Nick Marsh | Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki | Fandom The surgery went well, and Derek took his newborn son to the NICU to make sure everything was fine. He assured her she would be operating again soon, which she doubted. Meredith told them about Derek but Mark said it wasn't up to him. He wrote that he'd miss the hell out of her but assured her that she was perfectly capable of being her own person with him and Cristina gone. They got a box of doughnuts and sat down with her in her office so she wouldn't feel lonely. After the incident, Meredith Grey left Seattle for an entire year, though it was only for two episodes for audience members. As a small child, Meredith got to see her mother perform surgery. She eventually FaceTimed him, saying that she and the kids were fine and she wished he would stop calling. After Ellis Grey died, Susan reached out to Meredith and after a rough start, Susan and Meredith bonded. Hitting her ring out into the woods is a cruel act and intentionally meant to hurt her. While Meredith found a new way to continue Cece's care, she and Cece agreed to diminish the number of questions and try a new approach as well. Meredith is a 5th-year resident dating a nerdy Alex Karev. He told her about Richard and Heather, and he gave the baby back to her so she herself could recover her own calm. She admitted to Cece that she was, in fact, married to her work but didn't want to be. Unwilling to explain the whole situation to the technicians through the phone to stop Andrew, Meredith had no choice but to focus on Gus and Alex. He apologized and she forgave him and he proposed properly to her later. Meredith is one of the "Seattle Grace Five". From that, it appeared that Meredith had accepted the fact that Lexie was gone and was at peace. After work, Meredith told Alex that Nick made her feel something she hadn't felt since Derek, though it didn't matter because Nick lived in Minnesota. One morning, she found out her hearing about her license was scheduled three months later. Alex hesitated to answer. Meredith felt guilty about forgetting that Amelia was also supposed to be her sister, and gave her her old phone with Derek's last voice mail message. She sat down to text Alex, who started typing up a reply but stopped, which worried her.[80]. She also planned on telling Derek, but the mass shooting intervened. The end of season 11 was also the end of the love story between Meredith Grey and Derek Shepherd. Bailey confronted Meredith about her tactics but Meredith stated that people suffering from the aftereffects of COVID needed advocates, too. She, Nick, her sisters, and Winston attended Zola's presentation before the Pacific Northwest scholars. The husband of a deceased patient, Gary Clark, entered the hospital and shot many people, killing many, including Dr. Reed Adamson and Dr. Charles Percy. Ellis Grey Thatcher Grey Nick walked her back to her room and she explained she would be staying a few more days to look at research. . He didn't hold it against her as he had had the same disagreement with Cristina once, though he was on Meredith's side back then. Meredith later rode an elevator with Andrew and talked about how she was assaulted and forgave the man who did that to her. When Thatcher left Ellis, she continued her relationship with Webber, although he still had a wife, Adele. But with their children growing and old wounds opening, it could all change. She permitted Zola to stay home from school but only if she agreed to come to the hospital to make her homework there. She was the "angry pink hair kid" in high school. After the tour, Zola told Meredith she loved the school and Meredith decided to move to Boston and accept Jackson's proposal. Link successfully removed the hip, which would solve the problems. Amelia moved with Meredith to her old house after Meredith sold her and Derek's house. The two of them had many ups and downs, including the revelation that Shepherd was married at the end of season 1, breaking up and getting back together numerous times, and creating a beautiful family together. Thatcher Grey | Grey's Anatomy Universe Wiki | Fandom Meredith rallied and finished the procedure without a problem. While looking for Erin on the OR floor, she found that Nathan had refused to evacuate and was still working on his lobectomy patient. Lexie gave up the apartment that she and George had rented, and moved into the attic of Meredith's house, where she occasionally bemoaned the fact that she didnt have a proper room instead. They ended on friendly terms with both of them thanking the other one for what they had meant in each other's lives. When the other patient's abdominal wound opened up, Levi handled the situation perfectly with Meredith's guiding voice in his head from when they handled a similar complication together before.