Knowing the manufacturer can also help you to date the bottle. Just a plain clear DEBOSSED Dr Pepper bottle from the 40's in good condition.They were from approx 1934-37 to 1950, same style all the way thru. (Lots of spilled sodas over the years!) Other sodas can try, but only Dr Pepper can crush your craving for flavor Yes! Dr Pepper - 24pk/12 fl oz Cans. (12% off), Sale Price 11.33 Dr pepper, and meet a history of disneyland's refreshment corner. Coca-Cola Bottles The Coca-Cola Co. provides an article about what makes certain Coca-Cola bottles collectible and which ones are the most valuable because of their rarity. The 8 Most Valuable Vintage Soda Bottles in the World For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Very few American companies ever reach out globally. If you decide to put a bottle up for auction, you'll find a few online buyers, but be careful and know who you are dealing with first before any transactions take place. So what makes Zero Sugar different from Diet Dr Pepper? Brockway Green Glass Flask Bottle 75th. If youre a lover of all things vintage then you should definitely see these 8 most valuable vintage soda bottles in the world. I guess Hawaiian soda used to be the term for alcohol. Collectible Soda Bottles (1900-Now) Vintage, Retro & Mid-Century Collectibles (1950s) Coca-Cola Bottles Soda Bottle Caps Royal Crown, Nehi & Diet Rite Advertising Other Coca-Cola Advertising Vernor's Advertising Collectibles More Sports Memorabilia, Fan Shop & Sports Cards Home & Garden Pottery & Glass Show More Color Multi-color(10) Items(10) In the early 1900s, the burgeoning soda industry was made up of local drugstores who mixed and bottled small-batch recipes and delivered them in hand-stenciled crates. It had one of the better packaging and bottles of its time and many that retain good condition fetch a high price today. Lets find out what the first bottle is on our list: This rare bottle comes from the popular destination of Honolulu, Hawaii. Find out more in our Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy. Auckland Museum, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons; Canva. Is Dr Pepper Owned by Coke or Pepsi? - If modern food science can combine Dr Pepper with cream soda flavor and do it without including sugar, anything is possible.   France   |   English (US)   |   (EUR), remembering account, browser, and regional preferences, remembering privacy and security settings, personalized search, content, and recommendations, helping sellers understand their audience, showing relevant, targeted ads on and off Etsy, remember your login, general, and regional preferences, personalize content, search, recommendations, and offers. Talk about an auspicious debut! Recently, a rare Coca-Cola glass bottle from around 1915 was put up for. Though they are not cork-top bottles, the old green NDNR (non-deposit, non-return) Dr. Pepper bottles from the 1960s are worth over $10 each since they are very popular with collectors of soda pop memorabilia. Add your knowledge below. is producing video/web/YouTube series tentatively entitled "Ask Dr. Lori LIVE" (the . $4.58. 12 Pack of 8oz Bottles of Original Dr. Pepper Not Real Sugar Version, but Regular Product Description If you're looking for a soft drink with an authentically different taste, nothing satisfies quite like a Dr Pepper. Here are some aspects to consider when you're estimating whether or not your old bottle might be worth something. Antique Coke Bottles - Sneaker Bar Detroit The numbers 10, 2, and 4 on the old Dr Pepper bottles are a reference to the brands original slogan: Drink a bite to eat at 10, 2, and 4! This slogan was developed to encourage people to drink Dr Pepper three times a day; at breakfast (10 am), lunch (2 pm) and dinner (4 pm). The decision to end the 10-2-4 campaign came at the end of July 1951 when the deadline for submissions for a new ad campaign was midnight on July 31st. Etsy uses cookies and similar technologies to give you a better experience, enabling things like: Detailed information can be found in Etsys Cookies & Similar Technologies Policy and our Privacy Policy. The truth is that Dr Pepper is owned by neither Coke nor Pepsi, even though some Coke and Pepsi plants bottle it. Whatever the reasoning, this fusion of soda sizzle and ice cream sensibilities is a genius move that feels like a drinkable float you can take on the go. RARE OLD DR PEPPER SODA BOTTLE RIBBED Springfield, MO. | eBay If you