Our48 tornado shelteris nearly impervious to the whims of Mother Nature and conniving criminal activity. At Extreme Storm Shelters, we believe that the best time to purchase a tornado shelter is today! It features an in-swing door (out-swing on 4x4) and an escape hatch thats removable from the inside, making it nearly impossible to get trapped by storm debris. Storms are growing in strength and frequency. Survive-A-Storm manufactures a range of storm shelters, starting with the TwisterPod. Our goal is 100% complete satisfaction with our service and our safe rooms. Absolutely! 10 Of The Best Above Ground Storm Shelters For Tornados - Primal Survivor Our installation team wont let you down! U.S. Whether you opt for an interior safe room or an external tornado shelter, structural integrity is vital, which is why you should only consider storm shelters that meet the criteria laid out by the FEMA and ICC. We help you make your shelter affordable with financing options through Hearth. As good as they are, theres little to justify the companys somewhat inflated price range, except that they appear more geared towards businesses than residential properties. You can also use a dehumidifier or a moisture remediation kit (included with the purchase of any underground shelter from Extreme Storm Shelters). Price includes delivery to our current service areas:AL, AR, FL, GA, KS, LA, MO, MS, NC, OK, SC, TN, TX. storm shelters and safe rooms available on the market today! Each panel is bolted together with 1/2" grade 5 bolts every 8" on walls and ceiling and every 4" at the wall to ceiling connection, 1" diameter full length maintenance free door hinge with 22 oil-embedded flange sleeve bearings for long lasting performance. Phone & Fax Phone: 337-905-5928 Fax: 337-905-5268. That said, if you enlist the professional installers from Extreme Storm Shelters to perform the installation for you, then youll be 100% certain that your shelter has been properly placed. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); How to Make a Raised Bushcraft and Survival Bed In The Woods, How to Make an A-Frame Survival Shelter (with Absolutely No Supplies), 7 Of The Best Underground Storm Shelters For Tornados, 7 Underground Bunker Plans: How To Build a Bunker. Both units have a steel lip around the base to improve stability and have been thoroughly tested at Texas Techs Debris Impact Facility. The TwisterPod and TwisterPod Max above ground tornado shelters are some of our most popular residential models. The smallest version measures 4 x 4 x 6.5 and can accommodate a family of five. Fiberglass shelters cannot withstand EF5-level winds, so there are no above ground fiberglass shelter units. The storm shelter can be installed in a closet, bedroom, basement, or any garage. At Extreme Storm Shelters, we design all of our steel shelters based on a proprietary leak test to guarantee that none of our units will ever leak. We are a well-respected company and the leader in our industry for safety and innovation. If you choose to engage a third party to perform your shelters installation, please know that it is your sole responsibility to ensure that this installer does the work correctly according to the manufacturers specifications. Thats why we include our proprietary GeoLocator Service with every shelter we sell. Thats why we have designed some of our units to have doors that swing inward instead of outward. The bottom line: You will be safe from lightning strikes inside an Extreme storm shelter. For instance, a home with a shelter will often sell more quickly than a comparable one without a shelter. The door hinges are attached on the inside to protect them against damage from flying debris, and wider doors are available for those requiring wheelchair accessibility. 6 square foot per person sitting plus allow room for your pets. Trust Extreme Storm Shelters. Panelized - Apex Security Storm Shelters In the case of an emergency, your employees should have a place to protect themselves while theyre on the job, and any visiting customers or guests deserve protection as well. The ideal solution for use in a garage or outbuilding with a concrete slab floor. You can see this same principle in effect in the metal suits (the Faraday Suits) that linemen wear to protect themselves when working on high-voltage electrical lines. With this in mind, all shelters from Extreme Storm Shelters incorporate a cross ventilation design and come standard with a free moisture remediation kit. Made by Americans in America using American Steel, Some of the strongest, longest-lasting shelters on the market. Our safe room shelters are constructed to withstand 300 MPH ground speed wind equivalent to that of an EF-5 tornado and have been tested by the Texas Tech Wind Science and Engineering Research Center. Residential Storm Shelters and Tornado Shelters | Survive-A-Storm An additional cost of $2.30 per loaded mile applies to all deliveries outside of this 50-mile radius of an Extreme Storm Shelters distribution center. There are many online resources that can help you to do this. Check out our Ebook bundle. Yes! The result is the same as if the shelter was dipped in rubber. Share. Both the ExtremePod and the ExtremeCube models can be placed in most garages, carports, or patios. $ Pay Deposit Pay in Full Pay a 25% deposit per item 8' x 8' Panelized Safe Room Kit quantity. Panelized storm shelters are the real life insurance. These modular safe room kit panels can be quickly and discreetly installed at your place of business, so it wont negatively impact your business or commercial enterprise. Maybe youve got wheelchair users you need to consider, so a customized MAX Shelter from FamilySAFE is probably your more affordable and convenient option. If you need your storm shelter to be wheelchair friendly, however, youll need to opt for a much larger unit. An EF5 tornado can generate winds in excess of 250 mph. Our410 tornado shelteris nearly impervious to the whims of Mother Nature and conniving criminal activity. Storms are growing in strength and frequency. The storm shelter can be installed in a closet, bedroom, basement, or any garage. They have withstood EF5-level winds (speeds greater than 200 mph) produced at Texas Techs National Wind Institute. Easily convert a room or a corner of your garage without costly construction. Storms, tornadoes, and severe weather conditions threaten our livelihoods and infrastructure. tools required for self installation include a tape measurer, chalk line, hand dolly, concrete rotary hammer, 5/8" concrete bit, 15/16" socket and torque wrench that can be rented for the installation. Storms are growing in strength and frequency. Panel Shelters | Pistol Rated - @saferoom-shelters Nearly all of Extreme Storm Shelters units have a 3/4-inch conduit entrance to accommodate power, cable, and phone connections. CALL (270) 831-9599 FOR PRICING. The strong, steel construction is aimed at sheltering up to 5-16 people from any EF5 tornado winds and debris. Your employees and customers will love that you care about their safety. This will ensure that you have sufficient room to access your shelter. We have an extensive resume of satisfied customers around the world. Extreme Storm Shelters stands by the superior design and craftsmanship of our ExtremeGarage shelter. Available in various sizes, this steel shelter can be bolted and anchored to an existing concrete floor. Community Safe Room Tornado Shelters and Storm Safe Rooms Info@securitystormshelters.com, Site by Website Design Works - Paducah, KY. We are a leading distributor of prefabricated steel above ground and underground residential tornado shelters, community safe rooms. When it comes to installation, we have successfully managed projects in the range of several million dollars. Whether you want it installed or whether you like DIY projects, our Panelized above ground steel storm shelters are just the right option for you. Although it looks like a futuristic portable restroom, the TwisterPod is a reinforced steel tornado shelter that accommodates up to six people. The storm shelter can be installed in a closet, bedroom, basement, or any garage. Most of all, we will be there for you to give you personalized service and to make sure that you get the best severe weather protection for your family. Our safe room and storm shelters are designed to meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Valley Storm Shelters is also a Producer Member of the American Tornado Shelter Association. All of Extremes storm shelters meet or exceed FEMA 320 and ICC 500 requirements regarding vents. Tornadosafe Above-Ground Bolt Together Storm Shelter - Small - 5 People These make ecient use of space, are an attractive addition to any garage or carport, outside patio, and are ideal for small families or individuals. Our standard installations usually take 4 weeks or less. The Extreme above-ground storm shelters come in six dierent sizes and come with our unique escape hatch that requires no tools to operate. Instant download! Apex is a leading certified installer and distributor of FEMA compliant storm shelters, Survive-A-Storm tornado shelters and safe rooms. Regardless of how desperate you might be for some solid storm protection, you still need to play by the rules. The safest severe weather solution for your family is a dedicated storm shelter. Look no further. The vents passed a direct hit from a 2x4 during the impact test and have been shot with a .44 mag. For instance, the high water table in the Mississippi Valley region makes underground structures unfeasible. Info@securitystormshelters.com, Site by Website Design Works - Paducah, KY, National Storm Shelter Association (NSSA). A 618 Elephant Safe Room is 7.5 high, includes a 36 7-point security door, and will accommodate from 18-22 persons in use as a tornado shelter or panic room. Our shelter was unmoved by the Moore F5 tornado. Panelized Bolt-Together Safe Rooms A U.S. The total area divided by three square feet per person yields the rated occupancy of residential storm shelters. . Safe Room Bolt-Together Safe Room Kit features easy-to-install modular steel panels that can be fitted to closet space, or simply convert a part of any larger room into a fully secured safe room tornado shelter, storm safe, or multi-use safety storage. Each Panic Safe Room Panel Series comes with the necessary wrenches for assembly and stay in shelter for emergency escape. What better way to do it than to make sure the purchase and installation of our products is seamless and professional. It's also a great option for customers who need a custom size Safe Room Tornado Storm Shelter (width options of 4', 5 or 6). Panelized 4x6 Storm Shelter - Walmart.com INSTALLED BY TRAINED, CERTIFIED SPECIALISTS. Extreme Storm Shelters are designed to withstand the overturning forces of even the strongest possible winds from the most severe tornadoes. The 36 door is suitable for wheelchair access and is reinforced with five locks, including one deadbolt lock. The strong, steel construction is aimed at sheltering up to 5-16 people from any EF5 tornado winds and debris. A 88Elephant Safe Room is 7.5 high, includes a 36 7-point security door, and will accommodate from 12-15persons in use as a tornado shelter or panic room. leading certified installer and distributor of FEMA compliant storm shelters, Survive-A-Storm tornado shelters and safe rooms. Our 46 tornado shelter is nearly impervious to the whims of Mother Nature and conniving criminal activity. The strong, steel construction is aimed at sheltering up to 5-16 people from any EF5 tornado winds and debris. Whether in your garage or basement, you need to keep access clear; otherwise, theres no point in having the shelter in the first place. Invest in steel protection to still your nerves in times of uncertainty and civil unrest. Constructed of quarter-inch steel, these above-ground storm shelters are, quite literally, bulletproof: with an NIJ Level 2A ballistics rating. Doesn't matter where you turn, people are always talking about Tornado Place Storm Shelters. Visit US Safe Room at http://www.ussaferoom.com to learn more about our life safety solutions. See the map and list of locations on our website to learn more. You can purchase an Extreme storm shelter to protect your family at home or the workers at your small business at Lowes locations in Alabama, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas. San Bernardino mountain residents get food, storm information at A U.S. According to these specifications, each occupant should have 3 square feet of space in any storm shelter. In most instances, yes. Our modular safe room bolt-together kits can be customized to your specific needs. This is essential, as you may wish to store valuables inside your shelter. These twisters can demolish houses in seconds. Access to interior storm shelters can quickly become blocked as the usual paraphernalia of life builds up. At Extreme, we equip all of our tornado shelters with a 3-point locking system. Of course, this wont apply to safe rooms or shelters constructed inside and may make that option more viable. Both types are equally as effective at protecting human life, and the selection is simply a matter of site suitability and personal preference. Our 4x10 tornado shelter is nearly impervious to the whims of Mother Nature and conniving criminal activity. When you need a tornado shelter rated to provide the highest degree of protection against EF5 tornadoes, but you need something that can be assembled interior to a buildingyou need the Survive-A-Storm Shelters Panelized above-ground tornado shelter. ART And Paws Animal Rescue in Brea, CA - AdoptaPet.com Thank you for the information provided. Made with steel 3/16 thick steel) and can be anchored to any substantial existing garage concrete slab, basement slab, or even outdoor slab. Give us a call at (270) 831-9599 for pricng and scheduling. In addition to the people you need to protect, consider whether you need extra room for pets and valuables. Let our factory trained installers install your shelter within 80 miles of Wichita Falls TX. The reason for this is that the steel shelter basically acts as a Faraday Cage (this type of enclosure is named after its inventor, Michael Faraday). Due to the popularity of our shelters, we are currently booked out 6+ months unfortunately. FamilySAFEs Above-Ground MAX Shelter is comparatively spacious and well-ventilated. We feature Survive-A-Storm products. Tornado season is never-ending. Entrapment is impossible.