[101]. They successfully removed the injured pole of the kidney and had Frankie admitted to the ICU. They became friends because she knows what it feels like to have a famous relative. Eventually, Teddy traced back the root of the issues to her guilt over the loss of Allison and other people in her life, including her parents, Henry, and Andrew, as well as Meredith barely holding on. Paula then learned she was a doctor and wondered what she did to end up in jail. She told him she was past the point in her life where she would sit around at work wondering if her boyfriend was ignoring her. [32], After a busy day where Bailey, the new Chief, dumped all her patients on Meredith, Bailey rewarded Meredith with a promotion to Head of General Surgery. Conversation then came easier and Meredith told him about Maggie and her children and comforted him until he died with her by his side.[55]. Meredith also helped Callie with her separation from Arizona, the custody hearing, and even comforted her after she lost sole custody of Sofia to Arizona. She told him she loved him and begged him not to quit and instead take the suspension Bailey had proposed so that he wouldn't ruin his career. He told her that she truly did save him. Without her knowledge, the website combined all her suggested topics into one article entitled "Hospital Hell at Grey Sloan Memorial: Fired Surgeon Speaks Out." Derek told Meredith it was up to her but he advised her to listen to Cormac. When Alex later noticed the way Meredith looked at Nathan, he encouraged her to go after him, but soon changed his mind when he and Nathan disagreed over a case. Meredith talked about Vincenzo with Alex and advised him to dig deeper before agreeing to fund the research, but hid her knowledge about his mental illness so as to not break Andrew's trust. 'Grey's Anatomy' Meredith baby Ellis - The Hollywood Reporter While Bailey and Webber advised a conservative approach, but Megan opted for the more radical approach so she could return to her son in Iraq faster. She's had both her appendix and spleen removed. Meredith did a full workup and diagnosed cardiomyopathy. As the janitor cleaned out George's cubby, as they "need(ed) space," Meredith realized that what had happened was real and broke down in Derek's arms. Meredith shot up and told him that he had no right to talk about her daughter as he had been the one to kill her father as he neglected to do even basic burr holes, let alone a head CT. Meredith yelled that he didn't deserve to judge her or anyone for that matter, after which he had a sudden seizure. Meredith talks to Megan before the surgery. However, Heather and Shane discovered heavy bleeding, and Meredith realized that she had suffered an internal bleed from her fall on the stairs. Children Weeks later he arrived back at Seattle Grace and told her he was sorry and so proud of her but Lexie later informed her that he only said it because he was drunk and he did it all the time. Upon finding out that Nathan didn't know yet, Meredith immediately left to go and tell him. As she was recruiting Cormac to operate, Andrew interrupted the conversation to inquire about a past patient of hers who had developed a post-op rash similar to Suzanne's, whom they had taken off all her meds so more indicative symptoms could manifest. Susan Grey was the second wife of Meredith's father, Thatcher. She wanted to return to the ER with Levi, who collapses. She stayed with him and they ended up sharing their first kiss while Link waited for her at the restaurant. Having bribed a nurse to wheel him to Meredith's room, Tom uttered that he needed to be in a room where no one was dying. Derek and Meredith were sitting in the cafeteria, he handed her some coffee, having his arm around her. He said if he had had the choice, he would have chosen to stay. Meredith told them she missed them so much. She told her sisters she had come to realize she had a lot to work with even if she were to lose her license. Richard told Meredith about the ring, but the despondent Derek hit the ring into the woods, with a baseball bat. They ended up hooking up in the airplane bathroom. The prosecutor commented on the pattern of his bending the rules for Meredith and called Patricia Murphy to the stand. Bailey still thought that they should open him back up, and Meredith made the call to book an OR for Bailey. However, after an argument with Derek, Meredith ended up cheating on Finn with Derek. Bailey later informed her that the aunt and her niece had disappeared, making them fear that Andrew had been right. How Does Greys Anatomy Alum T.R. [78], That led them to reconcile to some degree. their dream wedding occurred