saved old Coca-Cola bottles, you may be in luck. 24.44, 27.16 There have been a number of once-famous soda brands that no longer exist today. The Untold Truth Of Dr Pepper - Global brand value: most valuable non-alcoholic beverage brands 2022 Bottle Opener Is In Good Used Condition. Looking for bottles from the Hiram Walker Distillery, Blob Top Schlitz, La Goutte-A-Goutte, & Fresnel Lens, Mark found on tapered patent bottle post-1934. Debased Dr Peppers are very common. Korean coca-cola coke in or type number of coke bottles of these coca-cola bottles and early. With cherry and vanilla flavor notes mingling with the original blend and the sugar removed, it's as close to a healthy ice cream sundae as soda has ever come. As for design and size variations, there are many different types available so its best to do some research before making any purchases or sales. Did my cust give me any decent bottles, or did she just have me take away trash. One customized can cooler per Perks member. Today, these numbers serve as an homage to the brands history and remain an important part of its legacy. (15% off), Keep collections to yourself or inspire other shoppers! Marion VA. If any soda flavor should have its sugar left intact, however, cream soda is at the top of the list. The soda company was once one of the most popular companies in the US. **ESPN+ Disclaimer: U.S. only. .css-k807px{-webkit-text-decoration:underline;text-decoration:underline;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:brandColorSenary;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:#006603;-webkit-transition:background .4s ease-in-out,color .4s ease-in-out;transition:background .4s ease-in-out,color .4s ease-in-out;background:linear-gradient(to bottom,#e6f4e1 0,#e6f4e1 100%);-webkit-background-position:0 100%;background-position:0 100%;background-repeat:repeat-x;-webkit-background-size:0 0;background-size:0 0;}.css-k807px:hover{color:#29511A;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;-webkit-background-size:0.625rem 3.125rem;background-size:0.625rem 3.125rem;}Fully restored and in working condition, it retails for $5,500. 3. DR PEPPER IS THE OLDEST MAJOR SOFT DRINK IN AMERICA. Though they are not cork-top bottles, the old green NDNR (non-deposit, non-return) Dr. Pepper bottles from the 1960s are worth over $10 each since they are very popular with collectors of soda pop memorabilia. It was first marketed as a "warmth and . Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for RARE UNOPENED DR. PEPPER SODA 10-2-4 10 OZ GLASS BOTTLE at the best online prices at eBay! Vintage Dr. Pepper Bottle 6 Oz. Thus, after 14 years, the famous 10-2-4 phrase was retired from use in all forms of advertising. Check for any embossing on the bottle, including the manufacturers name or any other text. Before you start bidding on any pieces, try tracking several of the bottles that you are interested in, then see what the final selling price (including shipping) ends up being. The company believed that a new image and slogan would better capture ther modern attitude and appeal to younger customers. I sold it at auction a few months later for a nice profit. However, there is evidence that these bottles may date from the 1830s until about 1870. Photo Credit: Brian Woodcock; Design: Sarah Baugh and Katja Cho, .css-g0owdm{display:block;font-family:Memphis,Georgia,Times,Serif;font-weight:normal;margin-bottom:0.625rem;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-g0owdm:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 40.625rem){.css-g0owdm{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-g0owdm{font-size:1.125rem;line-height:1.2;}}@media(min-width: 61.25rem){.css-g0owdm{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;}}This Christmas Vacation Village Is Just Magical, 60 of the Most Valuable Toys From Your Childhood, You Won't Believe What These Antiques Are Worth, An Update For Our Country Living Fair Community, 40 Things You Should Never Buy at a Thrift Store, Things From the 70s That Could Make You Rich, 55 Things in Your Attic That Are Worth a Lot, These Items Could be Worth So Much Money Today. While none are worthy of being tossed in the proverbial dustbin, there are some choices that make more sense than others. These are definitely things to check out if youre a collector. 