What you do not want to happen in the opening round of enemy turns: 2) Point 1 was a lie if you don't mod well, Protection Primary Triangle, Circle, Cross, 2x Critical Chance Set and Health Set or Critical Chance Set and Critical Damage Set, Critical Chance or Critical Damage Primary Triangle, Paploo / Elder, Elder / Paploo, Wicket, Logray, Chief Chirpa, Chewbacca, Tank, Han Solo, Endor Leia, R2, C-3PO, https://wiki.swgoh.help/index.php?title=Contact_Protocol&oldid=36865. and then after 1 try RNG was on my side. i started playing 00:00 am german time and ended 6am in the morning with still no 7* c3po. Regardless, this is a very effective zeta for shorter battles like in Arena and TW. - Speed Basically pumped all my heaviest speed mods on, got lucky with RNGesus after about 30 attempts (When they focus everything on EE it's a dick move). Logray, believing Threepio a god, ordered Skywalker, Solo, and Chewbacca to be cooked as a sacrifice to their "god." The three were freed after . Yes, this is the squad I used (see my other post in this thread), but be prepared, it will test your resolve. You think its also achieveble without Zeta on wicket? I recently unlocked 7* C3PO with Zchirpa (L) (g10+5), Zwicket (g11), elder (g11), scout (g11), teebo (g9). Modded Chirpa, Paploo, Elder for Survivability. Chirpa - mass attack the right target, buff, auto Scout - attack targets, special when avail Teebo - give everyone TM, dispel for TM removal, auto for Tm removal. I had him hitting for 20k crits. The pap zeta may or may not be required. It was pretty tough because the taunt auto triggers when someone loses protection, and with only a single source of debuffing, the soldier must die soon while chewie and han tear your ewoks apart. my killorder was and thats best in my opinion if u dont have logray or wicket: Chewie>Han>tank guy> leia> since r2d2 was invis i did c3po next>r2d2, i used my arena mods and i went with EE as fastest and then Chief Chirpa . Woohooo! 85 54 % Teebo Speed: 181.0 . 174 Attempts! Once he's down hopefully you can target han. Check out info below on how to contact my personal expert on full roster modding!I hope you enjoy the video and if you did. Chirpa, Logray, Wicket, Paploo are all 5 star. C-3PO (See-Threepio) was a 3PO-series protocol droid designed to interact with organics, programmed primarily for etiquette and protocol. If you don't have Logray or Wicket, Scout is a very acceptable replacement. zPaploo, with the support of a full Ewok team, is one of the best tanks in the game. Everyone should know that was ea,s plan! Ewoks are probably the most underrated team in the game right now, and certainly the most fun, so any investment you put into them isn't wasted even if you don't think you need C3P0. um "droide de protocolo" (intrprete e relaes-sociais) fluente em 6 milhes de meios de comunicao. I got him an hour ago with the same team, except only 1 zeta and it was chirpas. One image, clean layout, easy to see, even put the Golden God in the lineup so we could see him. You cant kill Chewie first..you always get stuck behind the taunt off ERC, Im trying very hard, like 50 tries with some of my best mods. No regrets, been planning on gearing/zeta'ing murderbears for TW and GA anyway. https://wiki.swgoh.help/index.php?title=A_Quickish_Guide_To_Murder_Bears&oldid=13720, Logray's Prophetic Visions - Starting everyone with Offence Up and Advantage makes that opening barrage so much more deadly, Wicket's Forest Ambush - An extra 25% TM for everyone is amazing, the -1 cooldown is just icing on the cake, Chirpa's Tribal Unity - A ton more damage from the assists, Paploo, Logray and Wicket's basics - All pretty much as important as each other, they're very similar effects anyway. His unique boosts it by 25%, so with very fast mods, he is one of the fastest characters in the game, despite having one of the slowest base speeds. always have to deal with their first turn and me down a toon already. I am just a bit worried I won't get him 7 star in time (for the next event), so wondered what alternate lineups I can use? xSWCr - Nov '15 shard - swgoh.gg kalidor-m. Well, doesnt matter how hard i try, i dont even get close of taking out 1 heroits absurd. Description. Revive whoever is dead and start your tm train. I managed t7 without paploo, but had logray (zchirp, wicket, logray, scout, elder, all g11). DIGITAL Topps Star Wars Card Trader LOGRAY Nivel Base 7 BS4 Ewok ENDOR flammes jumelles signes runion; plaine commune habitat logement disponible; gestion de stock avec alerte excel Wicket is your main single target damage, he needs to hit hard. As established elsewhere, main goal is to take out Chewie as fast as possible. Basically, it's a mini Illuminated Destiny. Hopefully I can get a 7 star C3PO this next time around.Thanks for watching! zCC (L) g9, EE g8, Wicket 5* g7, Logray 5* g7, Paploo g8. G12 Wicket, G11 Chirpa, Elder, Logray