inside Greys mind during her Covid dream in season 17, The line was recently paralleled by Grey in Ellen Pompeos last episode of. Thatcher went into a program and he started making amends. grey's anatomy fanfiction meredith and derek married before seattle [136], Ellis was conceived before Derek's death. She speaks Italian after taking it for three years in undergrad. [124], Years later, Meredith saw Nick in passing at a restaurant in Minnesota when she was there to consult on another case. [87], She didn't feel comfortable leaving him at home by himself so she took him back to work with her the next day, leaving him to rest in an on-call room. A lot of people die. Gabby and her mother had been detained at the Mexican border. Though both of them were really happy, Meredith was very concerned due to her hostile uterus, but Derek remained optimistic, and she was still pregnant. GA: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19S19: 1, 3, and 6 Later, Derek kissed a nurse named Rose in the scrub room; when Meredith found out, she severed all ties with him. The award, in Greys Anatomy, is the most prestigious medical award a surgeon can receive. Both had to tend to patients when the plane hit turbulence. Some time after their divorce, he met Susan Grey, married her, and had two daughters (Lexie Grey and Molly Grey). He did not try to contact Meredith during the time of their 20-year estrangement. He said they didn't have time for that "back and forth" because people were always asking for her. Meredith stressed she loved the hospital and how sorry she was but Bailey said the damage had been done and asked her to leave. . Meredith and Derek first met at Joe's Bar the night before her first day at Seattle Grace Hospital. Tom complied.[79]. Not only was Grey in labor during a power outage, but complications resulted in an unplanned C-section and Grey almost lost her life. Meredith tried to show support yet she was too weak to react to her opening up. Nick was supposed to stay at his cabin, but when he heard that Meredith couldn't go home for the holidays, he turned around and joined her at her hotel. The attraction between Meredith and Andrew continued to grow with every surgery did they together. Meredith ended up leaving him in jail on the night of Cristina and Owen's wedding. She attended Dartmouth College. Her vitals remained stable and imaging showed improvement, confusing her doctors as to why she wasn't waking up. His wife Susan persisted in trying to get them to bond and they began to but when Susan died in surgery, Thatcher blamed Meredith, even going so far as to slap her across the face and asked her not to attend the funeral. Not only has Derek come to Meredith through her dreams (as seen in season 17), but the writers have also paid homage to their love story by bringing back several important mementos, such as Derek's favorite ferry boat scrub cap or the framed Post-It note that she always keeps in a safe place in her home. They are thrilled until Meredith keeps waking up screaming in the middle of the night dreaming something bad is going to happen. Derek planned to propose to her, with a ring from his mother but remarked to Mark that the timing had to be right, otherwise she would bolt. [20], Despite Derek's warnings to slow down, a heavily pregnant Meredith couldn't keep from joining in on a surgery at the beginning of the superstorm. You drag me back in, keep me from drowning in the waves. [63], The relationship continued to evolve but Meredith never let him sleep over since she didn't want her kids to meet him before she had told them about him. He had completely fallen apart. While she had some excuses to turn him away, such as her being his attending and his history with Maggie, he thought she felt the attraction between them, too. When she died, Derek blamed himself for her death. During the ceremony, Nathan gave Meredith a loving look. Meredith walks into a dark forest one night hoping to clear her mind, only to find the most unimaginable horror. Meredith congratulated her, excited about becoming an aunt.