Im interested in how people have articulated their good cause to assist them in getting the permit. Since when is Sonoma dark green? Few of us can get issued here. (e.g. hb```B `` fT}/drCGHHA030j20219W^2}ag?iV[B420b2o`` Just an example only, to get you thinking in the proper Floor Coatings. Daily? Calif. Agencies Told to End 'Good Cause' Requirement for Concealed Threats to personal safety may be verbal or demonstrated through actual harm committed in the place of work, neighborhood or regular routes of travel for business. San Benito County Sheriff's Office Online Concealed Weapon Permit Like if you use camping, be sure to have receipts for camping gear and photos showing you camping. San Joaquin County Sheriff's Office Online Concealed Weapon Permit The Good Cause Law: When applying for a CCW Permit, one of the four basic requirements an applicant must meet is having good cause proving their need for the permit. Im in Kern, dark green, I had a dui and got a CCW 5 years later. Text of BRIEF OF AMICUS CURIAE BRADY CENTER TO PREVENT GUN Personal protection is warranted to mitigate a threat to the applicant that the applicant is able to substantiate.7. Similarly, someone who walks with a slight limp (might pass Dark Green), is not as vulnerable as someone who requires a cane (might pass Light Green) and they're not as vulnerable as someone who requires a wheelchair (might pass Yellow). Riverside County Ccw Reference Letter45 caliber) UNLOADED to the class Gun Groups to Riverside, CA Sheriff - Start Granting Carry Permits, Or Else I definitely think the map is off on the high side (favorable to us) by a color for Alameda and Coco Counties. Now as @MikeBKY pointed out, in a can issue county such as Los Angeles the definition of cause is subjective to that sheriff's opinion vs a shall issue county such as surrounding Ventura, Kern, San Bernardino . Have you had military training?2. My county(Sonoma) has historically been a red county but with our new sherif we have become a light green county. If your good cause is you transport valuables, then write about a time when you were in fear of being attacked, robbed, or injured. Ive seen people comment on the Sonoma calguns thread using that as good cause and but they havent followed up yet. Concealed Carry Discussion - Best Handgun Training - Good Cause examples By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. (7), P365 Serial Number for CCW application (7), Why open carry is not a wise option (4), Gun Magnets with Concealed Carry Permit (17), I Know, I know, 9MM is just as good, but (43), carry in restaurants and common carriers (22), CCW Instructor recommendation for my daughter (5), DOJ Background timeline firearm clearance (0). App sent in beginning of Month 1 Call for interview in end of Month 2 Interview in beginning of Month 3 Approved for Live Scan in Mid Month 3 (This is the step when youve been approved pending Live Scan and Training). I believe that these experiences add to my understanding of firearms and self defense. Feeling that their questions were suspicious and that their back story lacked details, I made quick work of reloading my vehicle and gave them the impression that I had completed riding and was on my way out. I have over 25 years of experience in martial arts and boxing, all working with several retired Los Angeles County Sheriffs deputies. Get letter from employer supporting the application and willingness to accept liability, copies of relevant certificates/licenses, provide photos of you doing job, etc N.B. Iunderstandandfullyrespectthepoweranddangertheycancausebothtomyselfand, others. While commuting to and from work or antiquing, I have encountered suspicious, vagrant people who I suspect to be users of drugs or apart of a criminal element have enquired about the nature of my job or what I am carrying in my vehicle in regards to the amount of tool or antiques I collect. Using your own words, write a paragraph or two that is a story about something that you have experienced that leads you to believe what you require a CCW. Press J to jump to the feed. This letter is my formal request to be approved for a concealed carry permit by the sheriffs office. Ivebeenin, constructionforover15yearsandhavetraveledthroughoutSouthernCaliforniatovariousCountiesrangingfrom, LosAngelesandSanBernardinotodifferentjobsites. I'm sure some of you are aware that Paladin from the CalGuns forum has color-coded the California counties showcasing how difficult it is to get a CCW. 504 E Alvarado St. #207 Fallbrook, CA 92028 760.451.6694. Mine didnt even interview me. (That info is about 6 months old but I think I can say that Frisco is the lowest county. PDF Kern County Sheriff's Office Policies And Procedures Occasionally,mytradecallsformetoworksomenightswhenitsvery. Damn. General discussion regarding CCW/LTC in California,,, CA DOJ BOF CCW issuance count from 1987-2007,,, You should investigate I'm pretty sure Kern county's good case