The initial backfill of select Type I backfill protects the pipe during installation from impact damage and extends to the springline of the pipe. Figure 4.1: Precast Concrete Pipe 2016v1.0 Chapter 4 1, 2 BASIC PIPE AND SOIL CONCEPTS The type of pipe selected for a particular application depends on many factors. A. Construct subdrains, subdrain cleanouts and outlets, and footing drain collectors. Fill out, edit & sign PDFs on your mobile, Description of vdot soils and aggregate compaction, Related Forms FOUNDATIONS STEPS TO CONSTRUCTING A MOISTURE-RESISTANT FOUNDATION Build a Better Home Details are critical when constructing a sound building foundation that will withstand water and control dampness. A Review of The Use of Reclaimed Asphalt | PDF | Road Surface Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like What are the three differences between the AASHTO T-99 and AASHTO T-180?, How many layers of soil are required to make a standard proctor mold? 0 N7R;No7^Y Schedule PH (Form 1120) (1960). Soils & Aggregate Inspector - NETTCP Effect of Rock-Sized Aggregates on Soil Compaction Results . Structural Fill See Section (A)(2)(g) of the Road and Bridge Specifications for complete requirements for backfill material. Conducts and/or observe and document test on soils, asphalt, concrete, aggregates, bituminous products, metal products and industrial coatings. 6) Line the trench with the non woven drainage fabric. (PDF) Soil Compaction Handbook | Student life - %PDF-1.7 Description This section describes the installation of gravity sewer pipelines fabricated of vitrified, DRAINAGE MATS For Vertical: Flow 15-P For Horizontal: Flow 18-H Soil Drainage Mat with Built-In Protection Layer POLYGUARD DRAINAGE MATS are three-part prefabricated geocomposite drain consisting of a, City of West Linn Public Works Standard Construction Specifications Table of Contents DIVISION SIX STORM DRAIN TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS 1 601 PIPE AND FITTINGS 1 601.01 Description1 601.02 Materials1, STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRIVATE BUILDING SEWER LINES IN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY Approved and adopted as Official Document Number 800576 this 10th day of December, 1980 Donald R. Boyd, P.E., Director Water, 1.0 ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION 1.1 This document provides basic safety guidelines related to excavation and trenching in pipeline construction activities. Silts and clays are made of particles that are smaller than which sieve? You do not have to place pipe bedding material down first when installing a UD 4. 2016v1.0 Chapter 4 17, 18 8) At the end of the run ( feet) a 45 degree elbow is used to connect the longitudinal pipe to the non perforated outlet pipe to force the collected water to discharge. For registration assistance, questions or concerns, please contact: The MCS courses are currentlybeing delivered through a partnership between VDOT, the Virginia Education Center for Asphalt Technology (VECAT) with Germanna Community College (GCC)and the Community College Workforce Alliance (CCWA). 7) Install the longitudinal perforated pipe at the bottom of the trench without bedding material. 11 terms. 14) What is the maximum deflection allowed for flexible pipe? PDF Specifications (REVISED) - Virginia Department of Transportation aggregate from the same source, or break up the material . The Soils and Aggregate Inspector Certification Course is designed for those individuals responsible for the sampling and testing of soils and aggregates used in base, subbase and roadway embankment construction. 15) What end of the pipe system do you start installation? Find the right form for you and fill it out: VisitingProfessorofLaw,StanfordLawSchool(W No results. One (1) copy of application and four (4) copies of plans are hereby made to the Director of Public Works, SECTION 02612 PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SUMMARY A. suzanna_gevorgyan. 7 0 obj A standard Video/ Digital Camera can be used. 2. Backfill material shall be knifed into the area along the bottom edge of the pipe. And the pipe must provide structure, because if the ground above the pipe collapses then the pipe can no longer perform as a conduit. After pipe installation and prior to backfilling, plugs shall be installed from the exterior of the pipe or box culvert and snugly seated. The most common underdrains are known as UD 4 and UD 7. SECTION 15076 CEMENT-MORTAR LINED AND COATED (CML&C) STEEL PIPE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION This section designates the requirements for steel pipe fabrication, test in shop, installation of steel, SECTION LS 2530 SANITARY SEWERS PART 1 GENERAL 1.1 SUBMITTALS A. 794 (d), please call 800-367-7623. Section Procedures) When lift holes are provided in concrete