26.45, 33.06 Perhaps it's the layering of flavors to distract from what's missing. Dr Pepper : Soda & Pop : Target Dr. Pepper Prices at all Stores - 23 Fascinating Flavors & Recipes Old bottles are only worth what a collector wants to pay for them at a given point in time. Jun 30, 2018 - Explore kenda meats's board "Dr Pepper bottle identification" on Pinterest. There are over 50 diffrent versions of Dr. Pepper available on the market today! by Dr. Lori Verderame. 876. I've personally never owned any antique bottles that were worth more than $100, but I once had one come very close. More than 130 years later, the brand can still be found on shelves and in refrigerated store . We are partnering with The Recycling Partnership and Closed Loop Partners to help collect our valuable bottles through community recycling programs so they can be recycled. Corporate Information - Dr Pepper Musty Moldy Smell. I have a "Good For Life" Dr pepper bottle that has Shreveport LA in block on the bottom and Dr Pepper in script on the base. With modern black and red packaging to add extra visual pep to the various takes on why the name "Pepper" was chosen, high-ranking Dr Pepper Cherry brings a bodacious blast of extra cherry goodness to the 23-flavor blend and turns regular Pepper into a supercharged classic. But there are better versions to be found. Published by M. Ridder , Nov 2, 2022. The History of Dr Pepper and inventor Charles Alderton - ThoughtCo Please. This soda shoppe blend of two classic tastes takes the oldest soft drink in America to a whole new level. These weird, hilarious ads give the whole Pepper collection a kick of wackiness, setting them apart from other soda brands that can take themselves too seriously sometimes. Read our Cookie Policy. Decades later, it produced a version that was free of sugar, too. Bottle Rarity 7. The fact that it can be purchased in glass bottles only adds to the soft-focus remembrance of corner drug stores and soda machines that made you pull the bottles out instead of dropping cans down a chute. We've ranked the 12 Dr Pepper flavors currently in the product line from worst to best to help find the clear winners and the logical runners-up. It is one of the oldest major soft drink brands and has bcome a distinctive part of American culture. The most important factor that influences the value of an antique bottle is its rarity, which is often tied to its age. The Dr Pepper Good For Life on the front is embossed. Antique signs showcase a general rule of thumb for soda collectiblesthe less known the brand, the more valuable the piece. The oldest Dr. Pepper bottles are often priced at $500 to $1,000. The oldest of the groupstubby blue vessels known as "blob tops"debuted in the 1840s and were originally capped with porcelain corks encased in wire. Its possible that it was one of the many bottle companies in Georgia at the time. Bottles in near mint or very good condition have slight wear but are close to perfect and thus worth almost as much as their mint-condition counterparts. You've already signed up for some newsletters, but you haven't confirmed your address. Sales volume of soft drink brands of the. A bottle in mint condition with no chips or cracks will naturally be worth more than one that has been damaged or shows signs of wear over time. Dr Pepper Bottle - Etsy Learn about the factors that affect the bottle's price and how to estimate its value. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 8 oz. Dr Pepper was invented in 1885 in the Old Corner Drug Store in Waco, Texas. kalamazoo to st louis train most valuable dr pepper bottles It is approximately 5 inches tall. Dr Pepper Soda, .5 L bottles, 6 pack - With so many references to check, its easy to interchange or even rule out a few of the selections weve seen. Antique bottle and glass community where collectors, diggers, traders and anybody with an interest in antique bottles meet.. JavaScript is disabled. The beloved proprietary blend of 23 flavors provides a singular taste experience that has helped define the soft drink industry, showing up in everything from jellybeans to ice cream toppings. Original Price 33.06 Wall-mounted temperature gauges began heating up soda marketing in the 1940s. You are using an out of date browser. 