and Paploo, NO zetas - 40 minutes of trying for perfect RNG, then I got him. I have this team ranging from 8 to 12 and get killed in just a few turns. Now, Wicket, Chirpa, and Elder are all at 100% TM. This event seems unfair and in some ways it is. sometimes R2 doesnt stealth. Game code and certain audio and/or visual material document.write((new Date()).getFullYear()); Electronic Arts Inc. i only slep 5 hours and then i started to get nervous and woke up. C3PO Final Tier - No Wicket, No Logray! - YouTube By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Tips and tricks for C3PO with Logray without Logray Paploo - As much speed as possible. The optimal lineup for most battles is Chirpa lead, Wicket, Logray, Paploo and Elder. I did it with g11 chirpa, wicket, scout, g12 EE, g10 teebo. Then it was just a game of keeping everyones TM down while I chipped away at them. Why cant I hear the play by play? When you revive paploo target an enemy so that his bonus attack dispels someone. Only wicket g12, everyone else g10 and teebo g9. Even when it was him and C3PO my entire squad barely made a dent with a mass assist. Where are you, comment? But if you take the time to dispel a translation here or there, it makes it much more survivable especially if chewie is dead. The enemy gets an incredible opening salvo, then you get to run the Ewok TM death train until it breaks, then they get to wallop you again. Teebo, Elder and Scout are 7 star. Privacy Policy. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. You have plenty of time before event comes backget logray he is key to them being good in tw and ga. Once your TM train is over, you get overrun. If elder dies just restart. But if you have Chirpa you'll be in better shape. If you can kill chewie you've got a shot. 6 Tier Shoe RackHOMIDEC 24 Pair shoe rack provides a large space to store shoes, toys or handbags, etc.It can help you save more space. Food Products / Fast Food / Premiums: Revenge of the Sith : Burger King ___ Yoda Face Hat (With Ears) Food Products / Ice Cream / Premiums : Nestl ___ Anakin (Lightsaber In Front) Sticker Fitzy788 4 yr. ago. Thank you! Much like Resistance Trooper, Scout gains a ton of TM, so he doesn't need any Speed, Teebo - Slightly slower than Paploo, with as much Potency as possible. Enjoy!If you have any questions, or if you would like to contact me feel free to email meatcitygaming@gmail.com.You can also contact me on Discord \"JDiesel (JD)#8360\"SWGOH official forums - https://forums.galaxy-of-heroes.starwars.ea.comSWGOH official Reddit forum - https://www.reddit.com/r/SWGalaxyOfHeroesIntro/Outro Music: Sweet Self Satisfaction by RoccoW The breakthrough for me after many failed attempts was just loading scout up with as much offense as possible and ignoring speed. You may have noticed by now that Ewoks are looking for a specific turn order. Feel free to ask any Qs! Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. How many attempts is it gonna take me though, and if we should gear one character a little further, would ewok be that guy? Avoid using him if at all possible: single-target TM removal is his only real skill, and that usually proves fairly useless outside of raids. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. There are inconsistencies with every attempt that makes this more RNG based. I had to target the Taunter a lot at first, and my best advice for strategy is this: DO NOT HOLD BACK WITH USING SPECIALS. They can be used effectively pretty much anywhere, and there's a good chance they'll be needed for everyone's favorite golden protocol droid. This is most effective for longer battles, like raids and TB, zLogray gives much faster healing, and boosts max health on top of that, but it's more conditional and easier to disrupt by simply dispelling Health Up. So far, we've completely ignored Chirpa's lead: any of these Specials can call someone to assist, giving even more TM and more damage. - YouTube 0:00 / 9:44 C3PO Final Tier - No Wicket, No Logray! Can C3PO be done without Logray? : r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes - reddit Pretty much a game of trying to keep pap and teebo alive to do cleanses. Unfortunately, despite being the one a lot of veteran players have geared for his old Rancor team, Teebo is significantly worse than the other Ewoks. Again, his speed should at least match Paploo's, Elder - Speed + Health sets, Health primary on Circle, Cross and Triangle. This recording is quite old, since the last time the C3PO event rolled around was back in early June. First time too after taking him to G12. Seven star Ewok Squad needed for the 3PO event. Nice, thanks! The optimal lineup for most battles is Chirpa lead, Wicket, Logray, Paploo and Elder. Only took about 250 tries and I almost quit the game entirely. If none of them are dead when they get to go, you've probably lost. I used g9 zchirpa, g8 teebo, g11 wicket/paploo/elder though in retrospect it seems very possible with a bit less gear on the last three. SWGOH - C3-PO 7 Stars Tutorial - With G9 Teebo! 