[70]. Her current phone password is "1008", which she revealed to Jo during a surgery. [88] At some point during the day, she also met her new nephew and left the new parents to fight about the baby's name. Her supervisor told her that she would inform the judge of all her extracurriculars if she left before putting in the required hours. Jo then came in to tell Meredith that she was changing specialties to OB because she needed to find job and her home life wasn't bringing her joy anymore. She then expressed desire not to face the traditional clap-out, where he planned for their final goodbye to take place. Meredith completely changed the treatment, which upset Andrew, but after receiving bone marrow test results, he and Lauren realized that Suzanne might have Still's disease. One day in the E.R. Because a medical school application cycle takes at least a year in the US, and the medical school takes 4 years to complete, Meredith would have realistically been at least 31 when she started her internship, although it is unknown if she skipped grades at school, like, When her dad left home, Meredith was 5, making the year 1983. It may have been a cruel trick, but it was also an effective one since it provided insight into the pain and denial Meredith must have been experiencing at the moment. Their attorney informed the survivors that they would be pursuing action against the hospital instead of the plane company since the hospital put them on the plane. The post-it note that married Derek and Meredith. Meredith pointed out the losses had taught Teddy to run from pain as well joy for thinking she didn't deserve the latter. When Meredith announced her own wedding, she chose Cristina as her maid of honor. By Christmas Eve, Gerlie had further deteriorated and had to put on ECMO on Christmas Eve. Meredith realized that she was in another love triangle between Andrew and Link. Alex and Richard came to her defense, but Bailey fired all three of them. grey's anatomy fanfiction meredith and derek married before seattle Meredith and Derek were married on Valentine's Day on a ferry. Though she may have a hard time showing this compassion, she will do whatever it takes to protect and care for the people she loves. He believed she was worth waiting for. They agreed the beach suited them both. ********** Meredith continued to spend time with Derek on her beach, while Cormac sat by her side asking her to pull through since the hospital couldn't handle another loss after Andrew. However, they yet again had to push him past his limits when Erin Banks, the human trafficking victim, showed up at the hospital again asking for him specifically. Since Jo helped find an important piece, she put Jo as her partner for the contest, and they created their mini livers together. Meredith was working near Pac-North and decided to have coffee with Alex during her break. After the surgery, Meredith briefly met Atticus Lincoln but dismissed him at his attempt to introduce himself. As she told that story, they suddenly found themselves wearing exactly that. In Season 11, Meredith Grey is confirmed to be born in 1978. [113], He then called her several times, but she didn't answer the phone. Meredith Grey's Boyfriends on Grey's AnatomyRanked But Richard and Callie conducted additional research of the company and learned that it would be a terrible asset to the hospital. She later went to Alex and explained that her house didn't feel like her home without Derek, so she asked if she and the kids could stay with him and Jo for a while. Cormac was delighted to see her move her head. Callie and Meredith also have the common bond of being mothers, which has helped their friendship a great deal. Meredith Grey Sometime later, Meredith still hadn't made a decision, but she made a date with Andrew for Alex and Jo's New Year's Eve party. Putting his children first, they quickly ended things. Richard talked about trying to stay strong for everyone worrying about her. These moments show that Meredith's interest in medicine started when she was a toddler. Meredith and Derek's iconic Grey's Anatomy romance got more serious after Meredith confided in Derek about her mother's health. After they got back together, she was civil to Owen for Cristina's sake, although the two shared a few arguments over how to handle Cristina, as Meredith claimed to know her better than Owen did. They were given a date to see a judge about the adoption after Alex went to the judge directly. Upon finding out that Jo still hadn't spoken to Alex after her return from Pittsburgh, Meredith went to stay with Jo while Alex took her place in her household. And yet he was attracted to her not only in the w Taylor Dawson should have been dead years ago, but fate brings her back every time. Meredith states that Duran Duran, The Go Go's, and The Eurythmics are right answers to "What's your favorite 80s band? She shared she had just ended things with someone though that didn't mean the two of them would be sleeping together, which he was fine with. After work, she went to hang at Alex and Jo's with Link, whose hair she cut after he had cut off a piece to comfort a kid facing cancer treatment. After the procedure, Meredith's labs improved yet she still didn't wake up for hours. Unbeknownst to her, Meredith received a call from Richard to tell her he had been arrested and was in jail. He revealed he had checked in on her and her kids sometimes. Derek chose Addison over Meredith, but when Derek and Meredith decided to be friends, Addison tried to be friends with her, too. At the hospital, after Jo confirmed that Bailey was furious at her, Meredith went to see her and told her that she had nothing to do with the article as all the things she had written herself were not directed at the hospital. After the plane landed and passengers were tended to, Nathan proposed that they get a hotel room and Meredith accepted.