6ox."Good for Life" "10-2-4" Embossed. Some of the vintage versions are now going for over $100,000! Since bottles can be very valuable and collectible, knowing the approximate age of a bottle can help you sell them for top dollar. Ginger Ale Vs Sprite Ginger What Is The Difference? Caffeine may not be a flavor, but it's part of the enjoyment that's hard to lose. Country Living editors select each product featured. Antique Bottles: Identification & Valuation Guide $9.99 + $3.89 shipping. But look closely. The heavy 1915 stoneware model from the now-defunct Ginger-Mint Julep (A) can cost up to $4,000. In the 1960s, Dr Pepper won a cola war court case declaring it was free of cola(specifically, the kola nut)and could be marketed next to Coke and Pepsi (via D Magazine). While the competition is testing far-fetched flavor mash-ups that seem pretty hard to swallow space-flavored Coke, anyone? And maybe available in the future, if that time travel theory has legs. Even with the sugar er, high fructose corn syrup removed, this Pepper mix is a heroic attempt at satisfying the selective soda consumer. *Personalization is subject to sponsor's discretion. Updated on July 07, 2019. Dr Pepper was first introduced in 1885 and has since become one of the largest-selling sodas in the world. Pepper lovers have discerned a note of cherry among the proprietary 23-flavor combo since the beverage was introduced. In 1885, in Waco, Texas, a young Brooklyn-born pharmacist named Charles Alderton invented a new soft drink that would soon become known as "Dr Pepper." The carbonated beverage was marketed as having a unique flavor all its own. 42. r/FortWorth. Bottle Design 6. Soda Pops of the 1800s, 1900s, '20s, '30s, '40s, '50s and '60s Vintage Soda Bottles: Making Your Collection Pop | LoveToKnow The Value of Your Collection: An Ultimate Dr Pepper Bottle Price, The Refreshing Taste of Corona Refresca Calories, The Fizzing Truth Behind Mountain Dew and Your Sperm Count. (Future collectors, take note: This year marks the 150th anniversary of the iconic Coca-Cola bottle, and you can sip up its history at Atlanta's High Museum of Art through October 4; You can also search for sold listings and completed listings to see how much various bottles have sold for in the past (or how much they didn't sell for). All 20 oz bottles. Vintage Dr. Pepper Bottle | Collectors Weekly Sure, it's removed caffeine and sugar along the way, and those certainly seem like vital elements. There are some valuable cans and collectible bottles that fetch a very high price as seen in the 7 Most Expensive Sodas in the World. Is it silly to fiddle with a classic that soda lovers cherish just the way it is? The first Dr. Pepper was poured in December of 1885. During the 1960s and 1970s, the company bottled a variety of soft drinks with the Cotton Club name; grape, orange, ginger ale (and a ginger ale called Big Ginger 50/50, cola, root beer, cherry-strawberry, a fruit punch-soda called Tropical Delight and a red pop called Cherikee Red. What kind of font is used? Li'l Sweet reminds us all that soda should be fun, frisky and, yes, a little sweet. Turns out, Dr Pepper's first slogan was indeed, "Drink a bite to eat at 10, 2, and 4!" Does it make total sense to us now? The very first Coke bottles were Hutchinson style bottles - these are extremely rare and date before 1900. How Much Are Rare Dr. Pepper Bottles Worth? - Buy Dr Pepper. Earn Pepper Perks Points. They even get a higher price tag if theyre left unopened. Over the years it has become a staple of American culture and is enjoyed by millions of people around the world. The Dynamic of E and J: A Look at Their Intertwined Fates, Connemara: Irelands Unique Peated Single Malt Whiskey, The Benefits of Ketel One: A Guide to Lower ABV Spirits, The Rich Flavors of Kendall Jackson Vintners Reserve Cabernet Sauvignon 2018. Start by looking for any markings on the bottle to identify the manufacturer. The Legacy of the Colonel E.H. Taylor Jr. There's bound to be one or two that don't demand a second swig. This combination of flavors creates a distinct and delicious taste that has made Dr. Pepper one of the most popular soft drinks in the world. Made of metal, they rusted easily and were also susceptible to mold. Chinese Coca-Cola Bottle Year: 1992 Price: $1,545 Sold: 2020 photo source: Collection Hero This near-mint Coke bottle from 1992 was sold in 2020 for over $1,500. Internationally it was owned by its competitors. It was primarily used as an advertising slogan for radio commercials and billboards, but it also appeared in store displays and magazine ads. Dr Pepper Soda - 8pk/12 fl oz Bottles $4.89When purchased online Out of Stock About this item Highlights UNIQUE TASTE: The 23 signature flavors of Dr Pepper are blended to create one satisfyingly unique beverage.