1. So each wave of enemy attacks should be getting weaker and weaker as you kill and dispel translation on the enemy. Logray Speed: 202.0. He then spreads TM to the rest of the team; I'll go into more detail further down, Logray - Speed + Potency sets. C3PO Event - SWGOH Tips Those dispells are crucial. Based off the site SWGoH Events, I know that this event will be coming back sometime soon, so please stay tuned for when I cover this event again. You don't need Chirpa or Logray if you have the others geared high enough. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Will take a lot of gear without wicket because he's like half your damage output, and his assists keep elder stealthed. I can sometimes kill Chewie but usually I die shortly after. I'm close to this, so hoping I can get the right RNG. Yes it can be done. Any Omegas after that are mostly just extra damage. I feel like this is the g7 phenoix getting thrawn that takes hundreds of tries (unless real lucky quickly with rng) and will never finish t1 of the mythic to replicate. Kill order is Chewie, Han, Taunt, Leia, R2, 3PO. Scout is already 7* so I'll keep trying to get Logray and see what happens. my best trys were always 2 of enemy team down and then i got annihalted. If everyone but Han is stealthed, put in work and keep his TM down. Hey reddit my name is Panda and i am from Germany. Nascimento. Paploo calls Logray to assist. SWGOH Link for referencing mod sets in more detail: https://swgoh.gg/p/438694522/. Yes, https://swgoh.gg/squads/63034/ (had much better mods on at the time), https://swgoh.gg/p/523285783/characters/c-3po, but be prepared to loose your sanity. G9 or 11? The taunter died being attacked when taunting. Comparing my speed set to a balanced set was the difference between 13-14k crits and 20-23k crits on his assist special. Completing this battle earns 100 shards of C3P0 so you can promote him to 7 stars. i started playing 00:00 am german time and ended 6am in the morning with still no 7* c3po. The gear was However, I now have another great team for all aspects of the game and the golden god himself. Beating Tier 5 C3PO Event (No Wicket & No Logray) - YouTube Zeta Chirpa - G9 . he seems to be the mvp from what i've read so far. Why cant I find youuuuu? If you beat it using one or both of them you are kinda missing the point. Logray and Chirpa both play more supportive roles, so they're your last priority for gear. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes is a mobile game by EA Capital Games where players collect, level and battle with heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe. Elder had Thrawns set to make sure I had revive off cooldown. Dimension: 31.5" (L) x 12.6" (W) x 36.2" (H). You can do it with any team, but your gear requirement will be higher. Restart everytime chewie is invis at the beginning or ur EE got 1 shot. All G11. I could have done it with less. Snap.fan - Marvel Snap; LOTR.gg - Lord of the Rings Heroes; SWGOH.GG is not affiliated with EA, EA Capital Games, Disney . Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Chirpa is Stunned and my attacks start. With NO Logray, kill Chewie first or reset it.. For those asking, our alliance/guild discord: https://discord.gg/TAv4Bup. Saved me at least $30, was about to buy crystal to get gear until I stumbled onto your post about mods. I also feel that teebo is much superior to scout if you have wicket but I'd be curious to hear other opinions. Also, he has a chance to get a bonus turn, which can be used to call Elder to assist, stealthing both of them and giving another chance for Elder to spread TM, By this point, things are looking crazy. A true hero. Literally, I don't think any of my ewoks can actually survive it. Therefore, if you are ever in doubt what to do, do the option that has a chance of elder using his basic (ie any special under chirpa). From there, Paploo is next. I did move some of my arena mods but couldn't move my best because of the lack of G12. Sometimes the tank doesn't taunt. Paploo's zeta was the key for me. Within 5 attempts of changing him from speed to damage I had it done. I think this may have been the first time I tried recording SWGoH gameplay with commentary, so I realize that this video is probably longer than it needs to be with my slow-paced and mostly unnecessary commentary. Load Capacity of Each Cube: 11lbs (5kg). I wont have wicket or logray, got the same squad as dont have wicket and logray. Speed (in brackets) and mods 1) Wicket - CC/CD (239) (1 crit chance primary and 1 Protection primary) (CC at 73%) Crit chance is essential to give TM to allies with his special and restore health and protection with unique My order attack -> Han Solo, Chewbacca, Leia/This guy with taunt, R2-D2, C-3PO. Paploo goes first. Oh shit! 85 58 % . Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 1.1 Luke Skywalker; 2 Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Unlock Characters - Hero. C3PO's mass assist is pure murder when everyone has translation. I saw the G9 and was filled with hope, then you crushed me with your triple zetas haha. It's worth noting, though, that both of these gain a ton of Health through G12 gear. Along with his counterpart, the astromech droid R2-D2, C-3PO constantly . Select Page. Good luck and may the Shiny Ewok God be with all of you, Scan this QR code to download the app now. I feel like Chirpa HAS to be zeta'd from the comments flying around, but do any of the others? If not beat on trooper until he drops stealth. Cookie Notice I think the point of this thread is looking for advice from people that beat it without Paploo and/or Logray. This recording is quite old, since the last time the C3PO event rolled around was back in early June. I had to take Wicket to G12 and Scout to G10 as well as zeta both Wicket and Paploo. Potency as high as possible, while still being at least as fast as Paploo (before his unique), Chirpa - Speed + Crit Chance sets, Crit Chance triangle. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Prerequisites Achievements Feel the Force (Level 85) Reach Player level 85 Contents 1 Overview 1.1 Prerequisites 2 Tiers 3 Fight Mechanics 4 Tips 4.1 From APGains 5 Videos 6 Guides 6.1 Baby Yoda's guide to the 3PO event Welcome to Meat City Gaming! I think that'll require a stable full of horseshoes to pull off. Sometimes people aren't hit by R2s stealth. At first I had Paploo with the fastest mod set from Thrawn (+120ish) but switched to Bossks which had double protection and +98 speed. Contact Protocol is a Legendary Event that requires 5 Ewok characters to go through 7 Tiers in order to unlock C-3PO. I tried to kill Leia third, but she stealths herself too often. Office No.042-37245953 Ali Akbar 0300-4103013 info@maccatraders.com. i just gave this event another try and i bet it first try this morning. This one's here mostly for the CD reduction, zWicket gives slow healing, on both health and protection. Then Chirpa Tribal Unity on Chewie? This is the only advice that worked for me (year 2022). Their basic attacks aren't really there for damage, they are for utility. 2.1 Leia; 2.2 Clone Trooper; 3 Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Unlock Characters - Scavenger; 4 Lego Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Unlock Characters - Scoundrel. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Crit Chance and Damage on Scout since he's the DPS (lol) though his turn meter removal on basic is key. labradorite effets ngatifs; activit typiquement franaise; . So I really, really debated whaling out a little to get logray to use him instead of teebo but I wanted to try without him And found it surprisingly easy. Thanks! nothing. When modded correctly, they have one of the fastest, most explosive openings of any team. Press J to jump to the feed. Overview Contact Protocol is a Legendary Event that requires 5 Ewok characters to go through 7 Tiers in order to unlock C-3PO. Kmplett in Speyer | eBay Kleinanzeigen LEGO Star Wars personaggio SILVER Protocol Droid u-3po MINI I did it with chirpa, scout, elder, paploo and teebo. If they go in succession someone is going to die. Star Wars Collectors Archive 85 57 % Paploo Speed: 173.0. Expect to zeta a few if you want 7*, though. I used zchirpa, teebo, zwicket, scout, EE. 85 54 % Ewok Elder Speed: 208.0. But if you have Chirpa you'll be in better shape. This team, with good mods and a little luck, can beat any other team in arena, and holds very well on defence in TW. Nice pic. Sometimes the tank doesnt taunt. In this video I walkthrough tier 7 of the Contact Protocol Legendary Battle for C3P0. Tried about 30 times without the Paploo zeta, and couldn't survive long enough to get even one kill. I decided to stick with my account and to stick in my shard. Fun event, perfect balance of fun and hard IMO. Need help with your mods in SWGoH? The aim is for Chewie not to get stealth. Also, remember to throw a potency set and cross on Teebo to help him land his TM reductions. What gear levels? and our Links to my squad and their mods at the time of the event below: I didn't go pure speed. Did same team just one 1 zeta and no g12. sailing. Just unlocked 3PO with the shittest Ewok team. Paploo - dispel tank, call assist scout, keep taunt up. Also, I'm zChirp, Wicket, Scout, EE, and Palp. I think you could get it done subbing in Scout for Logray. :(. But none of this advice matters without context. Contact Protocol - SWGoH Help Wiki By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, https://swgoh.gg/p/523285783/characters/c-3po. My G12+5 Paploo, with +146 Speed mods, takes his first turn at 332 Speed. 