the rope represent her ancestors. However, Koro fails to notice that Pai, although an eleven year old girl, is destined to be the new leader. It does not march obediently to standard plot requirements but develops an unexpected crisis and an unexpected solution. While the movie Whale Rider is set in New Zealand and reflects Mori traditions and culture, it's relatable to kids everywhere. Pai, in an attempt to bridge the rift that has formed, invites Koro to be her guest of honour at a concert of Mori chants that her school is putting on. Exact fate of whale fossil taken from West Coast river unknown The story takes place in New Zealand where the Maori people of a small village claim descent from the Whale Rider, Paikea. The beginning of the film 'Whale Rider' introduces the characters in a close-up camera shot. The idea of Journey in these texts is portrayed through obstacles, various poetic and film techniques., A physical journey which involves the movement from one place to another can have lasting effects on an individual or group which can be mental, emotional, physical, or a combination. The whale leads the entire pod back into the sea; Paikea nearly drowns in the process. Journeys can be both physical and emotional. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Whale Rider (Lions Gate) (2002)(DVD)*DISC ONLY at the best online prices at eBay! Cast: Keisha Castle-Hughes (Paikea), Rawiri Paratene (Koro), Cliff Curtis (Porourangi), Grant Roa (Rawiri).]. When Koro finds out he chastises Paikea, warning her that by tampering with sacred traditions she has shamed her community. I would definitely hire her again! Analysis of the Whale Rider Essay Example | GraduateWay The film Whale Rider tells the fictional story of Pai, a twelve-year-old girl living with her grandparents in the small community of Whangara on the coast of New Zealand. Pride can be seen in both positive and negative ways. For example, in the beginning when Koro goes to see the baby boy and tells Nanny to take Pai away from where he is. Retrieved from https://graduateway.com/analysis-of-the-whale-rider/, Coming Of Age across Cultures in Film: Whale Rider and Rabbit-Proof Fence Analysis, Analysis of the Film Easy Rider Directed by Dennis Hopper, Fox and coyote and whale compare and contrast. If you need assistance with writing your essay, our professional essay writing service is here to help! Shes only twelve years old. The world premire was on September 2002, at the Toronto International Film Festival. The story then leaps forward 11 years, by which time Koro has developed a strong, (albeit slightly belligerent) affection for his granddaughter, who he only ever calls Pai, denying the true power and meaning of her full name. cite it correctly. Pai is found alive and the film closes with the whole tribe embracing their Maori culture, celebrating through traditional Maori rituals. Therefore, Whale Rider emphasises the benefits of bicultural cooperation, incorporating what Duncan Petrie (2007: 172) describes as a utopian embrace of common humanity as an alternative strategy of dealing with the trauma of the past.