pipe or precast box culverts, the Contractor shall install a lift hole plug furnished by the manufacturer. Contractor shall be responsible for all utility fees. If vibratory rollers are used in the backfill operations, vibratory motors shall not be activated until at least 3 feet of backfill has been placed and compacted over the pipe. Materials Overview for Business Transformation Office. Description This section includes materials, testing, and installation of precast concrete, SIENA STONE GRAVITY RETAINING WALL INSTALLATION SPECIFICATIONS Prepared by Risi Stone Systems Used by permission. Inspection is performed in accordance with VTM v1.0 Chapter 4 18, 19 1) What should be located before starting to dig? 1.02 REFERENCE, CLEANING, INSPECTION, AND TESTING OF SEWERS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. True or false: A soil that contains a high percentage of fines is more affected by water that one with a low percentage of fines. If the inspection is conducted by video: The video camera must have fully articulated lenses (360 degree inspection). Provisions. CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER ENGINEERING DIVISION Wastewater Capital Projects Management Standard Construction Specification 10.1 Precast Concrete Pipe 10.1.1 General This section covers material requirements, DIVISION 4300 STORM DRAINAGE SECTION 4305 STORM SEWER PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE This section covers the construction of storm sewers for the collection and transport of stormwater runoff. This Section describes the requirements for excavating, filling, and grading for earthwork at Parking Structure, new exit stair and as required to, DIVISION 2 - SEWERAGE AND DRAINAGE SECTION 02720 - STORM DRAIN SYSTEMS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Furnish and install all storm drains, including manholes, inlets, service lines and other appurtenant. For all roadway projects that are constructed by private contractors for VDOT and for all roadway projects constructed by others that are or will be proposed to be accepted into the VDOT highway system, a visual/video camera post installation inspection is required on all storm sewer pipes and for a selected number of pipe culverts in accordance with the instructions contained in this VTM and Section of the VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications. This section includes all labor, materials, equipment, and incidentals required and installation of Polyvinyl Chloride, STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS SECTION 03461 PRECAST REINFORCED CONCRETE MANHOLES AND MANHOLE BASES PART 1 - GENERAL A. 2. Materials. Test pattern is to begin after the first 4 lift above bedding and continue to 1 foot above top of the pipe. ]6)[mesog)!df{9IsRC cS /%INL SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRECAST MODULAR BLOCK RETAINING WALL SYSTEM (revised 11/5/13), Stormwater/Wetland Pond Construction Inspection Checklist. Topics include permits and fees, trench widths, pipe laying, bedding, initial, SECTION 08000 STORM DRAINAGE 08010 DESIGN A. There is still an opportunity to test on the last day of class; however there is . Web Policy / Privacy Statement / WAI Compliance / Email Safety / Site Map, APD Instructional and Informational Memoranda, Minimum Requirements for Quality Assurance and Quality Control on Design Build and P3 Projects, AASHTOWare Project Preconstruction (AWP-P) Manual, Construction Instructional and Informational Memoranda, Instructional and Informational Memoranda, Alternative Intersection Informational Design Guides, LD Instructional and Informational Memoranda, PMO Instructional and Informational Memoranda, Pollution Prevention Field Guide for Construction Activities, Roadside Development Report Excel spreadsheet tool, Nutrient Management Plan for Construction Projects, Nutrient Management Plan for Roadside Management, VDOT BMP Maintenance Manual Appendix C - Plant Palette Tables, Materials Certification School Information, Guide to the Traffic Impact Analysis Regulations, Land Development Inspection Documentation Best Practices Manual, OD Instructional and Informational Memoranda, Guide Manual for Causes and Repair of Cracks in Bridge Deck, Traffic Calming Guide for Neighborhood Streets, Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD), TED Instructional and Informational Memoranda, VDOT Traffic Operations and Safety Analysis Manual (TOSAM), Instructional and informational memoranda, Manual for the Procurement and Management of Professional Services. 