policy is "I leave my house sometimes". (e.g. I was taught from a young age firearms safety from my Dad and have shot IDPA and USPSA with him. Iwasgoingtobeattacked,harmed,orpossiblykilled. Attn : Riverside County Sheriffs Department. where i'm at, the sheriff wants everyone to carry. (e.g. subjectmetopossiblybecomingavictimofacarjackingoranambushtorobmeoftoolsandequipment. Where will you be attacked? I am afraid that I will be killed or injured as a result of these activities. Shows that people can work hard to prove it. If an incomplete application package is . When will you be attacked? Definitive "Where can I carry in CA?" To qualify for a CCW license, you must: Be a resident of the county where you are applying; Be 21 or older; Provide a "good cause" for why you should be issued a license; Provide proof of ownership or registration of the firearm you want to be licensed to carry; and Take an approved CCW training course. discussion, the topic "preparing for your CCW interview". When a business or occupation is of a high-risk nature and requires the applicant's presence in a dangerous environment. The space listed for lease is described as general office. Go to There is a soecific ccw section. So, if you have a GC that is listed under Light Green below it might pass in a Yellow county. As a hobby, I build vintage Harleys and Ford hotrods. CCW - The Map & Good Cause (what color are you?) - reddit These GC policies are usually based upon CA State AG John Van de Kamp's early 1980s Opinion letter and require a number of additional conditions be present. Nos. Have you graduated from any training classes?How long have you been involved in the shooting sports?Have you had any training is the ethics or legal aspects of using lethal force?Include as much as you can, but do not exceed a couple of sentences about your experience. I was alone because I work late at night. 10-56971, 09-02371-IEG I N T HE United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit EDWARD PERUTA, et al., Plaintiffs-Appellants, v. COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO, et al., Defendants-Appellees. San Luis Obispo County CCW Information, Records, and Analysis. Range qualification was with a B-27 type target. These examples can be successful when used properly in the application. PDF Here are some Just Cause Statements from a couple of different sources take your valuables or harm you, or both)3. High Crime work location or commute, remote area with slow Law Enforcement or Medical Response, or limited cell phone coverage)4. Inmyhonestopinion,Ibelieverobbers,thieves,drugaddictsputmeatagreaterriskofgettingharmed, becauseofthetoolsandequipmentIhavetocarryandtransport. LA: 1 page Fact Sheet: Audit Summary: Full, 88 page report: One year later, LASD under Sheriff AV has still not complied with the CSA's recommendations. Avid shooter who often goes to a range before or after work, as seen by club membership card, receipts and photos. DearRiversideCountySheriffsDepartment: Thisletterismyformalrequesttobeapprovedforaconcealedcarrypermitbythesheriffs, office. I'm looking to apply for my CCW in LA County, and just wanted to ask a few questions and for general guidance. The article above says the "average" issuance per county is 3. LA County General Questions & Good Cause Statement. calorg - CALGUNS.ORG REUTERS/Eduardo Munoz Atty. You may wish to do more research through the sheriff's The "expensive stuff in my car" line is very acceptable with OCSD. Ihonestlyfeltandbelieved. This is simply a format to expand upon our classroom instruction and By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. If the main site is down Enter the. While at work I have the security of an in-place infrastructure for safety, while I am commuting I do not. Do you have any certifications?3. How come no information on San Joaquin county? Your CCW may be restricted to on-the-job only. (See class schedule page for specific dates) The cost is only $249.00 for the 8-hour Initial CCW Permit Class. Step 1 Your Because StatementPick one of these 7 statements and make it into a specific statement about you using because.1. Effective immediately, the sheriff no longer needs any kind of proof of good cause or a good cause statement. and our There are 3 levels in Dark Red (from most restrictive to least): actual No Issue. Taft, California. I'm in Riverside county but my IA is our local PD. So make sure you have a valid reason for conceal carry California before requesting CCWL. Application for CCW, the applicant must show "good cause" exists for the issuance of a CCW permit. LASD under Sheriff Jim McDonnell was like this per the CSA's report: 25 out of 25 audited files did not follow their own CCW policy re. For additional training, I have taken an NRA basic pistol class and the Riverside County CCW course offered by Defensive Tactics and Firearms. Good cause for extending the time limit. 