[122]. Then when Paul surprised Jo at the hospital, Meredith was there to comfort her and to keep her safe from Paul. Unable to pay for it, Luis applied for state coverage but he earned too much cleaning office buildings to qualify. Meredith Grey/Derek Shepherd (719 . Meredith waited outside until Nancy came to deliver the news that the majority of the panel had voted to drop the entire thing, meaning she got to keep her license. [115], On their third date, Will and Meredith had sex. However, it appeared that with Alex's apology, they mended their fences and went back to their former relationship, as he was there to provide some physical support after Meredith learned that Zola had to be surrendered to Social Services for the time being. Over ice cream, she told them that Andrew was her boyfriend and that he would be visiting more, but that she was not going anywhere, following Bailey's advice.[64]. Her favorite Christmas gift was a suture kit. Sadly for the character, Meredith Grey never had a normal transition into having a child. Doc was very playful, but he became too much for Izzie and George who quickly demanded that he leave. Meredith Grey/Mark Sloan - Works | Archive of Our Own This led Andrew to realize how much she had respected Derek, and although Meredith warned him not to compare, he didn't feel equal to her. Doc was taken to the vet and diagnosed with bone cancer. The life of Meredith and Derek after the super storm hit in Seattle (AU/My version of season 10 and what live brings to Meredith and Derek's life. The whole episode was heartbreaking for audiences just as it was for Grey, but her resilience during the traumatic event will not be forgotten by fans. Initially, she didn't like the way Lexie followed her around and seemed envious of her rapport with Derek. She advocated with Bailey to let Andrew scrub in to watch up close despite his inappropriate behavior before, though Bailey stressed that he was on the thin ice. Before she could elaborate, Jo called her about Alex assaulting Andrew. Doc was Derek, Addison, and Meredith's dog. He was also confronted with his request for a transfer, which detailed Meredith's and other attendings' abuse of him after he pressed charges against Alex for assaulting him. Eventually, he accepted her apology, but admitted that he was partly to blame too, he had known how she felt about Derek and knew that she didn't love George. She rarely got involved with people and their problems, unless it affected their work. She snores loudly, a trait which she inherited from her father, Thatcher. At the same time, Maggie publicly revealed her biological parentage to the medical community, which Meredith was fine with. They ordered room service and spent the night before heading to his cabin the next day. Outside the hospital, they would hang out at Joe's bar, and in the hospital, they would help each other, wherever possible. All the Grey's Anatomy Fanfiction your heart desires! She ran into Amelia, who had seen Andrew leave the house and wondered if they were back together. After a couple of weeks of Derek in D.C., he came home to Meredith and said that he thought D.C. was everything, but he was wrong. After George and Callie divorced, Callie moved in with Meredith's best friend, Cristina, so she and Callie bonded a bit more and both of them protected her from Owen Hunt when they thought he might hurt Cristina, after he choked her, while he was asleep. [123], Nick performed a kidney transplant at Grey Sloan as a visiting surgeon. Andrew and Meredith then decided to go to his place, but their plans were once again disrupted, this time by the return of Carina DeLuca with Vincenzo DeLuca, Andrew's father.