The fire alarm system has smoke and heat detectors, manual pull stations, and audible and visible alarm notification devices. 2014 Annual Report. In 2013, there were 134 fires on the Forest which burned almost 140,000 acres. Once an investigation is complete, the investigation outcome and any resolution by the University are maintained with Complainant and Respondent privacy in mind. Residents who live in the immediate vicinity of the main campus are also invited to register for BroncoAlert, regardless of if they are affiliated with Boise State, so they can also receive information about crimes and other emergencies requiring an alert. This includes the right not to be pressured to report. Stairwells are protected with fire doors. A Notice of Appeal Outcome will be sent to all parties simultaneously, including the decision on each approved ground and rationale for each decision. Threat assessments shall assess an individuals behavior if it has been reported as a potential threat to campus community safety. Meetings, interviews, and/or hearings that are closed to the public. These personnel report door and security hardware operating deficiencies to the Facilities Operations and Maintenance Department on a daily basis through the work order process, which tracks all trouble areas to ensure they are repaired. Although costly to implement, badge access is easier to maintain when students and employees become inactive than legacy key systems, where it is difficult to account for physical key inventories. This documentation is utilized to improve emergency response and evacuation procedures on campus. Senior Security Officers are certified in first aid, CPR, and AED. It is an opportunity to help build traditions at Boise State that allow students to build community without perpetuating harmful behavior. Be active in supporting a safe and respectful community. These BPD officers are stationed at the Department of Public Safety substation on campus and work in concert with Boise State Senior Security Officers. Engaging in a course of conduct directed at a specific person that would cause a reasonable person to fear for his or her safety or the safety of others; or suffer substantial emotional distress. The University will obtain voluntary, written confirmation that all parties wish to resolve the matter through Informal Resolution before proceeding and will not pressure the parties to participate in Informal Resolution. Firefighters battled the blaze through the night and were able to. The issues of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence and stalking, along with general crime prevention information, are all topics covered in crime prevention and personal safety programming that the Boise Police Department offers to the Boise State campus community. The University also provides or facilitates ongoing prevention and awareness campaigns to the University community throughout the year. If a Formal Grievance Process is preferred, the Title IX Coordinator determines if the misconduct alleged falls within the scope of Title IX and/or Policy 1065: If it does, the Title IX Coordinator will initiate the formal investigation and grievance process, directing the investigation to address: a culture/climate issue, based on the nature of the complaint. We discuss Idaho law regarding domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking, and consent in reference to sexual activity. Reports that a fire occurred in a Housing and Residence Life facility must be made for inclusion in the Annual Fire Safety Report. The Decision-maker(s) will deliberate in closed session to determine whether the Respondent is responsible or not responsible for the policy violation(s) in question. For the purpose of this definition, a course of conduct is defined as two or more incidents. The Department of Public Safety, through Boise Police Department resources collects and may distribute free cell phones for use by those individuals who do not have access to a cell phone. General fire safety and evacuation is also addressed in supplemental training such as Building Coordinator and Laboratory Safety training. Also included in the exception are on-duty armored transport personnel. The parties/witnesses will submit to questioning by the Decision-maker(s) and then by the parties Advisors (cross-examination). In rare cases where a procedural or substantive error cannot be cured by the original Decision-maker(s) (as in cases of bias), the appeal Decision-maker may order a new hearing with a new Decision-maker(s). Includes firearms, knives of any length, conducted energy devices such as stun guns, incendiary devices and explosives.. This means we can all make a difference by choosing to speak out, intervene, or do something when we hear disrespectful jokes or comments or witness disrespectful or harmful actions. 