15 The guns are both valuable and highly desired by "prohibited persons". Each county may differ when it The below GC categories are listed from, roughly, weakest to strongest. Good Cause WorksheetWhat is the Sheriff looking for in a good cause statement?A good cause statement is a set of circumstances that distinguishes you from other members of the general public and causes you to be placed in harms way. The issuance of licenses enabling a private citizen to carry a concealed weapon (CCW) is of great concern to the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department. The nature of my business or occupation is such that it is subject to personal risk and / or criminal attack, greater than the general population. Sacramento is one of them. The article in the SacBee that I reference shows Fresno as the highest and SF as lowest, but that's in the total number of permits. These examples can be successful when used properly in the application. Important information about the application and review process are described in the written Alameda County Sheriff's Office CCW Policy. California Drops 'Good Cause' Requirement for Concealed Carry Following My town of Ventura has about 100,000 people, so percentage wise, there should be about 2,000 CCW permit holders, which is about right. discussion, the topic "preparing for your CCW interview". What is the frequency? SSA - POMS: GN 03101.020 - Good Cause for Extending the Time Limit to I shot competitive skeet and trap for nearly 10 years. How long have you been involved in the shooting sports?5. Would that work in SB you think? I live in shasta and I had a harder time getting eggs from the grocery store than getting my ccw. I am particularly at personal risk when arriving to the areas and prepping, as well as when I return from training and am cleaning and loading the equipment. How will they attack you?Example: Because I walk my dogs late at night for exercise in a rural area, I fear I will be attacked by robbers looking for an easy target. All the below will likely pass in a Light Green county. This occurred in an area with poor cell phone reception where I was isolated and police response time would be considerable. Good work. CA CCW Map - Your CCW may be restricted to on-the-job only. (Going through the process might be good practice.) Privacy Policy. Evaluation of GC isn't black and white, but often shades of gray, a judgment call. Department: San Luis Obispo County Sheriff's Department. El Dorado, (3) You have a medical condition (e.g., heart disease, elderly) that makes running, hiding or fighting unrealistic. Utah CCW Firearms Instructor American CCW - Academy Security Training 25202 Crenshaw Blvd. Full credit goes to "Paladin" from CalGuns. Plus, remember that equipment that cost you $1,000 isn't equivalent to someone making $500 cash deposits. Good Character- Applicants must have good character with respect to their ability to responsibly and safely carry and use a concealed weapon Good Cause- Proof that good cause exists for the issuance. Ihaveshotrifles,handgunsandshotguns, myentirelife. Good Cause Statements Defensive Tactics and Firearms, LLC Do you have self-defense & firearms insurance? CCW Good Cause in Kern? : r/CAguns - This thread is in the wrong forum. Thanks. Application for CCW, the applicant must show "good cause" exists for the issuance of a CCW permit. Application was approved only a few days after the interview. Talk about something that actually happened that relates back to your good cause. It is also important to note for those in LA that the LASD has updated their CCW page which you can see here. This is the CA "Good Cause" requirement by County map. 01-26-2023 8:28 PM by Vinnie Boombatz. Because of this, it is vital to understand the California Good Cause Law before submitting one's application to obtain a CCW Permit. I have been told by people who work for the SO that its more about your ability to articulate your good cause than it is the actual level of good cause. Who is a specific threat to you? noting the cause for the denial. My Good Cause okay? - ), (7) There's something obvious about applicant that makes them particularly vulnerable to attack and thus an attractive target (e.g., an obvious physical handicap or medical issue that makes fleeing, hiding, or fighting impractical. The bicycles and equipment associated with racing are very expensive and are highly desirable to thieves. 130 0 obj <>stream What about "I carry thousands of dollars worth of gun at night, so would like to concealed carry it to protect the value of the gun I'm carrying". For the first time ever, LA County has gone down to the Yellow Tier for Good Cause when issuing out CCW permits. (For proof use photos of activities, value of equipment/property, sales receipts, copy of club membership card, photos of trophies won, training certificates, C&R license. For more information, please see our He has done quite a bit of research into the counties to keep the community updated and I would trust his judgement when it comes to determining what kind of "good cause" you have and how that fits into the counties (i.e. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Apply if you really want a CCW and can afford to waste the time, money and effort in applying since you're most likely to be denied. See ~2/3rds down at: Last is Virtual No Issue: this is where they issue for category #15 below and only for that. Step 4 What is Your Experience Level?Your level of proficiency does not necessarily count as your good cause, but it is important to add a sentence or two to your good cause statement talking about your experience and training with firearms.1. However when I take the number of CCW permits for 2014/2015 (only counting 2015 where info is available, using 2014 when no 2015 data is available) I come up with ~76,233 statewide. I provided articles of vehicle thefts that were similar to what I had and said I could be a target of armed robbery due to the rarity/value of my vehicles. What county is yours? LASD reports rise in CCW permits; task force looks to streamline process There was a study recently by John Lott, PhD and, IIRC, on average, >6% of Americans >18 yo have CCWs. Epoxy Flooring UAE; Floor Coating UAE; Self Leveling Floor Coating; Wood Finishes and Coating; Functional Coatings. Step 5 Make a Request for Your PermitI am afraid that I will be killed or injured as a result of these activities. Personal protection or self-defense is sufficient to establish good cause SF and Santa Clara, for awhile, were once this. You will have to select an instructor based on ones they have approved. Also, below is a draft of my good cause statement, and would like some feedback if possible. You need to articulate why you are personally at riskcould be as simple as felon release programs, rising crime in your area, antifa/BLM riots, and LE not being adequately funded. carruthers megadeth Ihadtoexitthevehicletoopenthe, entrancegatetothejobsitewhenIwasconfrontedbytwomenaskingifIcangivethemarideorgivethem, money. Theres time stamps to jump around. A lot of people simply state their good cause as self-defense. For all of these reasons, I respectfully request that I be granted a concealed weapons permit.Put your Statement together and put it into your own words. Using your words, tell your true story to explain exactly what you Using your own words, write a paragraph or two that is a story about something that you have experienced that leads you to believe what you require a CCW. Sheriff: Ian Parkinson. San Francisco recently doubled the number of CCW holders. Rickybillegas. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This is pretty big. The recent big update is coming into Los Angeles. (copies of relevant certificates/licenses, provide photos of you doing job at remote locations, value of equipment, etc) N.B. Thenatureofmyoccupationsubjectsmetopersonalriskor, attackgreaterthanthegeneralpopulation. It was obvious to me they were not there for business reasons. If applying for a NEW Concealed Carry Weapon license, a 4 to 8-hour firearms training course must be completed with a recognized Firearms Instructor prior to issuance. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. This is Virtual Shall Issue because virtually all of us can get issued here. Both agree that California's similar law . (12) The nature of the business or occupation of the applicant is such that it is subject to personal risk and / or criminal attack, greater than the general population (e.g., private investigators, some lawyers, process servers, plain clothes security guards, bodyguards, fugitive recovery agents/"bounty hunters," taxi drivers). r/CCW - What is a good reason to tell Fresno, CA sheriff is - reddit Is there a specific time of day/night or day of the week when you have to travel with valuables? The following are only examples of good cause statements used by other applicants in various counties here in CA. PDF Here are some Just Cause Statements from a couple of different sources Evidence that there has been or is likely to be an attempt on the part of a second party to do great bodily harm to the applicant. Hes a little guy, and kinda frail. Concealed Carry Discussion General discussion regarding CCW/LTC in California . I have been approved for one with a solid Yellow Good Cause statement - meaning, my job puts me at a heightened risk of injury and no other precautions are suitable to prevent or reduce the chances of something happening. PDF Legal Alert OAG-2022-02 - Attorney General of California you and me both. Burglars, robbers, terrorists, drug dealers, rapists, or a specific threat)2. Sonoma County CCW Information - Calguns Foundation Not necessarily. Also any training/trainer recommendations? Talk about something that actually happened that relates back to your good cause. My coworker recently has his CCW approved and he used that he goes camping sometimes. For more information, please see