[59]. The line comes from Meredith Grey's iconic speech to Derek Shepherd in season 2 episode 5. While waiting for the results, Callie sat down in her room to have a little chat about how she was doing. Though most of the original cast members of Greys Anatomy have moved on to other projects, Pompeo has remained the main character since its beginning. Amelia swore they didn't spent months living a chaotic life like this. They started dating again, but Derek later complained that she was constantly leaving him and that she should be worried that the highlight of his week was meeting another girl at Joe's. She broke up with Finn, who told her Derek was no good for her before he walked out for the last time. Even though they were, at first, hesitant to perform surgery in the dark, they realized there were no other options. As they all left the hotel, Bailey told Meredith she could return to work at Grey Sloan. Back on the beach, Meredith concluded that life is pain, with which Mark and Lexie disagreed. Afterward, the prosecutor presented her with a list of questionable events Meredith had been involved in, all of which Bailey confirmed to be true. While working on a case together that involved Meredith committing insurance fraud so that a young immigrant girl could get a surgery she needed, Meredith spent the whole day thinking Andrew disapproved of her breaking the rules. Right before the procedure, Andrew barged in and knocked over the tray with instruments to stop them from performing the biopsy. Meredith left work early to attend Maggie's wedding in the backyard, which was postponed indefinitely mid-ceremony. Callie told them that she had moved out of the apartment and that they would stay at a hotel for a while. Amelia shared she was pregnant. The three stayed friends, even taking in Meredith's dog, but Addison sometimes felt a tension between the two and realized that everybody knew Derek loved Meredith, except for Derek and Meredith. He administered steroids to her, which angered Meredith because if he was wrong, Suzanne would be killed. When he was about to leave, he collapsed from his own recent kidney transplant and was admitted as a patient. He never looked Meredith in the eye and eventually, Derek Shepherd spoke to them both. One of Grey's Anatomy 's most rock solid couples, Miranda Bailey and Ben Warren said, "I do," in the episode "Things We Said Today." When Bailey was late to her wedding because she was. Meredith starts treating matchmaker Cece. She has the same blood type as her father. After the transplant was completed, Meredith offered Nick a job as an attending and Director of the Residency Program, an offer he accepted. Andrew offered to sit with her but she didn't like him offering to skip a surgery to be her human tissue. Later, Meredith let April and Jackson move into her house, and she admitted to liking April more and more, after she went off on a tirade, after being continually teased for being a virgin the whole day. Before merluca, 712 stories. A young woman enters Derek's life as a patient, just as he finds out that Meredith messed with his Alzheime #1 in GREYSANATOMY! Because he had been so close to Ellis, he felt close to Meredith, and he was close to her as a child and she thought that he thought he was her father. They ended up having sex. He was found to have cirrhosis of the liver. His nickname was "McVet," as opposed to Derek's "McDreamy. However, there was excessive tension between Meredith and Derek. In surgery with Maggie, Owen came in to invite Meredith for a housewarming, and Maggie volunteered to come after finding out Nathan would be there. Her labs eventually showed elevated liver enzymes. With more patients surviving recently after having been on a vent, Richard agreed with her suggestion. This led her to open up to Nathan shortly before the ceremony when they discussed her wedding and his wedding plans with Megan. However, this time, she was greeted by Derek from a distance. Meredith was invited to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota by David Hamilton, a former colleague of her mother's, to attend the opening of a research library named after Ellis. Unfortunately, this happiness didn't last as they lost part of their family in a traumatic plane crash in the Grey's Anatomy season 8 finale ("Flight"). After watching Andrew take care of the newborn baby, Meredith decided to gather her kids that night. The patient revealed she had been rationing her insulin. Appearances Posted on February 27, 2023 by how much is tim allen's car collection worth However, Burke left Cristina on the day of their wedding and there was never any contact between them again. She learned the truth about DeLuca being with Jo through Stephanie and went to tell Alex, who had thought that DeLuca was raping a drunk Jo. The two had been in a relationship with Grey learned that Shepherd was married, and a love triangle ensued. Though initially someone else was holding onto the bomb to prevent it from shifting and going off, Meredith Grey stepped in and took hold of the bomb to protect the hospital. Meredith informs Bailey and Catherine on what she did. Though it was said at the meeting that the ER had to close, Meredith got confused when she witnessed Stephanie and Jo exchanging supplies to use in the ER. He said that she had saved him, so she could be whatever she wanted to be to him.