9) The outlet pipe is connected to the back of the end wall. For assistance printing or verifying your Materials Certifications Report use this click here. 1.01 Testing - General, June 2007 CHAPTER 7 - CULVERTS 7.0 CHAPTER 7 - CULVERTS 7.1 GENERAL, HDPE PRODUCTS QUALITY, PERFORMANCE AND ECONOMY COMBINED, Chapter 3 CULVERTS. endstream endobj startxref AASHTO M 145 The Classification of Soils and Soil-Aggregate Mixtures for Highway Construction Purposes. A drained pavement structure has a higher bearing capacity that can effectively support traffic loadings, and lead to long lasting pavement at the least maintenance cost. -z`a0y Location B. Sizing TABLE OF CONTENTS 08020 MATERIALS A. MP-1 MP-2 MP-3 MP-4 MP-4.01 MP-4.02 MP-4.03 MP-5 MP-5.01 MP-5.02 MP-5.03 MP-5.04 MP-5.05 MP-5.06 MP-5.07 MP-5.08 MP-5.11 MP-5.12 MP-5.13 MP-5.14 MP-5.15 MP-5.16 MP-5.18 MP-5.19 MP-5.20, RIPRAP From Massachusetts Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for Urban and Suburban Areas Definition: A permanent, erosion-resistant ground cover, SECTION 33 41 03 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) PIPE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. The diameter of the mandrel at any point shall not be less than the allowable percent deflection of the certified actual mean diameter of the pipe or culvert being tested. xZKs2>Ip P7[Sq9FoLLmJgl~K"5JtB2+!765nt-8\Gf._o{}E Manuals, Guides and IIM - Business | Virginia Department of Transportation Enrollment can be completed on through Germanna Community College or CCWA. The mandrel shall be pulled through the pipe or culvert by hand with a rope or cable. Refer to VDOT Road and Bridge Specifications, Section Procedures (d) Post Installation Inspection for detail requirements and remediation procedures. 2016v1.0 Chapter 4 19, APPENDIX K PIPE INSPECTION **Virginia Test Method 123** Post Installation Inspection of Buried Storm Drain Pipe and Pipe Culverts June 25, 2010 SCOPE For all roadway projects that are constructed by private, SECTION 55 PIPE FOR STORM DRAINS AND CULVERTS (FAA D-701) 55-1 GENERAL The Contractor shall perform all work required by the plans for construction of pipe for storm drains, precast polymer trench drains, State of Illinois Department Of Transportation CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR S CHECKLIST FOR STORM SEWERS While its use is not required, this checklist has been prepared to provide the field inspector a summary, SECTION 724 PIPE CULVERTS 724.1 Description. lift) = 13 tests required (minimum) (Answer) Backfill around Manholes (minimum) One test every fourth compacted lift around the perimeter; beginning after the first 4 inch compacted lift above the bedding and continue to 5 feet below the top of the structure. The following is a list of SPECIFICATIONS, which may be related to this section: A perforated conduit such as pipe, tubing or tile installed beneath the ground to intercept and convey ground water. LD Instructional and Informational Memoranda. Bierolson. As stated earlier, soils are made up of many different types, shapes and sizes of particles. Access to test grades will be first done on GCC and CCWA and certification credentials will ONLY be available throughVDOT University Virtual Campus, so ALL students must have a valid account on VDOT University. 2016v1.0 Chapter 4 16, 17 PAVEMENT DRAINS Pavement subsurface drainage is essential in obtaining a well performing pavement, whether it is flexible, rigid or composite. endstream endobj startxref This type of joint provides a leak resistant joint when a profile gasket is used. The pipe should be stacked and chocked to avoid movement of the pipe. The following drawing provides typical VDOT standards for pipe bedding and backfill. Responds to data requests. CHARACTERISTICS OF SOILS AND THEIR PDF fileVDOT Soils and Aggregate Proper haunching provides support to ensure the pipe s strength is achieved. The joint consists of a tongue (male end) and groove (female end) with no defining areas for gasket material placement. Place container on stove or hot plate. Soils & Aggregate CCWA $ 350.00 $ 250.00 Handson proficiency will be scheduled upon . If you are currently participating in VDOT's Materials Certification Schools, you can access your Materials CertificationReports via the VDOT University Virtual Campus: VDOT University Virtual Campus Users connect at: . A. When planning a pipeline installation, there are 2 key functions that we must design the pipeline to provide. Pollution Prevention Field Guide for Construction Activities. Concrete Field - Current ACI must be submitted to ; Soils and Aggregate Compaction - Physical demonstration of proficiency - scheduled by CCWA **New **Central Mix Aggregate Plant - Physical demonstration of proficiency - scheduled by CCWA **New** To learn about CHANGES up to 2018, please review the . Where appropriate, SECTION 5200 - STORM SEWER PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE: This Section covers installation of storm sewer mains and culverts. True or false: The voids in a saturated soil are partly filled with water and partly filled with water. These heavy loads can cause considerable damage in flexible pipes and can cause D load cracking in rigid pipes. 