our According to the FAQ, this is the only space available for lease in the NRA headquarters building. Below we have a sentence by sentence way of organizing your exact situation or circumstances that apply to your life, work, hobby, or other activity that will help the sheriffs clerks understand your need to carry a concealed firearm. I've been told the speed of your CCW here can be quicker if you take the class with a certain instructor, "take it with X and he's got you your CCW in 2 weeks," from a few folks now. That's also why I'm getting multi CCW so I can conceal in other states. Police report #18-976543. Questionhow skillful should a person be before they apply for a ccw ?? Then I had to provide evidence I went to car/bike shows. endorsed by any law enforcement agency. . He has a wife and 3 very young daughters, hes had his life threatened by inmates countless times, and lives in a pretty big town where he frequently sees inmates out and about. Most of us can get issued here. Non-specific, general concerns about personal safety are insufficient.Example #1: I have evidence that there is likely to be an attempt to do great bodily harm on me by someone else because I have received threatening emails from my former brother-in-law who was in jail for assault.Example #2: The nature of my occupation is such that it subjects me to personal risk and/or criminal attack, greater than the general population because as a General Contractor I transport expensive equipment and tools around the county. and our Include the details that talk about your specific situation rather than talking about random or general threats. . California gun laws targeted by Supreme Court ruling- CalMatters They now have 4. (11) Employees (e.g., business managers, property managers) who are at heightened risk due to valuables associated with their employment (e.g., Au/Ag, jewelry, pharmaceuticals, firearms, ammo or gunpowder ("inherently dangerous property"), cash sales or rental deposits). My wife and I both share a passion for antiquing, we could have anywhere from a couple hundred to thousands of dollars in cash or valuables with us. residency and 24 out of 25 did not follow their own policy on GC. Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court issued one of its most significant gun law rulings in more than a decade, tossing out New York state's tight restrictions on who can carry a concealed gun in public. InadditiontomypersonallifeexperienceIhavealsocompletedanNRAbasicpistolclassandthe. No more than 3 hits outside the silhouette. What do they want? Good Cause Statements Defensive Tactics and Firearms, LLC These examples are just that. endstream endobj 100 0 obj <. I suspect the only real hurdle these days is the in-person interview, but if you dont have a criminal record or do anything dumb it should be pretty easy to receive a CCW. When I am not working as a diesel mechanic, I am also an avid antiques collector and travel around California to find good deals on antiques. STEP 1: Watch the video STEP 2: Visit the San Diego Sheriff's CCW Webpage VISIT WEBSITE STEP 3: Browse the SDCGO Good Cause Worksheets VIEW PDF STEP 4: copyrighted material. 60 Posts . The examples of Good Cause required are provided as examples only. I submitted my OC CCW Application today (7/22/21). When I lived there it was red/yellow. I felt in fear for my safety and believe that I was in real danger of being attacked. This subreddit is for the civil discussion of all things regarding California gun laws, rules, regulations and ownership. Public Resources. and our CCW "Good Cause" on Riverside County Board of Superisor's - The OP should use 2014 Dec numbers from here when he doesn't have more recent numbers: It's B.S. Because of the reasons outlined above I feel that I am at risk of being injured or killed. TheseareasandbecauseitsstilldarkoutsidewhenIstartwork. For these reasons, I am requesting that I be granted a concealed weapons permit. It is our belief that individuals should be armed to protect themselves within our Constitutional Rights. A new Carry a Concealed Weapon, or CCW, unit within the Sheriff's Department could increase an already rising number of permits issued within Los Angeles County, those familiar with the CCW. San Bernardino County Sheriff Department CCW Good Cause Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Some of us can get issued here. This is simply a format to expand upon our classroom instruction and Below I've posted directly what Paladin had to say about it. cause and issuance policies. You may wish to do more research through the sheriff's department website, or by visiting for a good forum on good cause and issuance policies. This is Virtual No Issue because virtually none of us can get issued here. The space is on the 3rd floor. Good cause could include, but is not limited to, verifiable documented instances of threats to the personal safety of the applicant, his or her family, or employees.