2015 BDC Annual Report : To report a wildfire in southwest Idaho call 208-384-3400 or call 911, or your local fire department For general information: 208-384-3398 FAX: 208-384-3405 Office Hours: 7 AM to 7 PM, 7 DAYS a week during fire season (June-October) Boise Dispatch . The San Mateo Consolidated Fire Department Annual Report provides a summary of the departments' activities throughout the year, including statistics, budget, personnel changes, significant calls, and other department accomplishments. AUS provides onsite services at the main and separate campuses. Residents living in the University Suites (Clearwater, Payette and Selway), University Square (D, E, F, and G),Yale Court and Lincoln Townhomes (Aspen, Cedar, Hawthorne, Juniper, Tamarack and Spruce) may bring toasters, toaster ovens, and electric skillets because they have a full kitchen at their disposal. In all cases, safety is a top concern. Arrests for violations of state and local laws, specifically those relating to the unlawful possession, sale, use, growing, manufacturing and making of narcotic drugs. Hunter Report - Deer, Elk, Pronghorn . Have the University policies and procedures followed without material deviation. 702 N Stanley St Boise, ID House for Rent | Rentable The Boise State Gender Equity Center can provide information and advocacy for students or employees who wish to obtain or learn more about an Order of Protection and can be reached by phone at (208) 426-4259. We are innovative leaders in our pr of ession, dedicated to caring for each o the r. Protecting lives and property is our contribution (4)Where she resists but her resistance is overcome by force or violence. On average, the Peer Health Educators from Health Services brought in programs such as Sips and Sex and Condom Carnival twice a month in Boise States seven different residential communities. It is preferred that a police department facilitates the collection of other forensic evidence. Crime statistics and incidents are public records, but identifying information is withheld. The Title IX Coordinator maintains records of any resolution that is reached, and failure to abide by the resolution agreement freely entered into may result in appropriate responsive/disciplinary actions. To request resources or training, contact the Idaho Coalition Against Sexual & Domestic Violence at (208) 384-0419 or by email at The Title IX Coordinator, Investigator(s), or Decision-maker(s) had a conflict of interest or bias for or against Complainants or Respondents generally or the specific Complainant or Respondent that affected the outcome of the matter. AlcoholEDU and Sexual Assault Prevention each include a follow-up session that is required 30 days after Part 1, and both parts must be finished for the program to be marked as complete. The Idaho State Board of Educations policies regulate the possession, use, and sale of alcohol beverages on the Boise State campus. For more information, contact the Department of Public Safety at (208) 426-6911. CWI Facilities Planning and Management developed and maintains a detailed database of room keying and key systems for each CWI building and issues keys and electronic access. State Fire Marshal Annual Reports - Department of Insurance Timely written notice of all alleged violations, including the identity of the parties involved (if known), the precise misconduct being alleged, the date and location of the alleged misconduct (if known), the implicated policies and procedures, and possible sanctions. With a few adjustments, you can typically make your location more secure and comfortable until it is safe to go outside. BroncoFit offers workshops specifically focused on healthy relationships and healthy sexuality to interested student groups. The University Emergency Policy Group members consist of the following: Boise State Policy 9220, Emergency Action and Building Evacuations Procedures, establishes Boise States responsibilities and procedures for handling emergencies at the lowest level, which is in each of the 150+ buildings on campus. Each Advisor is required to adhere to these requirements or they will be asked to leave the meeting or proceeding. If the victim is at a separate campus, the Title IX Coordinator will work with the local institution/authorities to assist the victim in getting an appropriate No Contact Order in place. The agency providing law enforcement services to the 301 S. Capitol facility, leased parking areas and public property surrounding those areas is the Boise Police Department, located at 333 N. Mark Stall Place, Boise, Idaho 83704, phone number (208) 377-6790. To determine which individuals are CSAs, the function served by that individual must be considered. FACES of Hope Victim Center (the family justice center located in Boise) (577-4400) facilitates sexual assault forensic examinations for the Treasure Valley and is located near the main Boise State campus. Shrubbery, trees, and other vegetation on campus are trimmed on a regular basis. For emergencies, dial 9-1-1. There are several collection sites in Boise to drop off hazardous waste, including particular fire stations in the city. On occasion, what is reported may make it easier for a persons identity to be known. If a partys Advisor of choice refuses to comply with the Universitys established rules of decorum for the hearing, the University may require the party to use a different Advisor. There were no reported Hate Crimes for the years 2019, 2020, or 2021. A person who is incapacitated by alcohol or illegal or prescription drugs, unconscious, or asleep cannot give consent. CSI Security does not have arrest powers. Options designed to: decrease perpetration and bystander inaction; increase empowerment for victims in order to promote safety; and help individuals and communities address conditions that facilitate violence.