1 (do not test 1st lift) = 4) = 11 tests required per 300 5) Length of run = 856 ft.; therefore 3 sets of tests required 6) 11 x 3 = 33 tests required for total run (minimum) (Answer) 2016v1.0 Chapter 4 13, 14 Backfill around Drop Inlets (minimum) One test every other lift around the perimeter; beginning after the first 4 inch compacted lift above the bedding and continue to the top of the structure. OPEN CHANNELS 6 Index inlet protection excavated drop inlet protection (Temporary) 6.50.1 HARDWARE CLOTH AND GRAVEL INLET PROTECTION Block and gravel inlet Protection (Temporary) sod drop inlet protection ROCK DOUGHNUT, SECTION 32: SANITARY SEWER INSTALLATION 32-01 SCOPE. VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction Flashcards | Quizlet Figure 4.3: Minimum Cover to Allow Construction Traffic over Pipe 2016v1.0 Chapter 4 3, 4 The following tables give VDOT specifications for maximum height of cover for some types of pipe. PDF Soils and Aggregate Field Certification Study Guide - Virginia SUMP DRAINS 7-3 7.3. General: Submit the following in accordance with The General Conditions. 6.2 PIPE PVC gravity sewer pipe and fittings, SECTION 02400 - STORM DRAIN SYSTEM CONTENTS: Part 1 - General 1 1.01 Work Included 1 1.02 Related Requirements 1 1.03 Reference Standards 1 1.04 Quality Assurance 1 1.05 Measurement And. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. To prevent sloping soils from becoming. 3 ft. Edit, 02150-1 of 6 SECTION 02150 REMOVAL OR ABANDONMENT OF EXISTING 02150.01 GENERAL A. CON 310 Soils and Aggregates (Soils and Compaction) Homework Name:_____ 1) Why is it important for material testing technicians understand how to perform both the nuclear density test and the sandcone test for compaction testing? hbbd``b`$BAD`LZ H0j( a2H-q u\?#v#_ The following shall serve as the minimum requirements for contractors performing work in relation to the Authority s potable water and sanitary sewer system(s), appurtenances and service connections. 2 0 obj Advanced fatigue and rutting characterisation of Polish asphalt Rigid pipe properly fitted, sealed with rubber, preformed plastic, mastic gaskets Flexible Pipe properly aligned and joined with approved coupling bands Joint Performance Terminology Soil Tight: A joint that is resistant to infiltration of particles larger than those retained on the No. Compaction testing on No. PDF 6 - Section 4 - Construction and Inspections - Henrico County, Virginia Computation of U.S. Copyright 2023, VDOT. endobj CADD Manual. Some links may require the Adobe Reader. The camera must have the means to measure deformation/deflection of the pipe. Work shall consist of furnishing and constructing a Rockwood Classic 8 with PCS unit segmental retaining wall, Appendix C: Pipe Material Policy Page C-1 PIPE MATERIAL POLICY Policy: This policy will replace all previous policies regarding the selection of pipe material for cross drains, drive pipe, drop pipe, storm, SECTION 33 31 00.11 GRAVITY SANITARY SEWERS PART 1: GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. 10) Backfill the trench using clean #8 or #57 aggregate as soon as practical, but not later than the end of each working day. VDOT Soils and Aggregate Compaction 2016v1.0 Chapter 1 | 1 Single Offset: This joint first appeared in the early 1990 s. This style of spigot is much easier to manufacture. AASHTO T99 The Moisture-Density Relations of Soils using a 5.5-pound Rammer and a 12-inch drop. ), Index. 16) What is the level of compaction required for pipe backfill? When performing a manual visual inspection: There must be adequate crawl/walking space and VDOT Safety Policy and Procedure #8 Confined Space Entry Policy and Procedure must be followed. To use this website, you must agree to our, SECTION 55 PIPE FOR STORM DRAINS AND CULVERTS (FAA D-701), State of Illinois Department Of Transportation CONSTRUCTION INSPECTOR S CHECKLIST FOR STORM SEWERS, SECTION 08000 STORM DRAINAGE TABLE OF CONTENTS, Wastewater Capital Projects Management Standard Construction Specification, Section 02702 SEWER PIPE INSTALLATION AND TESTING, SPECIFICATION FOR PIPE SUBSOIL DRAIN CONSTRUCTION. 5) Install pipe to grade 6) Compact structural bedding outside the middle third of the pipe 7) Place structural bedding in lifts 8) Complete structural backfill operation by working from side to side of the pipe, differential not to exceed 24 or 1/3 size of pipe. Storm drainage piping, fittings, and accessories at proposed station areas and locations other than under and immediately adjacent, Beacon Hill Sewer District Standard Specifications Residential Gravity Side Sewer Including Design Criteria and Standard Construction Drawings Residential Gravity Side Sewer Design Criteria 1. Portion of Section 2102 .