100% the trick here is Turn Meter Management. My MVPs were Paplop and Teebo. SWGOH // Legendary C3P0 - Defeat Tier 7 with Gear 9 Ewoks If you managed to kill someone then each successive "turn" gets easier. The same goes for Scout if you're using him instead. Legendary C3P0 - Defeat Tier 7 with Gear 9 Ewoks No Logray[edit] Tips for 7 star: Kill Chewy first to stop assists Wicket: use Wickets special on Elder to keep him stealthed Teebo: if you're going to town on a toon, and Teebo has stealth and another enemy has almost full TM, switch targets and have Teebo take it out References: What are we talking here. Topps Star Wars Digital Card Trader Tier 9 Heritage C-3PO S5 Variant In pvp it's critical to get that tm train started with a certain turn order etc. I think this may have been the first time I tried recording SWGoH gameplay with commentary,. This team, with good mods and a little luck, can beat any other team in arena, and holds very well on defence in TW. I dont know if I can get them all to G12 this time, itll be close. Tier VII - The initial hits are tough again, but only Chirpa and Logray are below 50% health. I tried at first with zChirpa and Scout G9, and Wicket, Paploo and Ewok Elder at G11 (no zetas). With good enough mods, this is almost a guarantee, with only Revan, Bastila lead and BB8 able to beat him with equal, high-end mods. Spent about an hour on attempts. The Max. In priority order: 216%/222% Crit Damage (depending on 6E mods), Scout - No Speed needed. Another element of RNG. Did it with Chirpa (G12,L), Paploo (G11), Scout (G12), EE (G11), Teebo (G9), I did it with zChirpa (11+0), Paploo (11+3), Ewok Scout (11+4), Ewok Elder (11+5), Wicket (11+2). So I'm guessing Paploo basic hits to get rid of the Taunt. You don't need Chirpa or Logray if you have the others geared high enough. It took a good amount of tries (30-40 maybe) but I finally got the right RNG, so you can for sure too! Now it's not that simple: it's not just rebels go, then ewoks, but it feels that way when the tm train is running. Elder can hide behind stealth and revive everyone else, so he wants plenty of health to prevent him dying to an AoE attack. I tried to apply the appropriate zetas and mods, and didn't have to over-invest in the Ewoks for now at least. my ewok team was cute but not ready. I'd argue it's the most effective zeta you can give to any team, it completely transforms them and makes all their synergies fall into place. i tryed to kill chewie first, then i tryed to kill han first, then i tryed to kill the tank gguy first. Always the 1 or 2 toons you dont have are the ones you need! I also took out chewie first. you can sub in scout for logray or teebo even for logray but without wicket you need more gear on everyone. Zchirpa had Jangos mods, which have +110 speed. Hey guys, back again with a guide for alliance and guildmates but figured other people might be interested too. I ended up 12ing all but teebo, who I took to 10. I managed t7 without paploo, but had logray (zchirp, wicket, logray, scout, elder, all g11). Thanks for this! It is possible to kill Chewie first.. That's the only way I ended up beating it without Logray. Einfach. Stores Up to 24 PairsPerfect for sneakers high-heeled shoes boots stilettos ballet shoes flats casual . Hope this helps or gives hope to those also without Logray to show it actually can be done. You can beat 7T C-3PO event with G9 Ewoks : r/SWGalaxyOfHeroes - reddit Once both Chewie and Han are down it gets a lot easier. https://www.google.com/search?q=reddit+c3po+without+logray, Ah yeah thanks for this patronising comment. best toons for this event? working on chewy rn but want to get a head the turnmeter gain the cleanse debuff for taunt was so usefull. he's the dengar, not Logray. c3po tier 7 no logray - s52306.gridserver.com Only 19 hours after I asked and the community answered, Thanks! Scout had Greedos, which is +106. At one point during the war, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Chewbacca, R2-D2, and C-3PO were brought to the tribe. I actually managed some runs where I killed the trooper while chewie was stealthed and made some headway but restarting is probably faster overall. Can you finish tier 7 of the C3PO Event without Paploo and Logray High quality goods Prices Drop As You Shop Takara Tomy STAR WARS The Force Awakens 12 inch FIGURE BB-8 & C-3PO & RO-4LO Set High quality goods cornerstone.pk, US $171.98 Middle East Free 100% Authentic Year : 2018, Enjoy Free Worldwide Shipping The latest style . Sometimes referred to as Threepio, he was fluent in over six million forms of communication, and developed a fussy and worry-prone personality throughout his many decades of operation. If you have the option try to tmr targets that have tm similar to another enemy. Press J to jump to the feed. Got it with zchripa L g11, elder g12, teebo g10, wicket g11, logray g9 with my arena mods on.